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15名辣妈当众宽衣喂奶 公益之秀遭商场保安驱逐--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室


The crowds of zhongshan road,15 the hot mama XiDeErZuo embrace the baby,Clothes lactation。This had to say a rare chance of landscape,So the furore,In a police patrol car from nasty:“What major event happened?”


Just a show,to“flash”way。Promotes the breastfeeding,Initiative in public places set up breastfeeding rooms,Yesterday evening,The chengdu、nanjing、Beijing more than ten after such as domestic cities,Zhuhai on“Lactation flash”,By a group of breast milk mother spontaneous organizations。




“90后”抹胸装亮相 “After 90”Wiping a bosom debut with


It is not difficult to imagine,Yesterday's breast milk mothers is very young,Even there“After 90”。but,The spicy hot mama not age,They are not a seductive dress code,Such as wiping a bosom、Conjoined twins pants,But in the“play”Way-- flash。A grandson with daughter and to participate in activities lady said:“Don't they know what to do,Anyway is collective activities,oh,Like call what‘Flash fast’,or‘flash’?Ha ha,We old man's house don't understand it!”


Breastfeeding mothers of friends and relatives was huge,parents、The husband,And of course“Starred in”Baby, one of the。Collective when the street lactation,What about it?Enthusiasm to give logistical support to one of the husband said:“This is behavior art,Unconditional support。”The most surprising,We think that the traditional conservative is older generation,A grandmother of lady DengYuan eye level:“It's nothing,,Nursing a baby is normal,We are all so to come here,Not necessary to embarrassing。”




宝宝不明真相“绝食” Baby unaware of the truth“Hunger strike”


Took to the streets to collective“repast”,The baby is experienced this appearance?They DiLiuLiu to turn the big eye,Left see right to see,Is not absorb milk。Baby you thinking,Of course I don't know,but,The father for they speak:“Refused to‘eat’,because‘Poor dining environment’,noisy、hot、disorderly。”


Not only is a joke,More important is to emphasize the“flash”Activities of the appeal:Establish the breastfeeding in public office。According to breastfeeding mothers is introduced,Currently, the zhuhai,This need is far from satisfied,“The real feed room there is a specific standard,For example, wash one's hands,And not just a hidden corner,Even the toilet can instead。”




商场保安一再驱逐 Mall security repeatedly cast out


The so-called“flash”,Means that the duration of the activity is short。But this is not affect the activity of concern。And police inquiries type know the situation is different,The mall security on breastfeeding mothers repeatedly cast out,Even the activities of the last photo also interfere:“You don't here pat,Because our signs will take in,Influence not good。”

  一位妈妈无奈表示:“看,这就是我们为什么组织这次活动,社会上很多人并不能包容我们。”据说,在活动举办之前,她们原打算联系一家大商场,在室内举行。但联系了五六家商场,没有一家愿意。所以,她们只好退而求其次,到中山路。(厦门商报 记者 陈巧恩)

A mother but said:“see,This is why we organized the event,Many people in society cannot contain us。”It is said that,In the activities held before,They were going to contact a big department store,Held indoors。But contact the five or six stores,No one would like to。so,They had to settle for second best,To zhongshan road。(Xiamen commercial daily reporter ChenQiao grace)


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有多少妈妈在“背奶” 政协委员呼吁普及哺乳室 How many mother in“Back milk” The Chinese people's political consultative conference called for universal nursing rooms


“Smokers have smoking room,Why can't we have nursing rooms?”This is most lactation mother doubts。In fact,As early as in last year,Our city has put forward the Chinese people's political consultative conference special《About in the public place set up a baby nurse room Suggestions》。


This proposal says,Social advocate breastfeeding,But breastfeeding public conditions is not satisfactory,Many public places not set up special nursing rooms,Mothers have to breastfeeding in public,Or to go to the bathroom、stair、Between change clothes。


but,In the above situation of Lord ganesha,Bacteria more,The baby to easily infect;Noisy environment,Easy to make mother's mood swings,Affect the normal secretion of milk,Make a baby distractions。so,Suggestions in public places set up nursing rooms,“This also is the performance of the social civilization”。


The mother put forward further,Than market、station、Restaurants and other so-called public places it is even more urgent lactation room is his enterprise or business unit。According to understand,Because most unit to nursing rooms complicity to ignore,Also has given rise to a particular ethnic group--back milk gens。Mothers with milk equipment to work during the day,Use to work for no one of the conference room of clearance、The toilet complete suck milk, etc,Keep back home from work to baby when the next day“rations”。


“Nut shell mom”Told reporters,The baby three months,She rework and become“Back milk gens”。“frankly,Very distressed。Every day to sneak in the unit to find shelter suck the milk,The most popular place is the toilet,But the poor environment,Always suck with sweat,And see all kinds of bacteria......”。“Nut shell mom”said,More trouble than suck the milk is to save,“A process down,Very tiring,!”

