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专家:眼保健操有保健作用 防治近视效果需验证--亲稳网络舆情监测室


recently,Netizens in micro bo said:“Eye exercises destroying China youth 49 years......Massage acupuncture had no effect,Doing eye exercises can't improve vision,Many students with dirty hands to massage jealous、Eye infections, etc。”


Eye exercises can control myopia?To the eyes have damage?Teen-agers myopia rate continues to rise why?The reporter interviewed concerned expert and school teachers and students。

  眼保健操有用吗? Eye exercises useful?


Can alleviate eye fatigue,Have health care function;Prevent myopia effect need to test and verify


The first set of eye exercises by Beijing medical college in 1963(Now the Beijing university health science)The teaching of sports LiuShiMing started。After an eye specialist improvement,1982 by the ministry of education and other 10 ministries to national promotion and continue today。


September 2008,The Beijing municipal education commission、The municipal bureau introduced the new eye exercises,And nearly 2000 primary and middle schools in Beijing promotion。The centers for disease control and the school health center director section scarlett said,The centers for disease control in the city in 300 primary and middle school students in the two-month trial tracking and effect evaluation。Through the new、Old eye exercises before and after operation vision、Mental work ability index、Eye blood flow velocity index changes tracking comparison,The new eye exercises to improve student vision、Alleviate eye fatigue effect is obvious,Each index is better than the old eye exercises。


recently,The reporter interviewed Beijing children's hospital, director of ophthalmology in just professor。He said,Insist for a long time to do eye exercises,Can promote eye week blood circulation,Ease use eye fatigue,For the eyes have protection。He thinks,Through the eye exercises improve vision statement some absolute,But can't deny the eye exercises the effect。For eye exercises are not suppressed,Nor is no data under the condition of the blind praise highly。


In just pointed out that,Our country promotion eye exercises nearly 50 years,So far no more than a center、Large sample、Careful observation of the comparison of the results,Not a comprehensive scientific conclusion,So eye exercises for the treatment effect prevent myopia still need further validation。


“Myopia is many factors,As for myopic incidence of a disease that eye exercises useless,Really being unfair。”Shanghai first people's hospital of doctor of ophthalmology KeBiLian said,The medicine at present to myopia and no effective treatments,But doing eye exercises can through the massage eye week point,Ease because of persistent depending on the cause of fatigue nearly content,And so to prevent the development of myopia auxiliary role。


Beijing university hospital, director of the center for the third eye doctors ChenYue countries said,The formation of myopia,Main eyeball get longer、The light is located in the retina study before。Eye exercises through the massage acupuncture points,To relieve eye fatigue may have a function,But can't stop eye get longer,So can't effectively prevent the formation and development of myopia。At present,Still no academic data show that eye exercises to preventing myopia have a function。

  眼保健操有害吗? Eye exercises harmful?


Doesn't make the cornea deformation;To prevent his hands bacteria that cause,The new cancel“Crowded according to the point isn”


WangWen said,Eye exercises technique can lead to incorrect corneal deformation and influence eyesight;Hand bacteria can cause conjunctivitis(screech)etc。


For eye exercises may lead to the cornea deformation、Damage the eyes there,In just think,“This is ridiculous,No scientific basis。”


ChenYue countries said,Doing eye exercises should pay attention to the correct action,Massage eyes won't cause eye damage,But don't suggest press eye;Through contact with infected jealous,As long as the attention to health, no problem。


New eye exercises in makers、Beijing Chinese medicine, director of the eye QiuLi tongren hospital new introduction,“Ming acupuncture point isn”Eye too close from,To prevent bacterial contamination eyes or into the hands to his mouth,The new eye exercises is cancelled“Crowded according to the point isn”and“Dry wash a face”;At the same time,Orbital more points,Press can adjust blood eye,Under the eyes and not easy to shave points,So will“To rub up and temporal and scraping round eyes”instead“To rub up and temporal orbital scraping”。


In tsinghua primary reading lele,Is eye exercises advocates。“I do eye exercises after eyes comfortable feel,Just like to do so,I have to go home requirements father mother and I do together。”Lele's father is a college teachers,Support daughter doing eye exercises,“I'm not sure it is of much benefit to the eyes,But it will not be harmful。As for online some say will therefore have to eye disease,Should be hands are not clean bacteria enter the eyes,It is an objective factors,Wash your hands clean will do。”


This year 12 years old of LiYanYing from elementary school second grade began to do eye exercises,Now a good sight。“Our class every morning the afternoon each do it a second time,Feel the effect,Finished eyes will be more comfortable。”Listen to online said doing eye exercises might be at risk,LiYanYing said,“I'm going to have a good look at the news,If there are side effects,Later won't do it。”

  青少年近视比例为何这么高? Why teen-agers myopia proportion so high?


Heavy schoolwork burden,The use of electronic products;To prevent myopia multi-methods


Statistics indicate that the,In recent 20 years teen-agers myopia proportion is not optimistic。The 2010-2011 school year,The poor vision of primary and middle school students for 62.99% detection rate,In September 2010, the primary school admission a freshman detection rate has reached 39.1% bad vision,87.7% of high school seniors eyesight not qualified。


ChenYue countries emphasize,Children myopia high-risk,The main excessively with eyes and relevant,Especially see a computer、TV,Lack of outdoor sports;And with full high-rise city、Narrowing the scope of vision。Should not be eye exercises as a panacea which prevent myopia,Or to try to reduce the student schoolwork burden,Encourage to do outdoors exercise。

  于刚说,近视眼发病年龄越来越小,近几年门诊经常会遇到四五岁的近视眼患者。我国青少年学业负担重,导致近视眼发病率持续走高。学生做眼保健操,眼睛会得到休息,疲劳的睫状肌也会得到暂时的放松,是有百利而无一害的,眼保健操不应该受到非议。不过,于刚强调,教会孩子养成正确的用眼习惯,才是治标又治本的方法。(王君平 张 烁 贾 娜)

In just said that,Myopia is more and more small age of onset,In recent years will have four or five years old outpatient often myopia of patients。Our country young people learning load heavy,Lead to rising incidence of myopia。Students doing eye exercises,Eyes will get the rest,The fatigue subjects will also get temporary relaxation,Is of great benefit to no harm,Eye exercises should not have above reproach。but,In just emphasize,The church children develop the correct use eye habit,Is the root of the method and take temporary solution。(WangJunPing zhang jia's experience)
