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Do you know,We often contact pillow、pen、The toilet is the most bacteria breeding place,If you don't do sterilization work,Bacteria may step in,Endanger the health of human body。Support the eight sterilization method,Let bacteria have nowhere to hide。

  冰箱 别以为细菌在冰箱里不可能存活,冰箱充其量能够减慢细菌的繁殖速度,但不能杀灭细菌。生肉和蔬菜里隐藏着大量的细菌,它们不仅可以继续繁殖,还会污染冰箱里的其他食物。冰箱中取出的食物须加热后方可食用,否则便可能出现腹泻、恶心、呕吐、发热等症状。

Refrigerator don't think bacteria in the refrigerator could not survive,Refrigerator at best can slow down the bacteria propagation speed,But can not kill bacteria。Raw meat and vegetables hidden in a large number of bacteria,They not only can continue to breed,Will the pollution in the refrigerator of other food。The refrigerator food needs to be heated rear edible,Otherwise may appear diarrhea、nausea、vomiting、Symptoms such as fever。


Cleaning method:Use cleaner is wiped refrigerator inside。Pay attention to use clean dishcloth,Don't use the old rags,That will only let bacteria have a pleasant trip。Fresh vegetables should be in two days the cooking。Storage has been cooked meat、Birds and fish,Not more than 3 days。

  毛巾 一般家庭使用的毛巾都是放在室内甚至卫生间里,由于空气不够流通,毛巾每天要用几次,难有干的时候,极容易滋生繁殖病菌,久之对人体健康不利,可导致皮肤病等,要学会正确使用毛巾。洗脸或洗澡时宜先用沐浴露和清水冲洗干净后,再用干毛巾擦干,这样可以减少人体排泄物对毛巾的黏附。

Towel general family use towel are in a room or even in the bathroom,Because not enough air circulation,Towel with a few times every day,It is hard to dry,Very easy to breed bacteria breeding,The long adverse to human body health,Can cause skin diseases, etc,Have to learn how to correctly use towel。Wash a face or take a shower first time with bath dew and water after rinse clean,Garnish with a dry towel dry,This can reduce human excrement to towel adhesion。


Cleaning method:After the towel to clean in time,Every week boil for 10 minutes disinfection,Hang place to ventilation,Best can timely drying or dry in the sun。Towel often washed out of the room for daylight disinfection。

  洗衣机 全自动洗衣机一般都有内、外两筒,内筒与外筒间的洗衣机槽是很多细菌的滋生地。洗衣机使用的时间越长,积累的污垢和细菌越多,对衣物造成的二次污染也就越严重。很多家庭将洗衣机摆放在潮湿或者通风不好的地方,由于环境湿度较高,就更会加快细菌的大量繁殖。常见的真菌皮肤病汗斑、体癣,还有病毒性肝炎、伤寒、痢疾、滴虫等都能通过衣服而引起感染。

Washing machine is fully automatic washing machines have commonly inside、Outside two cylinder,Inner cylinder and the cylinder room of washing machine groove is a lot of bacteria breeding ground。The longer the washing machines,Accumulated dirt and the more bacteria,To clothing cause secondary pollution is more serious。Many families will be washing machine is put in wet or the place with bad ventilation,Due to the environmental humidity is higher,More will speed up the bacteria multiply。Common fungal skin disease sweat stain、Ringworm of the,And viral hepatitis、typhoid、dysentery、Trichomonad and so on all through the clothes and cause infection。


Cleaning method:General should be every 3 months for washing machine to clean。Laundry coat、Sheet best separate washing,underwear、Socks try to wash。Use up after washing machine don't immediately cover,Should let its open air for a period of time。

  菜板 据报道,使用7天的菜板表面每平方厘米病菌多达20万个,这对人的健康是一个很大的威胁。菜板也是家里最脏的地方之一。生、熟食物交叉污染是发生食物中毒的主要原因之一。搁置生食后,细菌就在这些地方停留并繁衍生息。当您又在上面搁置其他食物时,细菌便会借机进入人体。

Chopping board according to the report,Use 7 days of chopping board surface per square centimeter bacteria as many as 200000,This to the person's health is a big threat。Chopping board is also one of the dirtiest place at home。born、Cooked food cross pollution is happened one of the main causes of food poisoning。Aside after raw food,Bacteria in these places to stay and have lived。When you and above lay aside other food,Bacteria will be looking to enter human body。


Cleaning method:Eat raw and cooked food separately using special chopping board and kitchen knife。After each use chopping board,Make careful cleaning,As far as possible in food residue no seepage into cutting board when clear in time。When cleaning,,Must carefully,Can use the brush to brush,Remember to put each gap all brush clean。

