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甘肃卫生厅长谈“任督二脉”风波 盼有争议没骂名--亲稳网络舆情监测室

甘肃卫生厅长谈“任督二脉”风波 盼有争议没骂名


6 August,LiuWeiZhong(Left two)Accompanied by vice minister of health WangGuoJiang research。

  本报记者 张鹏摄

Our reporter ZhangPengShe


6 August afternoon,Lingtai in pingliang, gansu province, at a hotel,Gansu province health department director LiuWeiZhong find me in the crowd,Call me on the minister's car。


On the morning,The first HuangFuMi worship ceremonies of native fathers lingtai held in the county,The experts from around the world gathered in acupuncture and moxibustion lingtai,Discussion acupuncture culture。Attend the morning after the activity,Vice minister of health、The state administration of traditional Chinese medicine chief WangGuoJiang began to research。


Soon get on,LiuWeiZhong said to me:“You can now to a minister to ask a few questions。”


Cr-v in rolling mountain road bump,I took out my LuYinBi,Began to minister questions。One side of LiuWeiZhong glasses to help on the forehead,Lower the head move back and forth on the phone。Not and in a short while,My cell phone hint sound the。A new micro bo display,I interview the minister's content has been always live。


The accident interview,Let me have a chance to closely observe the suffered from outside controversial health department long daily work。


In 2008,,At the beginning of the office of the LiuWeiZhong puts forward go TCM characteristic cure road in gansu province,After several times in storm,Online for his various ridicule and question has never interrupted。But no matter how many disputes,As a less developed region of gansu province,Walk the doctor of traditional Chinese medicine characteristics of reform, explore road also has never stopped。In July 2011,The state administration of traditional Chinese medicine and traditional Chinese medicine in gansu province people's government signed the development of comprehensive reform pilot demonstration province build agreement。And gansu together into this comprehensive reform pilot list,And Shanghai pudong new area、Beijing dongcheng district、Hebei province shijiazhuang experimental reform。


WangGuoJiang face is not afraid“Force is”LiuWeiZhong:“He dared to touch this sensitive issue,Dare to go to reform、The development of traditional Chinese medicine to innovation policies,Say something for traditional Chinese medicine to be fair,He itself take risks,Also withstand the pressure。He felt right from the start,But he will continue to follow unswervingly insist on。”


a,LiuWeiZhong accepted China youth daily reporter's interview。This is he in“Ren and du two vein”After the storm,First face to face with the media。


“老百姓需要这个东西,为什么不做” “People need this thing,Why not do”


中国青年报: The China youth daily:有报道说你在大学期间就对中医很痴迷,跟着刘东汉老先生学中医,抄药方,是这样吗?

Reports say you during the university to the doctor of traditional Chinese medicine is very crazy,Follow LiuDongHan the old man to learn the doctor of traditional Chinese medicine,Copied prescription,Is that right?


刘维忠: LiuWeiZhong:是真的。我寒假、暑假都去抄中医方子,大学毕业论文就是关于中医的。我学的是西医

Is really。My winter vacation、Summer vacation is to copy the doctor of traditional Chinese medicine prescription,University graduation thesis is about Chinese medicine。I studied western medicine。


中国青年报: The China youth daily:你是什么时候迷上中医的?

When did you crush on the doctor of traditional Chinese medicine?


刘维忠: LiuWeiZhong:这跟迷上中医没关系。甘肃解决看病难、看病贵的出路就在发展中医,这和我的爱好没关系。我干一行爱一行,我在共青团工作过,也负责过计划生育工作。我对中西医都很重视,我们省的西医在全国都不落后。

With this crush on the doctor of traditional Chinese medicine it doesn't matter。Gansu solve difficult to see a doctor、The doctor your way out in the development of traditional Chinese medicine,This and I love it doesn't matter。I do a line loves a line,I worked in the communist youth league,A is also responsible for the family planning work。I have paid great attention to traditional Chinese and western medicine,Our province in the country of western medicine are not lag behind。


I think the reform in gansu province where is the way out,Both traditional Chinese and western medicine is。Now western medicine strong,TCM weak,Last year the central and provincial investment 74,More than $70 in western medicine,The shortage of the traditional Chinese medicine to 4,If you don't pay attention to western medicine,Can put so much?Combined with the situation of gansu province,From the reality of people,If people do not need the doctor of traditional Chinese medicine,by(personal)Hobbies absolute couldn't move。


中国青年报: The China youth daily:你在上任后就推出“走中医特色的甘肃医改之路”这个思路,当时怎样想的?

