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专家称禁男同献血操作性低 解禁女同为接轨国际--亲稳网络舆情监测室


From this month,Our country lifted a ban on executive for 14 years:Don't accept a lesbian donated blood。And for gay men blood donation act,Still be stopped。


Published by the new《Blood donors health inspection requirements》Why to female gay ban blood donation act?Why is still limited gay men blood donation act?Blood stations can detect the AIDS virus blood donors?New rule to whether be operable?


yesterday,This dialogue discrimination rights experts army、The people's university of China WangGuiSong administrative law experts。


“If those infected in the window period virus blood donation,With the present technology cannot tell whether in the blood with HIV/AIDS。Strengthen blood screening efforts,Is eliminate discrimination、Equality is the effective method to treat people。”


京华时报:新规实施后引发热议,作为反歧视方面的公益人士,如何看待此事? Jinghua times:After the implementation of the new rule to cause of hot debate,As the public prejudice against people,How to look at it?


army:And promulgated in 2001《Blood donors health inspection requirements》compared,new《Blood donation requirements》Would gay ban blood donation to male actors banned blood donation,In a manner of speaking,Is a kind of progress。The new rules to allow women to gay blood donation,To reflect the society of gay tolerance。But will the male behavior can be excluded from the outside of the blood donors,For some gay men speaking,Could exacerbate the public to gay men fears。Can say is both progress,Have drawbacks,!


京华时报:血站能否检测出献血者血液里的HIV病毒? Jinghua times:Blood stations can detect the blood donors HIV?


army:At present,Science and technology level of blood donors can be tested,Thus the side with HIV、Syphilis, the virus blood。But HIV virus have the window period(The so-called window period,Refers to the first enter human body to produce HIV can detect the virus antibody of time,Usually two weeks for three months,Up to six months),If those infected in the window period virus blood donation,With the present technology cannot tell whether in the blood with HIV/AIDS。But it can be considered whether blood gay their blood stored six months after the test,Detection through to again after Treasury。


and,The current unknown infectious disease a lot,If each appear a vicious infectious disease will increase some banned blood donation of the population,This can never be fully guarantee the safety offer blood。Strengthen blood screening efforts,Is eliminate discrimination、Equality is the effective method to treat people。


京华时报:为女同性恋者献血解禁是何原因? Jinghua times:For lesbians ban blood donation is why?


army:Gay men with HIV rate than the ordinary person wants tall,But a lesbian spread HIV through blood and the risk of disease transmission chance than ordinary people is not high。May be out of and the international practice consideration,The new rules issued from a lesbian shall not to donate blood ban。


In fact,Gay and blood donation does not exist between opposing relationship,The key lies in the man's behavior。Gay men if no male behavior,Or to secure ways to make gay sex,Will not spread HIV and other risk of disease。so,The new rule to explicitly,Ban male actors to donate their blood,And single gay men is not in the list of banned blood donation。


京华时报:国外是否有禁止男男性行为者献血的规定? Jinghua times:Whether there is banned foreign male actors blood donation rules?


army:some。For example in the United States,Gay men blood donation is banned,From this point it,The new rules in line with international practice。


In fact,Banning gay blood donation operational problems,Is a worldwide problem,At present there is no perfect in the world of the solution。


■人物 S characters


陆 军 Continental army


Discrimination: RenPing charity Beijing central executive member of the council,2003 years begin to engage in legal rights protection against discrimination、Legislation advocate。Once agent and assist the anti discrimination lawsuit over 50 up,Including China the first case of women employment discrimination case looks、China's first case of female workers hepatitis b discrimination case、China's first case of gay prosecution blood donation discrimination case。Assist more than ten National People's Congress、The Chinese people's political consultative conference to write the discrimination bill、Proposals and Suggestions。


王贵松 WangGuiSong


Chinese people's university law school associate professors,Doctor of law。The main research fields of traditional administrative law and individual modern problem,And the constitution of individual core problems and some edge problems。Was in charge of“The justice of administrative discretion”“Strength of judicial review of administrative discretion”And so on many people's university of China science research fund projects。,《Administrative trust protection theory》《Administrative and civil dispute intertwined problems》Three part teaching materials such as。


■关键词 S keywords


男同性恋者禁献血 Gay men the blood donation


July 1,,The health ministry《Blood donors health inspection requirements》Formally implementing,The new rules to the relevant provisions of the gay blood donation the revised。The new rules points out that,Easy infection through blood spread the disease at higher risk,If have illicit drugs、Male behavior and multiple partners man will not allow the blood donation。According to the new rule,Female homosexual behavior was of blood donation“lifted”。


“The new rules operability is low,But there are also enforced force,Offenders may assume certain legal responsibility,But the penalties prescribed in the actual exist in the process of great difficulties。”


京华时报:从行政法的角度来看,您认为新规的改动是否合理? Jinghua times:From the point of view of the administrative law,Do you think that the new rule changes is reasonable?


WangGuiSong:New rule to improve blood donation upper age limit、Increase XianXieLiang range of options、Allow a lesbian blood donation, etc,Has certain rationality。But its still banned male actors to donate their blood,Have to infringe upon the suspicion of privacy,Also on gay men is a kind of discrimination。


According to the new rules,Blood donors in blood donation to tell the blood bank before informed of his detailed information,Including is gay,This action has infringed gay suspected of privacy。After all, in the present society concept,Some gay to their sexual orientation told the stranger。But according to the new rules,Gay blood donation to truthfully inform the doctor,Adverse to protect its individual privacy,Also alleged discrimination male homosexuals。


京华时报:新规禁止男男性行为者献血,实际中如何操作? Jinghua times:The new rules ban male actors to donate their blood,Practice how to operate?


WangGuiSong:Personally I think its feasibility is low。With the present technology,Nothing can detect someone is gay,Can only rely on active told donors。Blood sampling personnel to blood donors can only rely on the information and its recent body and living conditions of the questionnaire of blood donors to learn information。Unable to verify the authenticity of information in the blood donors,If gay men conceal the truth,Blood sampling personnel also couldn't tell。


The current domestic situation,Except a few bold show like same-sex gay outside,Most gay more low-key,Only close relatives or friends know the details,Even even relatives also don't know its real sexual orientation of gay。so,Whether the heart blood donors gay men exist great difficulties,Its feasibility is low。


京华时报:既然操作性较低,为何卫生部仍然出台该项规章? Jinghua times:Since the operation is low,Why health ministry issued the regulations still?


WangGuiSong:The health ministry announced the execution of the new《Blood donation requirements》Although belonging to rules and categories,But there are also enforced force,Offenders may assume certain legal responsibility。The health ministry may be considering the domestic、The present status of international,Need to show that a kind of attitude,In order to ensure that the blood in the availability and safe use,Limit high-risk groups to donate their blood。


京华时报:这种强制执行力如何落实,是否有明确的处罚规定? Jinghua times:The compulsory execution how to implement,Whether there is a clear punishment regulations?


WangGuiSong:In the new《Blood donation requirements》No specific punishment regulations,Not only is a regulation required to fill in the person,Because of their blood provoke adverse consequences,In accordance with the law shall bear some responsibility。The laws and regulations of the main basis《The People's Republic of contagious diseases》《Blood stations management measures》etc。


In fact the penalties prescribed in the actual exist in the process of great difficulties。Such as gay men hide identity to donate their blood,Unless caused adverse consequences,Otherwise very difficult to find,There was no way is punished。(Reporter ZhouQi practice reporter LinLouHong our newspaper cartoons XieYao)