  淋浴喷头 霉菌最喜爱浴室潮湿的空气和阴暗的环境。不知何时,人们发现喷头和浴帘上已爬了一层黏糊糊的东西,不仅看起来令人恶心,还能引起眼睛发痒、咽痛和鼻腔充血等过敏症状。

Shower mould favorite bathroom damp air and dark environment。I do not know when,People found nozzle and bath curtain has climbed a layer of goop,Not only looks disgusting,Also can cause itchy eyes、Pharyngeal pain and nasal congestion and so on the anaphylactic symptoms。


Cleaning method:Had better use full metal texture of the shower,So let bacteria it is difficult to find a cache;Before use through hot water for 3 minutes,With a view to play a role in addition to bacteria;Try not to let its direct to the face flushing,In order to avoid bacteria are drawn into the body;The flower is aspersed inside filter should be weekly cleaning、disinfection,When washing, it can be the soaked in white vinegar and water in the mixed solution 1 hour,Also can use bleaching powder and disinfectant cleaning。

  枕头 枕头是每天陪伴我们度过甜蜜8小时的亲密伙伴,可它也是各种病原微生物和寄生虫聚集的“避风港”。有时候头发上的油腻、灰尘、头屑都会黏在上面,尤其是男性分泌物更多,形成油污,如果长时间不更换,就能看到枕套上面黄黄的一层,这里就成为细菌的栖身之所;晚上睡觉要是贴面呼吸,很容易把枕头上的细菌吸入气管。

Pillow pillow is every day with us through sweet eight hours of intimate partner,But it is also all kinds of pathogenic microorganism and parasite gathered together“haven”。Sometimes the greasy hair、dust、Scurf will be stuck to it,Especially male secretion more,Formation oil pollution,If long time no change,Can see pillowcase above a layer of yellow,Here will become bacteria shelter;Sleeping at night if veneered breathing,Very easy to put the pillow of bacteria suction trachea。


Cleaning method:To often clean、Disinfection pillowcase,The pillow core much exposure to the sun,If necessary they can sprinkle with some disinfection liquid medicine。Usually to keep the hair clean health。

  笔 根据国外口腔溃疡药剂制造商的研究,除了书写之外,笔的四大用途是:咬嚼用、搔背或脚痒用、搅咖啡或茶用、通水槽用。所以当你想把笔放到嘴里时,请三思。而且千万别借用医生的笔,根据奥地利萨尔斯堡大学的研究,从病人到医生的手,再到医生的笔,因此医生的笔被很多不同种类的细菌与病毒污染,包括泌尿系统感染及皮肤病。

Pen according to foreign oral ulcer agent manufacturer's research,In addition to writing outside,The pen of the four major purpose is:Bite chewing、Scratch my back or feet with itching、Stir the coffee or tea with、Flux tank with。So when you want to put the pen into her mouth,,Please think twice。And don't borrow the doctor's pen,According to the Austrian salzburg university research,From the patient to the doctor's hands,To the doctor's pen,So the doctor pen by many different kinds of bacteria and virus pollution,Including urinary tract infection and skin diseases。

  马桶 坐便器不用担心染上性病或艾滋病,但有可能让肠胃受到感染。大多数的胃肠病菌是经由口腔——排泄物的途径传播,而根据研究,超过60%的马桶坐垫受到排泄物的污染。所以如果你接触过马桶坐垫后,不洗手就吃东西,可能不知不觉就吃进了马桶上的病菌。有时我们坐马桶之前会用卫生纸擦拭坐垫,但这个举动可能会让马桶坐垫上的细菌扩散。厕所里其他细菌喜欢群集的热门地点还有:马桶冲水把、水龙头、门把,所以上完厕所后一定要用肥皂洗手,尤其在公厕里,最好用纸巾把手擦干。

Toilet sit implement don't worry get infected with an STD/AIDS,But there are likely to make intestines and stomach infection。Most of the gastrointestinal bacteria is through oral - waste spreading,And according to the,More than 60% of the toilet seat by faecal pollution。So if you have been exposed to the toilet after cushion,Don't wash their hands before eating it,May unconsciously eat into the toilet on bacteria。Sometimes we sit before the toilet will use a tissue to wipe cushion,But the move could let the toilet on the cushion bacteria diffusion。The toilet other bacteria like cluster of hot spots and:Toilet flush the、faucet、door,So after using the toilet must use soap,Especially in the restroom,Had better use paper towel dry your hands。