  因此,她也有坚持不下来的时候,“还好我婆婆会开车,有时她会载着宝宝到单位找我,我就溜出来在车上喂奶。如果单位有哺乳室,我背奶就轻松许多,甚至可以让宝宝进宽敞的哺乳室用餐,而不是车里。”(厦门商报 陈巧恩 石勤)

so,She also insist on not down,“Ok my mother-in-law will drive,She would sometimes carried the baby to the unit to find me,I slipped out in the car breastfeeding。If the unit is nursing rooms,I back the milk a lot easier,Can even let the baby into the spacious nursing rooms have dinner,Not the car。”(Xiamen commercial daily ShiQin ChenQiao grace)


母乳妈妈们的愿望:希望商场能有母婴室 Breastfeeding mothers desire:Hope can store a maternal and infant room


Change lactation clothing,To put up the bag with a bottle of water,Xiamen mother go out with the necessary“cast”,1 a again into the switch to prevent frivolous clothing,At about 16,Think mother took Veda first birthday think Veda out。They will go to zhongshan road,To participate in the upcoming lactation flash activities。


August 1,-7 is the world breastfeeding week,As the mother of xiamen breastfeeding alliance member,Think mother and other Veda ten sisters in to discuss a few days before,To host a activities,Advocate breastfeeding,Let more people know the breastfeeding knowledge。


“The mother of more than 80 is after,Everyone to discuss a,Just set flash this form。”Think Veda mother said,“but,The campaign most people don't know,Heard that there are still quite a few people are coming from here? The zhangzhou。”


A year ago,Think Veda in their mother“Baby rabbit”,This lively love smile of little girl until now still drink milk。“Because drink milk,Think of the Veda resistance than average children will much better。”By doug Veda mother thought mother said,“Because breast milk,Mother figure are recovered well!”


“yes,We go out,Better than the mother milk more easily。”Is one of the participants with doug mom told reporters,If met body take large bottle of small bottles of mother,Nine times out of ten children not to drink the milk。


“but,Also some inconvenience。”Doug mama said,Now many stores and office buildings are not set maternal and infant room,Children are hungry but her mother when the street lactation。“Also may have cast with the custom of xiamen,Or is not easy。”

  “其实,我们也想通过这个活动,让商场能体谅到妈妈们的苦恼,增设一间小小的母婴室,方便我们哺乳。”思葳妈说。(厦门商报 石勤 毛月清)

“In fact,We also want to pass this activity,Let the market can appreciate to mothers distress,Add a little maternal and infant room,Convenient we lactation。”Think Veda mama said。(Xiamen commercial daily ShiQin MaoYueQing)


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Nouns explain


快闪 flash


flash,“Flash action”abbreviation。“Flash action”In recent years is the international popular a kind of hippie behavior,Can be seen as a kind of short behavior art。Is simply stated:Many using the network connection,By text or BBS appointed a designated location,In clear specified time,At the same time be a specified、Not illegal but very dramatic movement,Then hurry up go。


背奶 Back milk

  母乳喂养之风迅速流行当今社会。为了不影响事业,同时还要保障宝宝有绿色安全的食物来源,越来越多妈妈选择背奶。年轻妈妈把专业的吸奶、 储奶器具带到单位,利用工作间隙完成吸奶、冷藏、保存等一系列流程,晚上背回家给宝宝当第二天的“口粮”。这样的行为简称为背奶。(厦门商报 陈巧恩 石勤 整理)

The wind of breastfeeding quickly popular today。For not affect business,Even at the same time guarantee the safety of the baby is green food source,More and more choice mother back with milk。The young mother put professional suck the milk、 Store milk appliances to the unit,Use of clearance to complete suck milk、refrigeration、Save and so on a series of process,Back home at night to baby when the next day“rations”。Such behavior referred to as "back with milk。(Xiamen commercial daily ChenQiao grace ShiQin finishing)
