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旅途“新乱象”:包机游质量差 价格战为噱头--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室
Online travel website is emerging industry in recent years,In addition,Choose plane as the journey transportation is becoming more and more popular with tourists.Compared to the scenic spot/Travel agencies, etc."The old word generation",The two industry also becomes more and more attention in recent years frequently exposed out of the mess,Reflects the shortcomings and the insufficiency of the development of the industry.
在线旅游:价格战=噱头? Online travel:Price = stunt?
相关案例 在线旅游网站的快速发展一直是旅游行业的焦点,迅速膨胀的群体中鱼龙混杂。激烈的竞争使得在线旅游吹起了价格战的号角,众多网站先后宣布投入巨额资金进入价格战。
Case related to the rapid development of online travel sites has been the focus of the tourism industry,Rapid expansion of good and evil people mixed up in groups.Intense competition for online travel blows the horn of a price war,Many sites has announced plans to invest large sums into a price war.
recently,Before continuing to order hotel cashback promotion after,A large tourist website announced the beginning"Booking a flight,Return the cash"activity,As long as the north connect consumers to online booking, etc. More than 3000 flights originating in six,Can obtain maximum 715 yuan cash returns,however,This activity has recently questioned by consumers,Refers to the cash back after,Prices is still higher than the airline's website.
In addition to the chaos of the price war,Saliva and the case manager is also one of the characteristics of the online travel.On January 25,,Where net send letter,Accused of ctrip price selling from where to purchase cheap hotel,But a"being".For this,Ctrip said is where to the hype.
专家点评 据媒体报道,国家旅游局正在研究制定《在线旅游经营规范和监管办法》有望于今年9月前完成。中国旅游研究院副研究员杨彦锋表示,在线旅游行业的标准和相关法律法规是比较滞后的,《在线旅游经营规范和监管办法》的发布将对整个行业的监管和约束起到作用。此外,在选择产品时,不应只注重价格,还要考虑后续服务等因素。另外,度假产品的电子化销售还应有一定的诚信担保系统,此外,还应避免落入钓鱼网站的陷阱。
Expert review, according to media reports,The national tourism administration is studying[Online travel business norms and regulations]Is expected to be completed by September this year.China's tourism research institute associate researcher Yang Yanfeng said,Online travel industry standard and relevant laws and regulations is relatively lagging,[Online travel business norms and regulations]Release to the industry regulation and constraints play a role.In addition,When choosing products,Should not only pay attention to the price,Consider such factors as the follow-up service.In addition,Holiday sales of electronic products shall also have the certain credit guarantee system,In addition,Should also avoid the trap of falling into a phishing site.
达人支招 选择具有品牌知名度的正规网站购买产品,保留好付款凭证,以备将来落入消费陷阱时维护自己的权益。
's action to choose a brand of formal website to buy product,Keep a good proof of payment,For future when trapped consumption to maintain their own rights and interests.
航空:包机游=质量差? aviation:Outbound charter = quality is poor?
相关案例 “包机”出游因为航班延误导致行程变动,领队和导游又以“旺季”为由私自改变行程,所有的节奏被打乱。陈先生就在春节遭遇到了这样的经历。陈先生认为,自己的权益受到了损害,现在很多廉价航空公司包揽“包机游”市场,让大家对这一产品的质量开始表示严重质疑。
Related to the case "Charter flights"Because travel delays cause a change in the schedule,Team leader and guides to again"The peak season"Grounds to change schedule,All of the rhythm.Mr. Chen is encountered this experience during the Spring Festival.Mr. Chen think,Their own rights and interests have been harmed,Now a lot of cheap airlines"Outbound charter"The market,Let everyone in the quality of the products start serious questions said.
In addition to the direct flights stopping,Flight delays/Passengers were deprived of their right to know the first time/Stranded passengers resettlement plan events, and factors such as incomplete and aviation industry"No time bomb",Affect consumer confidence in the airline and the benign development of the industry as a whole.In addition,Passengers and airlines such as passengers rushing the apron for rights friction also happen from time to tome.
专家点评 Expert review作为航空行业监管的相关部门,应出台能够切实有效、细致全面、以旅客为第一出发点的维权法律法规。近些年来,虽然国内航空公司在服务方面有很大进步。但准点率不高等因素依然是引发乘客与航空公司纠纷的重要因素,因此,如何依托良好的经营管理,提升服务的品质是摆在航空领域的一个课题。
As the aviation industry regulatory departments,Should be introduced to practical and effective/Meticulous and overall/Begins with the first of the passenger's rights protection laws and regulations.In recent years,Although there has been a great improvement in domestic airlines in terms of service.But don't deliver higher factor is still an important factor of passengers and airlines disputes,so,How to rely on good management,Improving the quality of service is on a topic in the field of aviation.
达人支招 Talent show "action包机游是目前风头正劲的旅游产品,包机直飞、价格优惠等都是包机游产品的优势,选择包机游产品时应注意选择大型、知名旅行社。此外,当遇到航班延误等问题时,理性地与航空公司服务人员沟通,争取妥善解决。
Outbound charter is the limelight of tourism products,Chartered direct flights to/Price concessions are outbound charter product advantage,Choose products should pay attention to choose large outbound charter/Well-known travel agency.In addition,When flight delays and other problems,Communicate with the airline service rationally,Strive for the proper solution.
晨报记者 康健
The morning paper reporter is healthy
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