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女婴患胆道闭塞肚大如球 正逼近医学寿命临界点--亲稳舆论引导监测室

女婴患胆道闭塞肚大如球 正逼近医学寿命临界点8个月大的赵誉雯因患胆道闭塞,肚子鼓得像一个小皮球,急需肝移植 Eight months ZhaoYuWen because suffer from bile duct occlusion,Belly drum like a small ball,Are in urgent need of liver transplantation


8个月女婴期盼一只肝源 Eight months baby girl look forward to a liver source


因无法肝移植正在逼近医学寿命临界点 Unable to liver transplantation is approaching medical life point of no return


“She was so small,Have not begin to live it,How do I willing to give up her?”Hold the arms of the baby,XuNa 25 eyes in tears。She 8 months old daughter ZhaoYuWen look only full moon baby so delicate。Small reputation CAM are suffering from congenital biliary block,The doctor said the disease baby average life expectancy is only 12 months,Treatment is the best way of liver transplantation。But to wait for a liver source easier said than done,Doctors are fighting the clock with the illness。


青黄色皮肤肚大如球 Greenish yellow skin belly as big as a ball


In the armed police general hospital liver transplantation center ward,807 ward lived in the six small patients,Ward was quiet,The children rarely crying。They all had biliary block,Liver transplantation is the children only resource。


ZhaoYuWen recline in the XuNa arms,The little girl is pretty,Big eyes blink blink,In the mouth holds the pacifier。Because of bile could not be ruled out,Her skin is greenish yellow,Belly drum like a small ball,Belly on the blue veins brace clearly visible。


曾被下死亡判决书 Was the death judgment


XuNa said,Don't look so small children,But she also know that his sick。More than four months ago,XuNa and her husband took the children to the children's hospital,At that time it was under a CAM praise“Death sentence”。XuNa said:“In the children's hospital parents can't PeiChuang,Every when I left her tears click click is wiped them away。”In their hometown of baotou,Small reputation CAM although every day have to take the medicine,But the mood is very good,She likes to laugh,This gives the sad bring a happy family。But to live in the armed police general hospital after ward,The little girl seems to be aware of,Don't laugh。


Armed police general hospital liver transplantation center of doctor of vice director of li wei told reporters,Biliary block children the best treatment period is 3 months ago,Before this discovery will do surgery,A third of the children do not need to liver transplantation,The operation is a success can be long-term survival;A third of children life to the age of seven;And another one third of children surgery failure,For liver transplantation can survive。


尽力争取下月手术 Try to strive for operation next month


Li wei said,Biliary block the patient's average life expectancy is only 1 year old,A few can be quite to 2 years old,Small reputation CAM has eight months old,Is approaching medical life point of no return,Her hope is to find the right liver source transplant surgery。Said to liver source,Li wei sigh:“Liver source shortage is not only Beijing,The whole country is facing the difficult problem。Our hospital patients with a mean waiting time is three months to six months,But because reputation CAM months already big,We strive to find next month liver source。”Li wei introduced,Baby the liver source can use adult liver source,Only through the split type liver transplant,Taking a very small portion of the baby to transplantation can。


Another unevadable reality is,Even if the liver transplant success,But children still need long-term taking anti-rejection drugs,And there are also the risk of death,But these XuNa have don't care anymore,She said:“To tell you the truth,When heard advised me to give it up,I also had wavered,But she is still so small,Even live didn't live,I am her mother,Don't have the heart to just let her to go to another world。Even after failure,I won't regret。”


Small CAM praise from Inner Mongolia rural family,XuNa no job,Her husband is a cement plant of maintainer,In order to give the child cure,The family life has been rebuilding。The child's health is also affects social love the heart of people,The hospital said will derate reputation CAM medical costs、Bed fee, etc,The famous singer han hong also says will do what I can sponsored child rehabilitation。

  在采访时,徐娜不断地说:“谢谢大家的关心。也请大家关心和誉雯患有同样疾病的孩子,只有社会的爱心、父母的坚持才能让这些可怜的孩子获得生的希望。”(记者 吴亭/文 首席摄影记者 蔡代征/摄)

In the interview,XuNa constantly said:“Thank you for your concern。Also please care and CAM reputation with the same disease children,Only social love、The parents insist to let these poor children get the hope of life。”(Reporter WuTing/text chief photographers tsai levying/taken)
