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给中国红十字会的一封信 To the Red Cross society of China of a letter
我的宝贝儿子不幸去世,因为无法抢救是他的命运。但全国不知有多少患者(可以救治)却得不到有效救治,不知有多少患者因 缺少必要的器官来接引再生。我儿子钟腾瑜的遗体中若有什么器官能够救治患者的话,我愿意将他全部器官捐献。这样我知道我 儿子某部分肉体还活在世上,让那些患难者起死回生,我的心灵就会得到安慰。
My son died,Because can't rescue is his fate。But the national don't know how many patients(Can cure)But no effective treatment,Don't know how many patients due to lack of necessary organs to meet lead regeneration。My son ZhongTeng yu in the body of the if there be any organ can cure patients words,I'm willing to put his whole organ donation。So I know my son a part of the body still live in the world,Let those who HuanNanZhe back,My heart will be comforted。
I also hope that in all the victims are donated organs to save the useful of patients,Let them all back,the。
广西省融安县东起乡崖脚屯 钟腾瑜的父亲钟瑞芳 2012年6月8日
Guangxi RongAn county east up township cliff jade to father ZhongTeng feet tuen ZhongRuiFang on June 8, 2012
This is a career full of contradictions。Outside the operating,They wait forever is death,But it is new;In the ICU ward,They persuaded is give up but is holding,Give up treatment,Stick to the donor's wishes;They bring the family is despair,But it is hope。This is a professional“Human organ donation coordinator”,From the Red Cross is and medical institutions of the volunteer。In March 2010, China formally start human organ donation of pilot projects,The professional caused。
In these coordinator of the effort,Starting from the pilot until march,The national organ donation 207 cases were done,Big organ donation of 546,Save more than 540 dying life。However as the matching is,Every year across nearly 1.5 million need organ transplant patients。
Digital gap between the contrast,Is the organ donation coordinator of the hard road before,They hope that this work will get policy support and more people of understanding。
June 9,,45 years old ZhongTeng yu lay on the table。
On one side of the head like a breathing machine had a close as,This is his and the world with only contact。
He has brain dead。Green cloth covers the whole body disinfection。
After a minute's silence,ZhongTeng yu's heart、liver、kidney、Cornea is out in succession。
Next door in the operating room,Four patients are waiting for ZhongTeng yu gave rebirth of opportunities。
Shenzhen organs PengXuanXiang witnessed the whole process coordinator。This is in the hands of the 29 cases of his successful organ donation。
As a donor organ with donations of hospital between the coordinators,They want to propaganda organ donation knowledge,Assist recovery until the body organs to be cremated。They accompany with donors gone last journey。
“替他活下去” “Live for him”
YuanDeZhen decided to donate son's organs,She wished to have a child can take son grew up part of the body
This journey from the ICU often hospital(Intensie care unit)Began to。
Because the organ transplant operation on organ of fresh sex requirement,Donation is sudden brain death more than a winner。For example the traffic accident,Cerebral haemorrhage。They no spontaneous breathing,Only on the ventilator to maintain。
10 years old TianGan lie in the ICU inside after more than four months,His mother YuanDeZhen dialed gao min phone。
Gao min is shenzhen organs coordinator。Her usual is dressed up,White T-shirt,Emblazoned with the sign of the Red Cross volunteers,Back cushion a white towel absorb sweat;A few jins heavy backpack,The inside is relevant organ donation information。
Organs of the telephone printed in the Red Cross coordinator will organ donation brochure。Gao min 24 hours waiting for organ donation on the phone。Behind every phone has a heavy story。
In YuanDeZhen to gao min before you call,She didn't even know what remains。
Organ donation books are there remains this option,The work of rural women to shenzhen,Timid asked,“What remains?”
Eventually she donated the son all organs。January 2012,YuanDeZhen husband and son in a car accident。Her husband died on the spot,TianGan son a coma。
“我一直想着会有奇迹。” 袁德珍每天给田干翻身、擦洗,说说以前一家五口开心的事。田干没有任何知觉,“身子摆成什么样就是什么样。”
“I've been thinking about will be a miracle。” YuanDeZhen a day to TianGan rolling、scrubbing,Talk about a happy family before。TianGan without any consciousness,“The body place into what kind is what kind of。”
The diagnosis is brain dead,The doctor advised YuanDeZhen give up,But she doesn't want to let go of the last hope。Hear HuangYuanYuan girl with ward until after the death of the brain,Her father HuangHongLin donated her organs,YuanDeZhen suddenly feel,Maybe son can also by another way to live。
YuanDeZhen asked,Can organ to children?She wished to have a child can take TianGan part of the body,Grew up a bit。“For TianGan see the world,Live for him。”
Gao min said,In shenzhen organ donor often is the field of migrant workers。They want to very simple,As YuanDeZhen said,I lost relatives,Don't want to let others be that hurts。
She said,“High elder sister,The pain was too painful”。
最艰难的割舍 The most difficult though
When to sign for the daughter to forgo treatment agreement,HuangHongLin hesitate,He building to go around the room for three hours,Finally it,His hand has been shaking
The families of the organ coordinators and meet for the first time is very important。A tiny details of it will be possible to change the choice of family members。
In this moment of pain,They become sensitive。Gao min see YuanDeZhen first thing,“Sister I'll help you。”YuanDeZhen once think something to depend on。
Because women are,Gao min will be more sensible。Sometimes she hugged families cry。
And the method is PengXuanXiang habits,When to see a group of family members,PengXuanXiang will to find“Talk can master”,Because it helps to persuade him。PengXuanXiang found,The more the more often family members said,The family members of the present fewer is easy to persuade success。
Shenzhen another organ GaoZhengRong coordinator,Is more willing to explain the donor can get??????,Can let the family members to weigh the decision。He often said a word,“You can get the whole social respect。”
But even the most liberal of the most determined family also often unpredictable,Though this will encounter inner repeated again。
Yellow HuangHongLin round father,Daughter in ICU bench outside the room living for almost a month。He everyday to the Red Cross contribution materials,“Would see,Would become speechless。”
finally,He signed a organ donation agreement。
But when to sign for the daughter to forgo treatment when the agreement,HuangHongLin hesitate。This pen down,He knew,What all return not to come over。
Two to three hours,Personal HuangHong skilling around the ward building whoaaa... go。
The last time,HuangHongLin sign words,Hand has been shaking。
And HuangHongLin as,YuanDeZhen at the last moment also can't make up my mind。In the corridor outside her room of the bed for a long time,Over and over again, with his eyes closed the TianGan life from the thought of the tail。
“Give the irrelevant,I feel a bit distressed。”Want to several hours,YuanDeZhen thought of night before a dreamed that two dish a little snake。TianGan of snake,Two small snake may mean that TianGan can live in others it。
The eyes,See gao min standing in bedside,YuanDeZhen sighed,“Signed it。”
But some hesitate to change the final results。
As for organ donor,After stopped heart every minute of every second is a key point。According to introducing,Organs of time is allowed to hot ischemia:Heart 3 or 4 minutes,Liver 5-8 minutes,Kidney 30 minutes,Bone and cornea is 24 hours。
Shenzhen of an old the traffic police,Was called in all organs donated。His lover a call。Gao min arrived from nine in the morning,Until midnight 2 family members still hesitate。When family members when ready to agree,Organs have not gifts。Finally only contributed body and cornea。
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