You are released after taking office“Walk the doctor of traditional Chinese medicine characteristics cure road in gansu province”The idea,How did want to?


刘维忠: LiuWeiZhong:当时黑龙江“双黄连事件”轰动全国。双黄连(中医注射剂)打死了十几个人,最后查出来双黄连制剂没有问题,是西医不懂这个,把中药制剂当西药来用,不管来个什么病人,都把双黄连当成消炎药用,给寒症的病人用了大寒的双黄连,把十几个病人打死了。我就在想这个问题,如果西医学点中医知识,在开中成药的时候能辩证医治,就不会把病人治死。让西医学中医,不是让西医开方子,是要西医懂一点中医知识,一是不要反对中医,二是开中成药时想想这不是西药。

At that time the heilongjiang“ShuangHuangLian events”Is a national。ShuangHuangLian(Doctor of traditional Chinese medicine injection)More than a dozen people killed,Finally found out ShuangHuangLian preparation no problem,Is western medicine can't understand this,The Chinese medicine preparation when western medicine to use,No matter what to patients,All the ShuangHuangLian as anti-inflammatory drugs use,Han zheng to patients with severe cold of the ShuangHuangLian,The ten several patients killed。I think this problem,If medicine point the doctor of traditional Chinese medicine knowledge,In the open can proprietary Chinese medicine dialectical heal,Won't the patient shall surely be put to death。Let the medicine the doctor of traditional Chinese medicine,Is not to write a prescription for the western medicine,Is to western medicine know a little knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine,One is not to oppose the doctor of traditional Chinese medicine,The second is a traditional Chinese medicine think this is not western medicine。


中国青年报: The China youth daily:最终是什么让你选择了这条路?

Finally what made you choose this road?


刘维忠: LiuWeiZhong:便宜。甘肃的基本省情是穷,没钱就想没钱的路子,没钱就只能是中医,西医大部分比较贵,中医疗效又好又便宜。选择中医不是不用西医,是把中医的量加一加,让两者均衡一下。

cheap。The basic situation of gansu is poor,No money, want to have no money way,No money can only be the doctor of traditional Chinese medicine,Western medicine most is more expensive,The doctor of traditional Chinese medicine curative effect, nice and cheap。Choose the doctor of traditional Chinese medicine is not need not western medicine,The doctor of traditional Chinese medicine is the amount of added one plus,Let both a balance。


中国青年报: The China youth daily:为什么给外界的印象是甘肃这几年在搞“中医大跃进”?

Why to external impression is gansu this years doing“TCM great leap forward”?


刘维忠: LiuWeiZhong:如果来甘肃看一看,看看老百姓的反应就不会这么说了。发展快就成大跃进了?不能这么讲。

If to gansu province have a look,Look at the reaction of people wouldn't say that。Development quickly into the great leap forward?Can't speak。


中国青年报: The China youth daily:你自已也说灵感来自毛主席主导的两场运动——“城市医生下乡”和“西医学中医”,你的思维是否受到那个年代的影响,或者你的性格当中是否有那个年代的痕迹?

Your own also said that inspiration comes from chairman MAO led two games movement --“City doctor go to the countryside”and“Medicine the doctor of traditional Chinese medicine”,Your thinking is that whether the influence of s,Or your character of whether there is a trace of that time?


刘维忠: LiuWeiZhong:还是不能脱离甘肃的省情。有的记者(这样)写是想把我写成保守的形象,我推动中医是保守的形象,他就想把你打造成这个形象,跟那个年代没有关系。老百姓需要这个东西,对的事情为什么不做?现在到基层看看,老百姓生了小病,用中医方法不花钱或少花钱就看好了,这样就把基层的问题解决了。这条路是对的,有些人反对那就没办法了。

Still can't from the situation of gansu province。Some reporters(this)I want to write is written conservative image,I push the doctor of traditional Chinese medicine is conservative image,He want to put you hit to cause this image,With that s no relationship。People need this thing,Why not do right things?Now look at the base,People born ailment,With TCM method does not spend money or less money is valued,So the grass-roots problem solved。This road is right,Some people object to that is no way out。


“不放弃,我做事没有这种习惯” “Don't give up,I do not have this kind of habit”


中国青年报: The China youth daily:是什么力量让你一定要冲破阻力,始终坚持?

What is the strength let you must break through resistance,Always adhere to the?


