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中秋国庆黄金周不妨错峰出游 4日出发最省钱--亲稳网络舆情监测室

  今年黄金周,重庆出发至张家界沿线景区的费用翻了一倍多,主要是住宿费用在上涨。 新华社图 Golden week this year,Chongqing start to zhangjiajie scenic spots along the cost more than doubled,Mainly is the accommodation expenses incurred on the rise. The xinhua news agency graph


Along with the Mid-Autumn festival/National Day double festival draws near,Each big travel products almost robbed out order.Travel have ideas but missed the trip to citizens,Might as well travel peak.yesterday,Reporters from part of the travel agency to know,Next month 4 began to,Many line price began"diving",The most than peak can save nearly half expense.


 热门线路满员 住宿价格暴涨 Hot line full strength accommodation prices


"Had better avoid 30,/1/2,/3rd, the four days to travel,Conditional citizens can choose to travel in 30."Travel chongqing company deputy LiaoWei told reporters,So far,Market-saturated swim/Outbound tourism group was full,Outbound tourism only be born sign destination,A few seats left.


From the part of the travel agency feedback information to see,Domestic hainan/Yunnan top tourist line already basic full strength,The tourists mainly gather together in the first four days of the holiday.Thousand friends travel agency meter adjustable head ms. Chen says,National Day holiday this year the first four days playing the most crowded,According to the travel agency monitoring,Chongqing start to zhangjiajie scenic spots along the cost more than doubled,Mainly is the accommodation expenses incurred on the rise."Usually 60 yuan of ordinary hotel standard rooms,Now up to almost 300 yuan a the".


At present,The plane group/The train group registration has basically end,QiCheTuan will have the peak.Ms. Chen told reporters,Generally speaking,Only the plane group/The train group full,Visitors will choose QiCheTuan,She is expected to 28 this month is about to usher QiCheTuan application peak.


 错峰出游 费用最多省一半 Wrong peak travel costs the most save half


From 3 to start the day,Hot line price began to loose,4 prices began to decline significantly,4 ~ 5 days a lot of hot line space/Accommodation is the vacancy.LiaoWei is expected to,the,With group cost may be decreased by 40% ~ 50%.


"The travel agency has received part 4 sunrise swim tourists registration."LiaoWei suggest tourists in 4 sunrise line,Choose five days or so of domestic tourism products the most bang for the buck.


To like cruises citizens,Optional also choose to travel peak.Chongqing new century cruise company vice President LiuYan told reporters,The first four days of holiday"space"Chiang had,From 5 to start the day,There will be part of the seat empty out,"With 4, cheaper than 600 ~ 700 yuan."LiuYan introduced.


An anonymous travel agency sources,This double festival is road tolls relief after the first long vacation,Leading is expected to number will usher in an unprecedented peak,Suggest drive tourists travel peak.


According to the ctrip monitoring data,Three days before the golden week travel crowd most centralized,Price is also the highest,Many travel agencies of popular products have been sold out,If you travel to avoid the rush,Or can save the cost of nearly half.For example,Start from chongqing"Very sanya five-star 5th freedom ride"route,The Mid-Autumn festival to October 3 sunrise hair,Offer is more than 3300 yuan,After 3, quickly dropped to 2000 yuan,National Day holiday then return to 1800 yuan,A drop more than 50%.


周边景区 “腾”位迎错峰游客 Scenic spots in the surrounding "Those who"A meet wrong peak tourist


Additional temporary parking lot,Additional suite,A lot of scenic spots in the surrounding recently are working on ways to as temporary registration fault peak tourist the arrangement of accommodation.


WuLong increases the ten thousand beds,And in each big attractions surrounding temporary set up a batch of the parking lot,For the extra passenger flow during the festival to prepare.WuLong karst company deputy HuangDaoSheng says,This ten thousand beds are basically"Family hotel",According to the specifications of the houses to charge,Average price is in 200 yuan or so,Is highest do not exceed 400 yuan.


HuangDaoSheng revealed,Currently the can provide nearly 30000 tourists beds,Have reservation for nearly half,At the same time can accept 8000 sets of self-driving park.


Sichuan mount emei scenic spot the relevant person in charge of Mr Zhou yesterday also told business newspaper reporters,At present,The hotel has been booked by 50% ~ 60%,To mount emei scenic area of nearly 8 to be drive visitors,There are most tourists used to temporary arrange travel plans,Therefore scenic area has been reserved some beds.According to introducing,Mount emei scenic area single day receive the tourists can reach 50000-60000 people,Can receive 40000 people accommodation.


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   9月30日零时至10月7日24时,高速公路将对七座(含七座)以下小客车免费开放。对于即将到来的国庆长假高速公路车流高峰,如何错开高峰期、选择适宜的出行日期、合适的自驾线路和目的地成为一项迫在眉睫的"节前工作"。  做好心理准备:长假里每天都是高峰期!

On September 30th zero hour to 10 July 24 when,Highway will be seven seat(Contains seven seat)The following car open for free.For the upcoming National Day long vacation highway traffic flow peak,How to stagger the rush hour/Choose appropriate travel date/The right drive circuit and destination become an imminent"Preganglionic work".Mentally prepared:Holiday every day is rush hour!


The high speed for free,Cars can't estimate,Every day will be rush hour.Leading net friend might as well choose start sooner or later,To avoid rush hour traffic,In order to save a travel time.


搜狐旅游预测: Sohu tourism prediction:


Long holiday early,More than small vehicles,Large vehicle less.


Middle and long,Large tour vehicles started to increase.At the same time,Early on the vehicle is relatively more,In the middle,The high-speed return vehicles increased.[详细 detailed

