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The disaster after the incident,People how to judge their psychological if affected by the interference,Or whether to need treatment?The capital university of medical sciences, affiliated hospital of Beijing stability psychological crisis and stress management center director west handsome said,But every man,Experienced significant sudden、Catastrophic events will have psychological reaction and physical reaction。


Psychological reaction including alarmed、nervous、anxiety、concerns;Physiological reactions may show gastrointestinal discomfort、Plant nerve disorder、Sleep problems、diet。These are our normal person experience will be emergency response,Of course will also show many other state,Specific to each person's own characteristics,Such as body discomfort,And acute stress disorder。The latter belongs to the category of mental disorders。


The handsome said,Within a month,If the parties obviously appear some situation is to experience events have correlation,Such as talk more、emotional、Cry and make,Athletic spirit is excited;Don't talk、Movement hysteresis,And others less communication,Spirit is athletic inhibition。As part of the parties were much more serious,Is in the disaster of the moment,May appear reaction of the mental performance,Even hallucinations、delusion,And it is the mental behavior performance,This is the type of acute stress disorder。


Another is the post-traumatic stress disorder(PTSD),This is particularly popular in recent years of psychiatric research project。


If a personal mental disorder in more than a month later still more outstanding performance,Clinical symptoms with this disaster events have clear association,And there are three core symptoms:The first is constantly repeated into sexual memories,Include some of the pictures and the feeling was constantly in mind flash,2 it is easy to be seen,And it is also show elusion reaction、Allergic reaction,This is the core of post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms。If these symptoms for 3 months,Is chronic post-traumatic stress disorder;If the disaster after half a year to appear,This is the delay type of post-traumatic stress disorder。


The handsome said,And some other and traumatic event the spirit of the KeFang associated problems,Including depression、Depression state,Including substance abuse and panic attacks, etc,All may be some catastrophic event evoked out。


The above situation appear to should do?The handsome think,Most of the experience of the development of the catastrophic events will not be post-traumatic stress disorder,Because each born by the person who has the ability to repair itself,Everyone has his almost all social resources can be used,After a period of precipitation,He can go out from trauma,Even before the more powerful than yourself,More of the ability to deal with unbearable。


because,Human is also a kind of creature,Like deer saw the lion、The tiger will run fast,So it is with people,After the disaster will mobilize all resources and power,Even though there is no escape from fate death,Will also start inner strength and death on all struggle。For the control of emotions,Sometimes don't need you to teach him how to keep calm and presence,In fact,A lot of people at that time is in the state of calm。


And to have a problem for the party,They require KeFang spirit the intervention,This intervention includes drug intervention and the psychology intervention。


The handsome tell you,After a disaster,The person's psychology adjust itself,With the disaster occurs when the psychological problems need to adjust the is completely different。The disaster when a person appears mental sub-health problem,We see the main cause is,Will suggest he should do something??????。But under the disaster,Especially just happen to people after the disaster of the psychological impact,Sometimes is irresistible,Not only to see to see the internal external cause。

  “灾难性事件发生后的心理危机干预,一个取决于人的自我调整,但是在激进期,尤其需要社会力量,需要政府部门和各职能部门,给受灾群众以安全感和归属感,这个再怎么强调也不为过。”西英俊如是说。记者 黄哲雯

“Catastrophic event psychological crisis intervention,A depends on human ego adjustment,But in radical period,Especially need social power,Government departments need and the functional departments,Give the people affected by the disaster to security and belonging,This cannot emphasize too much。”The handsome said。Reporter HuangZheWen