刘维忠: LiuWeiZhong:做一件事情,要坚持,认定对了就去做,否则什么都做不成。

Do one thing,To adhere to the,The determination to go to do,Otherwise, what all can't do。


中国青年报: The China youth daily:你搞“西医学中医”,有考虑过后果吗?当时听说有省人民医院的医生直接找省领导告状?

You make“Medicine the doctor of traditional Chinese medicine”,Have considered the consequences?When heard about province people's hospital doctor directly find provincial leadership at all?


刘维忠: LiuWeiZhong:不是省人民医院,哪个医院的我不知道。网上也骂,有人来问我,“西医学中医是你想的还是谁想的,为什么要西医学中医?”我当时压力大,内外交困。我就想,这个是老百姓性命关天的事,要顶住。西医骂,不少人都不理解。那时我还刚上任,头发都白了。

Not province people's hospital,Which hospital of I don't know。Online also scold,Someone to ask me,“Medicine the doctor of traditional Chinese medicine is you want to or who think,Why medicine the doctor of traditional Chinese medicine?”I was stressed,Recounted the inside and outside。I just want to,This is the life shut day,To resist。Western medicine scold,Many people do not understand。I was just taking office,Hair is white。


中国青年报: The China youth daily:你有没有反思过,为什么会遭到不理解?

Do you have a reflection,Why was don't understand?


刘维忠: LiuWeiZhong:新的事物出现总会遭到不理解,人们习惯按老模式走,新的模式人们怕麻烦。好多西医刚开始也反对,担心这么一改,评不上职称了。后来发现不影响,因为西医发现只是让你学点中医知识——之前一年有500人评上了高级职称,实施之后每年评上的有1000多人。还有一个不反对的原因在于,《中国中医药报》发了两篇评论,非常关键,说甘肃的“西医学中医”创造了新的医学模式,在医学界扭转了舆论,省委省政府领导对“西医学中医”作了批示,有了领导的批示,政界就不反对了。对评职称没有负面影响,西医也不反对了。

New things appear always was don't understand,People used to go to old mode,The new model people afraid of trouble。A lot of western medicine began also oppose,Worry about such a change,Review in the title。I later found out that do not affect,Because western medicine found that just let you learn some knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine, a year before the 500 people on the senior professional title,After the implementation of the every year on more than 1000 people。There is a reason for that is not against,《China's traditional Chinese medicine to》Hair two commentary,Very key,Said in gansu“Medicine the doctor of traditional Chinese medicine”Create a new medical model,In the medical profession turn the public opinion,Provincial government to leadership“Medicine the doctor of traditional Chinese medicine”Made instructions,The leadership of the instructions,Politics is not opposed。No negative impact on professional evaluation,Western medicine is not opposed。


中国青年报: The China youth daily:当时都反对,想过放弃吗?

At that time are against,Thought of giving up??


刘维忠: LiuWeiZhong:老百姓不反对。不放弃,我做事没有这种习惯。甘肃有句土话,“宁可累死牛,也不能打住车”。

People don't mind。Don't give up,I do not have this kind of habit。Gansu there is a dialect,“Would rather dead tired cattle,Also cannot stop the car”。


中国青年报: The China youth daily:在“任督二脉”这件事上,你甚至说“愿意牺牲自己的政治前途换得中医药发展”。是不是媒体断章取义?

in“Ren and du two vein”This matter,You even say“Are willing to sacrifice their own political future for the development of traditional Chinese medicine”。If the media out of context?


刘维忠: LiuWeiZhong:那是(微博上)一个人关心我,说你别做这个事了,会影响你的政治前途,我说如果中医上去了,搭上我的政治前途我也愿意。媒体就拿去炒作了。“任督二脉”也不是我弄的,是我的一个职工放在网上的,但我也不能推到这个职工身上。

It is(Micro bo on)A person concerned about me,Say you don't do the things,Can affect your political future,I said that if the doctor of traditional Chinese medicine go up,Take my political future and I would like to。Media took to the hype。“Ren and du two vein”Is not I make,Is my a worker on the Internet,But I also can't push on to the worker。


中国青年报: The China youth daily:能不能还原一下“任督二脉”这件事的来龙去脉和你在这件事情上的心态变化?

Can a reduction“Ren and du two vein”It worked with you in this matter mentality change?


