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少年滥用药物8年喝掉3吨药水 身高缩短12厘米--亲稳网络舆情监控室


ChenRong resolved and the past farewell。He locked himself in the room,Regardless of the mother and wife cry。despair,He opened the drawer,Take out your scissors,Alignment wrist。


“But that won't solve any problems。”ChenRong finally gave up the suicide。The 27-year-old young man decided to,Kick the rely on for nearly eight years“Addiction to drugs”。


In fact,He wants to quit and is not what drug,But easily in the drugstore buy cough mixture。Contain the codeine phosphate and ephedrine hydrochloride composition,In large doses of cases,Can bring as drug general euphoria feeling and excitement,Thus addiction。


ChenRong pay a huge price。In order to buy these seemingly small potions,He spent forty or fifty ten thousand yuan,Weight dropped 20 kilograms,“Hand shake to end up a cup of tea,Spilled a third”。


This is not the individual phenomenon。According to the state food and drug administration issued the latest《The 2011 national drug abuse detection the annual report》,In monitoring the crowd,About forty percent for the new happen、The newly discovered drug abuser。


“Like methamphetamine、Ecstasy and stimulant drug abuse shows ascendant trend,Give priority to with teenagers。”Beijing university of sixth hospital、The international narcotics control bureau members in sunny said。He participated in the report of the expert evaluation。


meanwhile,Teenagers as drug abuse monitoring sensitive crowd,The first is written into a national agency's report。“Drug abuse of adolescents quantity increase trend obvious。”Armed police corps guangdong hospital psychological division adolescent addiction treatment center director any sun said。


8年喝掉3吨药水,身高缩短12厘米 8 years drink off 3 tons potions,Height shorten 12 cm


At first,And no one told ChenRong,A bottle of little cough syrup,Also can let a person become addicted。


Began to,He only in mood down a few mouth。This kind of a bottle of dose for 120 ml of drugs,Every month he will buy three or four bottles。However after graduation from the university,He found himself out of control。


At the same time as China's drug abuse prevention association director of any sun explained,Abuse potions to bring exciting and excitement will be formed in human brains conditioned reflex。With the extension of time,The human body to have the tolerance,In order to obtain the same pleasure,Can only increase the dose。


In the most severe cases,ChenRong to drink a day off 1056 bottle cough mixture,A month almost 300 bottle。In order not to let his family found,He put the bottle hid under the bed、wardrobe,The drink and the empty bottle slipped out away。


State food and drug administration and drug safety food and drug audit director commissioner KongFanPu is introduced,Drug abuse and usual said“Abuse of antibiotics”Rational use of drugs such as the concept of different,Refers to repeated、A large number of use have dependence characteristic or dependence potential drugs,And recognized the need of medical practice has nothing to do,Belong to the medical purpose use。


Abuse including codeine phosphate compound oral solution of the problems found in the end of last century。According to the international narcotics control department's annual report and some epidemiological survey research,Including codeine cough water has become Europe and the United States and South Asia countries teenagers popular drug abuse one。


The past ten years,The United States at least millions of adolescents(Mostly in the age under 18 years of age)Abuse or often take including codeine components of cough water。In Iran,About 100000 people abuse contains codeine cough syrup,Often with stability and medicine are used together。


In fact,In addition to cough potions,Clinical treatment of lacteal painful disease tramadol hydrochloride and methadone、The cold medicine containing ephedrine、Antidiarrheal compound diphenoxylate、Cough compound liquorice slice drug if you use too much,Will cause addiction,Some withdrawal reaction even and heroin similar。


ChenRongCeng suffered from this kind of drug addiction torture。“Potions it is difficult to drink,But after the addiction,Don't drink it is difficult to。”He doesn't want to eat,listlessness,The body is thin weak。“Always want to take money to buy medicine,Friend also less and less,Waking up in the morning to don't come to bed,Just play truant。”


For the 22-year-old guangdong young man ZhouLi speaking,Abuse cough mixture brought harm is more serious。From the age of 14,He began to be infatuated with this lotion。From drug addiction before,He 8 years drink off nearly 3 tons of potions。He was supposed to growth in the last two years height shortened 12 cm,That a 3 armour hospital will be its misdiagnosed as ankylosing spondylitis。In the daytime he lay in bed DiaoPing playing,Night still can't help run out“Drinking potions”。


Finally when the,His only 40% of the normal bone mineral density,Equivalent to the - year - old man。


In 2008 ~ 2009,Guangdong adverse reaction monitoring center had to 66 secondary school 21672 students were investigated,The school high school students found that a recent months abuse cough mixture proportion reaches 0.54%,Abuser to vocational middle school students、Junior student、Boy is given priority to,Especially have smoking、Drinking habits of students and have social young friends of students。


很多年轻人还没有意识到自身已经产生药物依赖,即使上瘾也有很多人没有选择戒断治疗 Many young people don't realize their own has generated drug dependence,Even if the addiction also there are many people who have no choice withdrawal therapy


