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墨西哥旅游局公布2013中国市场战略 Mexico released 2013 China tourism marketing strategy

  承北美破2百万人次关口望今年增3成客量 On looking North America break 2 million mark this year to add 3 into storage

  (发自广州)墨西哥旅游局6日在广州墨西哥驻广州总领馆的新闻发布会上公布, 2013年的中国市场推广策略将以与旅行社合作组团项目和中国各地区路演为主,全力在美洲游大受中国旅客欢迎之际,抢占中国出境市场,并期望今年的中国访客量可以增加30%,已持有美国签证的旅游者无需墨西哥签证,可直接入境墨西哥旅游。墨西哥旅游局同步也参与了广州旅交会,进一步与中国业内旅行社交流。

(From guangzhou)Mexican ambassador to guangzhou consulate general in guangzhou tourism bureau 6, Mexico announced at a news conference, Marketing strategy of China in 2013 will to cooperate with travel agencies group project and China regional roadshow,To swim in America big popular with Chinese tourists,China outbound market,And expect visitors to China can be increased by 30% this year,Already hold a U.S. visa tourist visa without having to Mexico,Can be directly into Mexico tourism.Mexico's tourism synchronization also participated in the fair in guangzhou,Further communication with China travel industry.

  在墨西哥旅游局的大力宣传下,中国到访墨西哥的人数在过去叁年迅速攀升,增长30%。旅游局希望利用现时美洲对华的利好签证政策,于2013年争取30%的增长率。墨西哥大使馆旅游参赞美丽(Militza Latapí)表示,今天的推广策略仍会以北上广和香港为主,重点开发蜜月游、商务奖励、高端游等产品,在休闲团组游方面,将会以玛雅文化、自然奇观、世界文化遗产为主。

Under the Mexico tourism publicity,China visit to Mexico in the past three years the number of rapidly rising,Growth of 30%.Tourism administration is hoping to use current American policy to China for visa,For the growth rate of 30% in 2013.Mexican embassy travel counsellor beauty(Militza Latapi)said,Today's promotion strategy is still in the north of wide and Hong Kong,Key development honeymoon trip/Business award/High-end tourism products,In terms of leisure group Tours,Will be in the mayan culture/Natural wonders/The world cultural heritage.

  “中国及墨西哥的航空条件渐成熟,现在有上海去墨西哥的直航,从北京、广州和香港中转美国或加拿大到墨西哥的选择也非常多。我们有信心中国旅客会选择别具风情的墨西哥。” 前往墨西哥的中国旅客可以申请个人、ADS团组或商务签证,签证可达5到10年多次入境,也是墨西哥积极争取的回头客源。

"The air conditions mature to China and Mexico,Now there is Shanghai direct flights to Mexico,From Beijing/Transit in guangzhou and Hong Kong is also very many choice for the United States or Canada to Mexico.We have the confidence to Chinese travelers will choose does not have amorous feelings of Mexico." Chinese travelers can apply for individual travel to Mexico/ADS team or business visa,Multiple entry visa can be up to five to 10 years,Mexico is also positive win back customers.

  墨西哥驻广州总领使David Renato Nájera Rivas表示,墨西哥丰富的旅游资源让该国对开拓中国市场充满信心:“墨西哥是拉美的门户国家,占据地理战略优势。到访过墨西哥的游客有高达98%的满意率,且97%会是回头客。墨西哥是世界十大目的地之一。跟中国一样,我们的古老文化长达三千年历史。国内我们有31个世界遗产,4万多个考古地点,62个民族,美丽的海滩和豪华的度假村及精致的墨西哥美食,一定令中国游客有一个难忘经验。”

Mexico's ambassador to guangzhou master make David Renato Najera Rivas said,Mexico's rich tourism resources to the country to develop the Chinese market is full of confidence:"Mexico was the door to Latin American countries,Geographic strategic advantage.The satisfaction of tourists have visited Mexico is as high as 98%,And 97% will be repeat customers.Mexico is one of the top ten destinations in the world.Just like China,Our old culture for three thousand years of history.We had 31 world heritage sites in China,More than 40000 archaeological sites,62 ethnic groups,Beautiful beaches and luxurious resorts and delicate Mexican food,Must make Chinese tourists have a unforgettable experience."


Given China's visitors to ascend,Mexico will start local authentication Chinese tour guide,And hold training for the tourist trade,Goal is to improve the quality of the reception of Chinese passenger service.
