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海南:进岛游客同比增3成 自驾游乡村游火热--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室

  南海网海口10月2日消息(南海网记者符泽亢)10月2日,南海网记者从海南省假日旅游协调领导小组办公室获悉,中秋国庆长假的第三天,海南的进岛游客同比增长三成以上,加上天高气爽、温度适宜,全省到处可见全家出游的景象,三亚的自驾车比往年增加明显。 South China sea network haikou October 2 news(South China sea network reporter FuZeKang)On October 2,,South China sea network reporters from hainan holiday tourism coordination of leading group office,Mid-Autumn festival National Day holiday on the third day,Hainan island visitors into a year-on-year increase of thirty percent above,And the days of high gas cool/temperature,The family everywhere travel sight,Sanya self-driving than usual increase obviously.


进岛旅客同比增长三成以上 Into the island passenger year-on-year growth of thirty percent


According to the statistics,Today the province port 67863 people,Year-on-year growth of 31.22%,Clearance 41952 people,6.41% year-on-year drop.the,Haikou meilan airport port 13680 people,3.65% year-on-year drop,Clearance 14228 people,Year-on-year growth of 0.76%;Sanya phoenix airport port 17791 people,Year-on-year growth of 28.22%,Clearance 13064 people,Year-on-year growth of 14.07%;Haikou port port 36392 people,Year-on-year growth of 53.92%,Clearance 14660 people,23.85% year-on-year drop.


10 scenic spot(point)Sampling survey,The total number of tourists received 79884 people,Year-on-year growth of 46.85%,Total tickets income is 5.1807 million yuan,Year-on-year growth of 78.71%.21 hotels sampling survey,Reception total number 7679 people,9.26% year-on-year drop,Team number 3004 people,26.96% year-on-year drop,Revenue of RMB 5.4912 million yuan,Year-on-year growth of 11.53%.


海口乡村游火热 三亚自驾车比往年增加明显 Haikou rural tourism hot self-driving sanya than usual increase obviously


On October 2,,The general public and to hainan tourism domestic and foreign tourists"dynamic"up,Flock to each scenic spot,Experience of the diversification of hainan tourism.


Haikou holiday beach filled with a large number of visitors,Tourists received about 20000 passengers,jollification.Haikou rural tourism also unusually hot,Ten tourism name village day to receive nearly visitors,Today, dragon scale village received nearly 60 vehicles from driving and coach.


With the increase of the vehicle into port,Plus hainan island from motorists,This day sanya self-driving than usual increase obviously.Nanshan cultural tourism reception today since 2000 vehicle-timeses driving,National Day since the start of the Mid-Autumn festival holiday, it has received since 4300 vehicle-timeses driving,From this day is expected to,Traffic in our province will gradually enter the peak.


Sanya more scenic tourists are more than 10000 people,Yalong bay tropical paradise forest park received 10800 tourists,Year-on-year growth of 8%;Nanshan cultural tourism received 16700 tourists,Year-on-year growth of 9.87%;Yalong bay forest park received 10800 tourists,Year-on-year growth of 8%.Qionghai ushered in the visitors small high tide,Boao tourist area, it has received 20800 tourists,Year-on-year growth of 43%.


三亚开房率为81.26% 预计仍保持高位运行 Sanya KaiFangLv 81.26% is expected to remain high operation


Sanya tourist hotel room occupancy rates reaching continue to go up,Today is 81.26%,Increased by 10.43% than yesterday.According to the current trend,Recently, is expected to tourist hotel room occupancy rates reaching still are likely to remain high.


According to the provincial meteorological station forecast,Tropical storm"Lattice beauty"Will give hainan bring large range precipitation,According to the provincial SanFangBan[About start defense typhoon level IV emergency response of the notice],Hainan province county cities all attach great importance to,Requirements related departments ahead of hurricane flood control and emergency preparatory work.

  今天,全省各级旅游管理部门坚守岗位,据统计,省旅游质量监督管理所共接听电话57个,其中咨询类37个,投诉类20个,已协调解决2宗。没有重大事故报告,无重大交通拥堵情况发生。 (来源:南海网)

today,The tourism administrative departments at all levels to post,According to the statistics,Provincial tourism quality supervision and management, a total of 57 answering the phone,The consultative 37,Complaints class 20,Already to coordinate and solve the 2 cases.No major accident report,No major traffic jams happen. (source:South China sea network)
