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对“性”产生莫名恐惧 女子结婚3年仍是处女身--亲稳舆论引导监测室


27,For already 28 years old XiaoDan(alias)It is a historic breakthrough day。The day,She finally get up the courage,with“Was reluctant to”Problem into the psychological out-patient。XiaoDan said,She grew up is relevant“sex”troubled;After marriage,She had to in order to“sex”Wanted to commit suicide,Because she had been married for three years,But without a husband and wife success。So far,She is still a virgin。


XiaoDan into the clinic,Has realized the serious problem of she awkward。She said,Sex is always make her feel shame and fear。XiaoDan and her husband know love to get married,Through 5 years marathon in love。Hasn't got married before,She resolutely do not have sex with her boyfriend,Even if is two people talk about marriage theory to marry the reservation of the date for the wedding,She still firmly disagree with boyfriend's sex requirement。Boyfriend love her very much,She is not only beautiful,Nature also good,Accept at home is the traditional education,Her boyfriend respect her idea。Wedding day until,To her mention sex requirement。


XiaoDan said,Wedding night,Although two people passion surging,But she and her husband spent the herculean efforts are not successful wife。“When he close to me,I will subconsciously resist,Strive to push。”After marriage,XiaoDan had not been able to have sex with her husband success,Her husband for this heart very grievance,She is very anxious,But often to two people when lie,She is difficult to resist,Both the husband and wife always have a shadow,Do not enjoy after getting married of joy and happiness。


In the deep in conversation,The doctor diagnosed XiaoDan suffering from phobias and anxiety disorders。Analysis the cause of the disease,The doctor that she was a child accept sexual education and growth process to sexual cognition about。

  据小丹讲述,小时候她因为长相清秀、身材高挑而很受长辈和男同学喜爱。上初中开始懂事时,妈妈就整天教育她不能早恋,不能和男同学走得太近,并给她灌输 “跟男同学发生性关系是不道德的,是下流的思想”。因此她一想到“性”,就觉得是肮脏的事情。直到高中毕业,她都没有和男生牵过手,更别说有肢体上的接触。

According to XiaoDan tells,As a child, she because looks comeliness、Tall and very popular with the elder and male classmate love。Top junior high school when start sensibly,Mother will she can't early love education all day,Can't and male classmate come too close,And give her infusion “Have sex with male classmate is immoral,Is dirty thoughts”。So she think of“sex”,Think it is a dirty things。Until high school graduation,She didn't and the boy brought on,Let alone have physical contact。

  上了大学后,学校在组织爱国主义教育时播放的电影片里,有一些是抗日战争题材的,里面有中国妇女惨遭日本侵略者侵犯的画面,她对 “性是可怕和肮脏的”更加深信不疑。在历史学习和观影过程中,她还了解到抗日战争时期,中国妇女被日本侵略者性奴役的悲惨历史,让她更加恐惧“性”。

On the university,Schools in organization patriotism education played in the film,Some is the theme of the war of resistance against Japan,There are Chinese women were Japanese invaders infringement of picture,she “Sex is terrible and dirty”More convinced。In the historical study and the audience in the process,She also learned during the Anti-Japanese War,Chinese women are the Japanese invaders sexual slavery miserable history,Let her more fear“sex”。


XiaoDan said,She and her husband very much in love,Also sexual psychology and sex impulse,But once again,Can't control fear、fear,Then push the husband。3 years,She and her husband had to go to the hospital many times the body check,Two people body of each organ function to do not have a problem,She also guess is psychological problem,But because of sex so hard to say,So she hasn't been looking for professionals talk about this problem。Now more and more alienated and her husband,Marriage light up to the red light,She was bold look for psychological doctor for help。


The doctor through the cognitive therapy XiaoDan to a new understanding of sex,And advise her to learning knowledge,A correct understanding of sexual problems。Due to long-term fear and anxiety,XiaoDan has appeared function disorder,The doctor gave XiaoDan opened some medicine。Doctors say,To sex have a correct understanding,Through the drug therapy regulating function,Combined with psychological treatment,XiaoDan symptoms will get better。


记者手记 Reporter notes

  性教育会影响人的一生 Sex education will affect the person's life

  性及性活动是人类繁衍的基础,是爱情的升华和婚姻的润滑剂,也是人类传宗接代的需要。由于对性的认识出现偏差, 28岁的已婚妇女小丹对性充满了恐惧。

Sex and sexual activity is the foundation of human reproduction,Is the sublimation of love and marriage lubricant,Is also the need of a human。Due to the understanding of sex appeared deviation, 28 years of married women XiaoDan of sex is filled with fear。


Wandering struggle for three years,XiaoDan finally get up the courage,To the hospital。In the present society,XiaoDan experience must let many people listen to feel incredible。


From man's life is,Sex education and intelligence education as equally important,The same will affect the person's life。A lot of schools and parents are aware of the importance of sex education,But as a result of the school in the sex education in professional course almost no,And some parents think in front of children about sex very embarrassed,The basic will not directly to the child sexual education,therefore,Children learning to knowledge rarely。Worse,Some parents worry that their children because of being blind or deceive and lose chastity or early sexual behavior,then“bad”,So often use threatening way descriptive ugly,Let the child sexual knowledge will produce erroneous zone。


Sex is not a great disaster,Sex with one's life,Only correctly understanding sex and sexual behavior,To enjoy your healthy and happy life。therefore,In the sex education issues,Try to disguise or distort will lead young people astray,As more terrible than itself。(Agriculture cheese)