刘维忠: LiuWeiZhong:这件事我没害怕,因为我没做坏事,只是大家对中医经络知识不了解,包括“猪蹄汤”事件,好多人骂你并不是出于恶意,认为没道理他就骂你,他也不去做实验。比如我提出的黄芪乌梅汤降血糖,直到现在还有人骂,如果有糖尿病人,试了觉得没用,你再骂也行。

The thing I don't fear,Because I didn't do bad things,Just you for main and collateral channels of traditional Chinese medicine knowledge don't understand,including“Pigs feet soup”events,Many people scold you are not out of spite,Think no sense he scold you,He will not go to do the experiment。For example, I proposed astragalus membranaceus dark plum fruit soup fall blood sugar,Until now there are people scold,If there are people with diabetes,Try feel useless,You can also go to scold。


“整个体制不推动,你一个人是推不动的” “The whole system do not push,You a man is push motionless”


中国青年报: The China youth daily:组织部评价官员,常用“平稳”、“能掌控大局”等这些字眼,这几次的风波,会不会影响到组织部门对你的评价?

Organization department evaluation officials,Commonly used“smooth”、“Can control the overall situation”Words such as,The few times of storm,Won't affect the organization department of your evaluation?


刘维忠: LiuWeiZhong:我挺感激组织部的。这次事件发生后,“创先争优先进单位”就有我们卫生厅。在关键时刻,组织部对我们的支持还是挺大的。

I quite appreciate the organization department。This event occurs,“The prelude for priority into unit”Have we health。At the critical moment,Organization department support to us very big。


中国青年报: The China youth daily:这个问题可能有点尖锐。趋利避害是人之常情,官员们都热衷说正确的话,你在微博里时常流露真性情,经常说真话、得罪人的话,为什么要选择这样的方式?会不会觉得在官场上自己有点不合群?

The problem might be a little sharp。The disadvantages is human,Officials are keen to say correctly,You in micro bo in often reveal true nature,Often say the truth、Offends words,Why did you choose this way?Can think on the officialdom yourself a little social withdrawal?


刘维忠: LiuWeiZhong:(微博上)有人说坏话,有人说好话,在争议的过程中,也把甘肃中医宣传出去了,有负面效应,也带来了正面效应。在甘肃这个穷地方,全国的人能来这儿看中医,这个后续效应就出来了。好多中医发微博,说要来支援甘肃中医(事业)。

(Micro bo on)Someone speak evil of,Some say good things,In the process of the dispute,The doctor of traditional Chinese medicine in gansu publicity out,Have a negative effect,Also brought positive effect。In gansu, the poor place,The national people can come here to see the doctor of traditional Chinese medicine,The subsequent effect came out。A lot of doctor of traditional Chinese medicine FaWei bo,Say to want to support traditional Chinese medicine in gansu province(career)。


Network not propaganda,Who will know a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine in gansu province。My goal is to make traditional Chinese medicine tourism destination in gansu province。If no one knows,The industry can't be built up。


Our team is very unity,No social。


中国青年报: The China youth daily:从2008年上任之初提出走中医特色的甘肃医改之路,你个人遭遇了很大的阻力,工作推动得很艰难吗?

From 2008 at the beginning of the term put away the doctor of traditional Chinese medicine characteristics cure road in gansu province,Your personal encounter a lot of resistance,Work to promote very difficult?


刘维忠: LiuWeiZhong:不是很艰难,(因为)有省委省政府的支持。整个体制不推动,你一个人是推不动的。

Is not very difficult,(because)Have the support of the provincial government。The whole system do not push,You a man is push motionless。


中国青年报: The China youth daily:你拿什么办法来推动?

You take what way to promote?


刘维忠: LiuWeiZhong:2008年以来,省里不断推出了30多条政策,各部门都在出政策,如组织部、编办、财政厅、人社厅、农业厅、林业厅、商务厅、教育厅、旅游局等。这些年来,卫生厅与别的部门合作得很好。各部门只有很好地合作,甘肃的事业才能很好地发展。比如说文化厅拍了5部戏,与我们合作。我们与每个部门都能很好地合作。

Since 2008,Province has introduced more than 30 policy,All the departments are out policy,Such as the organization department、BianBan、Provincial department of finance、People club hall、Provincial bureau of animal husbandry、Provincial forestry department、Business hall、provincial、Tourism bureau。Over the years,Health department and other departments cooperated very well。Each department only very good cooperation,The cause of gansu cannot have a good development。Such as investors took 5 play,To cooperate with us。We and each department can cooperate well。


中国青年报: The China youth daily:说到戏,我注意到,你组织人拍了很多戏,你为什么这么热衷拍戏?

Said to play,I noticed,You organize people took a lot of play,Why are you so keen filming?


