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广州一市民日前结账离开酒店后,发现被酒店扣了款 Guangzhou a citizen has check out the hotel,The discovery of the button
持卡人最好在结算时明确要求酒店现场撤销预授权 At the end of the best hotel is clear about the request the pre authorization cancellation
The Spring Festival travel,Staying in a hotel is a must.Many people will have such experience,you,If you choose to use credit card guarantee transaction,Will first credit freeze a part of the capital,To check out again brush for actual payment,Before then the card the action is equivalent to provide a pre authorization,Payment to cancel the pre authorization.Pre authorization is unionpay special offer their a function,Can remove the cardholder to carry large amounts of cash trouble,Also prevent hotel being eaten"Overlord meal",But if you do not pay attention to,Cardholder can also for pre authorization no cancellation by the businessman forced deduction,White-collar miss li recently met with such disputes.
结账后仍被扣20元 After the check is still button twenty yuan
Miss li told reporters,Some time ago to the company to open a hotel in huizhou annual meeting,Through the travel agency all payments,you,The hotel said that in order to prevent the occurrence of some additional charges,Ask her to use credit card brush 1000 yuan deposit pre authorization to do.Due to the hotel at ordinary times basically will have these requirements,Miss li didn't care,Gave a pre authorization.The next day when check-out,No charge for produce,Miss li is remind hotel cancel the pre authorization,The hotel was agreed,But not in front of her face to cancel the operation.Miss li and leave the hotel,But in return the car,The hotel phone suddenly said,In the room and found a pillowcase smear,Require payment of twenty yuan upto,Need to deduct her card.
Miss li was not agree.She thinks,If there is a problem,Why not put forward to,Guest check out before to deduct money,Already can't verify hotel said is true.She refused to pay for it,And ask the hotel and travel agency bargaining.But it didn't take long,Miss li is received SMS display,Her credit card was subtract twenty yuan.
"Credit card consumption not all signature confirmation?I did not sign,Why the hotel can do STH without authorization from my credit card deduct money?If because a pre authorization,So just from my card buckle,That the cardholder's capital is not very safe,Businesses want to button button?"Miss li is very puzzled.
取消预授权后仍可能被扣款 Cancel the pre authorization still may be deduct money
The yangcheng evening news reporter ask the bank.China merchants bank credit card center say,Pre authorization by the card holder is so merchants permission freeze its card in part funding for a payment guarantee,Once produced pre authorization,Kanye corresponding funds will be frozen,To check the actual consumption amount deducted after,Surplus fund will be"thaw",The corresponding limit will be released.Generally speaking,Pre authorization after cancellation,Merchants can't literally from card deduction,But not out of the disputes arising from consumption,Even if the pre authorization has been revoked,Merchant is still possible from cardholder account deduct money.Miss li, like this,May the hotel itself is not for the pre authorization cancellation,In the pre authorization is still effective cases,Merchants can still frozen line from the deduction.
so,Why miss li and no signature confirmation consumption,The hotel can delimit her money??Unionpay staff explained,The generation of pre authorization the service,The main thing is to give the hotel/Hotel such merchants to provide payment security,Avoid guests don't check it"Go guy"situation.Generally speaking,After the occurrence of the actual payment,Do the preliminary authorization to cancel,Merchants can't literally from the cardholder account for deduction.But in an error when trading transactions or disputes,Even if cancelled pre authorization,Merchants can still from the cardholder account deduction,Without through the cardholder signature."Of course,This process merchants to accept single institution must be conclusive evidence,Confirmed the deal of the real and actual amount,The whole process is very strict,Won't appear disorderly deduct money situation."The people think,Miss li, like this,It belongs to the category of trade disputes,If you have questions about the deduction,Miss li can contact their hairpin bank and merchants negotiate to solve.
预授权终止有时效 Termination of pre authorization is aging
Termination of pre authorization is aging is also need to pay attention to the problem.Reporters refer to past the report also found,Ningbo after Mr Yang also met already check out hotel/But the hotel charge 325 yuan of things,Reason is that the hotel party said Mr Yang left,Found that he broke a cup,According to the corresponding amount to deduct money.Mr. Yang insists he did not break the cup,After many negotiations,The hotel was returned to the deduction of 325 yuan.
this,Bankers say,Cardholder from the shop use cash or credit card payment,Hotel merchant should launch pre authorization cancel transactions,Issuers would immediately thaw pre authorization amount,Then consumption should be cardholder signature confirmation.If the merchant did not launch pre authorization cancel transactions,The card issuers pre authorization from the trade date, only 31 to pre authorization amount of freezing"Natural thaw",Merchants in the thaw effectiveness for a given period of time still can be deduction operation.So at the end of the best can clear requirements hotel site for preliminary license revoked,This can be timely release himself"freezing"Credit limit,Also can avoid merchant in the bank before the confirmation to continue other operation.
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