If not university second grade be roommate agitated,Taste has“Very good feeling”Of cough mixture,ChenRong may and most as boys,“reading、Playing computer games、work、married”。According to any sun survey,Youth drug abuse,More than 80% by peer influence,Active choice drug。The 14 years old to 26 years old people between the majority。His treatment of patients with minimum only 13 years old。


Supervising and management is one of the reasons for the youth drug abuse。Drug abuse in eight years,ChenRong almost always can buy cough mixture。Although later this kind of medicament was included in the prescription drugs,but“So many years,There is only one pharmacy let me show me the prescription”。


In xian a pharmacy work five years of levin said,Since 2009 haven't sold tramadol。She said,National food agency to strengthen the anesthetic drugs management,The former“Federal cough dew”And cough mixture also change prescription,In addition to the cause addiction composition。however,Contains trace poppy shell cough syrup and contain ephedrine cold now is still in the shop sold by non-prescription drugs。


“We will notify consumers,The drugs may cause addiction。”Levin said,But to a pharmacy speaking,“Supervision is almost impossible to realize”,Even if did not hold prescription,Consumer still can from a lot of pharmacy for the prescription drugs。


In drug withdrawal treatment mechanism,ChenRong met a lot“Fellow sufferers”,A minimum of only 1056 years old。Usually think they“And normal person different”,Don't let his heart he first and we are open to chat。He found,A lot of people are the temptation of friends,Just contact with drugs。And these drugs,Always very easy to purchase。


“So you can buy everywhere,Very harm。”ChenRong sighed,Rely on drug that youth years now turn into him“The heart of a thorn,How also can't pull it out”。


At present,Cough syrup abuser is mainly teenagers。“Guangdong has a lot of technical school,Students from all parts of the country。After graduation,Put in guangdong popular drug abuse to all directions。”Any sun so explained drug abuse national spread。


At present,National food, the administration's monitoring network is aimed at compulsory rehabilitation institutions、Voluntary detoxification mechanism、Community drug maintenance treatment agencies treated or accept quit drug abuser。“Is only part of the top corner”,In the sunny also for example,He thinks new report information are one-sided,Mainly because its statistical sample is special,And not large-scale community survey,Many young people don't realize their own has generated drug dependence,Even if the addiction,Also there are many people who have no choice withdrawal therapy。


“National data could be far more than estimated。”Any sun sighed。


药物滥用就像瘟疫一样传播,向全国扩散 Drug abuse is like the plague spread,To national diffusion


According to the national food, the administration's report,At present,Guangdong has been carried out on youth drug abuse monitoring of pilot,And is expected to gradually to promote other areas。


This is why sun has been desire。Since 2004 in Shanghai medical college, fudan university to anesthesiology since master,He into addiction psychological disease treatment,Become an expert on the subject。“Anesthesia boundary is not short of me a any sun,But the youth drug abuse prevention need me。”In the past few years,He treated more than two thousand patients。The career as the mission of the doctors say,Problem of drug abuse among young people have nationwide attention。


“epilepsy、anorexia、The central nervous system damage、Liver damage、osteoporosis、Sexual function decline...”Speaking of drug abuse to the harm of adolescent health,Sun say out what“Was grieved”。Even if can realize complete withdrawal,Systemic damage“Want to full recovery is not realistic”。In addition,The family will also for the child's drug abuse and seriously injured。


But this phenomenon is spreading to the nation。“Drug abuse in abroad popular,To Hong Kong,To coastal、mainland。Young people are the most vulnerable to temptation and influence。”Perennial and drug abuse among young people“combat”What is more and more deep voice of the sun,“Drug abuse is like the plague spread,To national diffusion。”


February,The international narcotics control bureau held in Beijing in 2011 annual report news conference。The report shows that,Young audience through the social media in illegal Internet pharmacy online order illegal drugs and prescription drugs phenomenon has become increasingly evident。“More uncomfortably,The world health organization has found,Illegal Internet drugstore more than half of the drug is fake products。”


In recent years,The world in preventing teenagers use and abuse of harmful material has been in exploration,Through the government financial support and the multimedia reports,Control or restrict teenagers get drug channel。But experts say,Weaken the youth drug use motivation、Change the environment in which they live,Is the more practical value attempt。


“If at that time know to drink medicine will put me into this,I'll direct said no。”ChenRong not hide his regret。He readily accepted an interview,because“I am a n experienced person,Hope report can help more people”。


now,His brother and jointly operate a small factory。In accepting the China youth daily reporter to interview,The self-proclaimed"“Once living in the shadows”Young people laughter bright and clear。Kick after drug dependence,He and his family relationship has been improved。“Don't look at my mom tears。”This let him to be hopeful about the future。But speaking of the youth years,He was silent for a long time,Emitted a,“No heavy come”。


This August,ChenRong little son just one year old。“I don't want to children follow in my footsteps。”The young father suddenly fight chock said,“I'd like to‘they’Wipe out all of!”


(The patients are alias)