刘维忠: LiuWeiZhong:发展中医,是为了让老百姓生病吃中药。培养那么多(中)医生,老百姓还是不吃中药,有什么用?这是观念的转变。比如说艾滋病,刚开始发了那么多宣传材料,谁看了?没人看。我们把艾滋病的传播途径拍到戏里(戏剧名为《百合花开》——记者注),老百姓把戏看了,全知道了,甘肃艾滋病一直是低流行,与这部戏有很大的关系。只培养医生,老百姓不配合有什么用?戏剧用潜移默化和喜闻乐见的形式,宣传卫生政策,让老百姓更好地接受。

Developing Chinese medicine,In order to let the common people eat Chinese traditional medicine to be sick。Culture so much(in)The doctor,People still don't eat Chinese traditional medicine,What's the use of?This is the change of ideas。For example AIDS,Just started to so much publicity materials,Who saw?No one see。We put the spread of AIDS in the play photographed way(Drama called《Lily flower》- reporter note),People see the tricks,Know all,Gansu AIDS has been low popularity,And the play has the very big relations。Only cultivate the doctor,People don't fit have what use?Drama in the form of a and love to see and hear,Propaganda health policy,Let people better accept。


“我恨微博,我爱微博,我更离不开微博” “I hate micro bo,I love micro bo,I more from micro bo”


中国青年报: The China youth daily:媒体上关于你有两次大的争议,一次是微博问政,还有就是关于“任督二脉”的事情。别的官员或很多人开微博,以心灵鸡汤为主,你的微博内容却很丰富,还坚持回应微博上的提问,开微博对你的工作和生活有什么影响?你在微博世界中说话,把握的分寸是什么?

Media about you have two big dispute,Once a micro bo asked administration,There is about“Ren and du two vein”things。Other officials or many people open micro bo,Give priority to with chicken soup,Your micro bo content is very rich,Persist in response to the micro bo questions,Open micro bo to your work and life have what effect?You speak in micro bo in the world,Grasp the discretion is what?


刘维忠: LiuWeiZhong:开始也没怎么注意,直接就发了。后来遭人骂,我在发之前就想一想,斟酌一下字词。我把大的决策发在微博上,很多人就来讨论,这对我们的决策很有帮助。后来卫生厅的好多决策,与网友的建议有关。互动互动,你不动他也不动。比如,开发“血库指数”平台这件事情,把甘肃血荒问题解决了,这都是微博建议的;还有防止假药的药盒毁形回收箱,作为一种制度建立起来,发了文件要各个医院统一收回统一毁形;包括中医药生态养生旅游,都是微博上建议的。微博虽然风险大,但对我们的工作推动也大,甘肃中医药的发展,和微博关系很大。

How didn't also began to pay attention to,Direct can send the。Later was called,I am in hair before they think about it,Deeply about words。I put the big decision to send in micro blog,Many people came to discuss,This to our decision to have the help very much。Then a lot of health decision-making,With friends advice about。Interaction interaction,You don't move he did not move。For example,development“Blood bank index”Platform it,The gansu blood shortage problem solved,This is all micro bo suggested;And prevent the fake medicine box destroyed form recycling bins,As a kind of system set up,Send the document to each hospital unified take unified destroyed form;Including traditional Chinese medicine health ecological tourism,Are micro blog suggested。Micro bo although great risk,But for our work to promote is big also,The development of traditional Chinese medicine in gansu province,And micro bo matter much。


中国青年报: The China youth daily:我观察了一下你发微博的规律,早上6点你就开始发微博了,晚上睡觉前还在发。有时开会在发,下乡也在发。你认为自己算是“微博控”吗?

I looked at your FaWei bo's rule,Six o 'clock in the morning you will start the FaWei bo,Before you go to bed in the evening in hair。Sometimes a meeting in the hair,Also go to the countryside in hair。Do you think you be“Micro bo control”??


刘维忠: LiuWeiZhong:我为什么要及时地发出来呢?就是为了引导全省基层卫生行政部门。我发了,他就知道工作的方向了。

Why should I timely send to?Is the whole province in order to guide the basic public health administrative department。I sent,He knew the direction of work the。


中国青年报: The China youth daily:你个人有没有反思过,公众为什么会质疑和争议一个说真话办实事的官员?

You have a personal reflection,The public why question and dispute a said the truth does the practical work officials?


刘维忠: LiuWeiZhong:不干实事的官员也受争议。所有官员上微博的没有没挨过骂的,比如廖新波就被骂过。上微博都挨骂呢,心态要摆好。

Not seeking officials also controversial。All officials on micro bo's no didn't suffer through scold of,Such as manifold new wave is called a。The micro bo are being scolded?,Mentality to lay the。


中国青年报: The China youth daily:提到廖新波,网上有人也把你们俩放在一起比较,他还有一段关于你的评价,你怎么评价他和你之间的差异?

Mentioned manifold new wave,Online, it was also put you two together comparison,He also had a paragraph about your evaluation,How do you evaluate the difference between you and him?


刘维忠: LiuWeiZhong:他讲工作少,讲观点多——这与他的角色有关,他是副厅长。

He speaks less work,Speak more than view - it with his role relevant,He is deputy director。


中国青年报: The China youth daily:官员开微博有什么好处?

Officials open micro bo have what good?


刘维忠: LiuWeiZhong:密切联系群众,这就是最好的方式。去基层联系,只能联系一两个人,而微博把这几百万人联系上来了,这不是好事吗?

Close ties with the masses,This is the best way。To grassroots contact,Can only contact with one or two people,And micro bo the millions of people contact came up,This is not a good thing?


中国青年报: The China youth daily:是不是成也微博,败也微博?你对微博的情感复杂吗?

Whether into also micro bo,Defeated also micro bo?You to the micro bo emotional complex?


刘维忠: LiuWeiZhong:我最近在写一本书,《微博问政一年间》。我写了一段话,“我恨微博,给我个人带来争议和苦恼;我爱微博,对我的卫生工作、医改工作特别是中医工作推动非常大,很多举措都是通过微博建议的;我更离不开微博,在作一些决策前征求网民的意见,这是个很好的渠道。”另外,我把微博变成指挥工作的平台,我有什么想法发在微博上,基层就照着做了,比文件快。

I recently in writing a book,《Micro bo asked the government years》。I wrote a paragraph,“I hate micro bo,Give my personal bring dispute and misery;I love micro bo,For my health work、Traditional Chinese medicine to promote reform work, especially work is very big,Many measures are through the micro bo suggested;I more from micro bo,In some decision-making before for the opinions of the Internet users,This is a very good channel。”In addition,I put the micro bo become command work platform,I have any idea hair in micro Po,Grassroots did do,Than files fast。


给自己打80分 Give myself 80 points


中国青年报: The China youth daily:你现在怎么看待争议?

Now you how look upon dispute?


刘维忠: LiuWeiZhong:有争议不要紧,不要骂人。现在的网络风气,一拍脑袋觉得不合适就骂了。还有一些人不敢骂自己的领导,看见一个当官的就骂。

It doesn't matter disputed,Don't shout。Now the network atmosphere,A clap his head feel inappropriate blew。Some people don't dare to scold their leaders,Saw a officer reviled。


中国青年报: The China youth daily:如果有一天你遇到方舟子,你会说什么?

If one day you meet fang,What do you say?


刘维忠: LiuWeiZhong:这个不能说。方舟子骂我五六次了,我没有回应过。我觉得没必要,和为贵,他可能对咱的中医不太了解。

This can't say。Fang scold me five or six times,I have no response。I don't think it's necessary,Absoluteness and,He may be I don't know much about Chinese medicine。


中国青年报: The China youth daily:面对你的批评者和反对者,你想说些什么?

In the face of your critics and opponents,What you want to say?


刘维忠: LiuWeiZhong:批评呢,以后发微博要谨慎些;支持呢,要谢谢。批评要接受,不要破口大骂,骂人是素质问题,看见官员就出气。

Criticism?,Later FaWei bo must be careful;Support?,Would like to thank。Criticism to accept,Don't shout abuse,Swear at people is quality problem,See officials air out。


中国青年报: The China youth daily:如果有一天你退休了,你希望公众会怎么评价你?

If one day you retire,You hope that the public would say about you?


刘维忠: LiuWeiZhong:不知道怎么评价。这个人有争议、没骂名,对甘肃中医发展有贡献,就行了。现在就有好多人这么说。

Don't know how to evaluation。The man controversial、Don't blame,Traditional Chinese medicine has contributed to the development of gansu province,it。There are many people say so。


中国青年报: The China youth daily:如果你给自己在卫生厅干的事业打分,打多少分?

If you give yourself in health undertaking marking,Make as many points?


刘维忠: LiuWeiZhong:80分吧。

Let 80 points。

  本报记者 张鹏 实习生 张晗

Our reporter zhang ZhangHan interns
