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the"verification"Section 5, published reports["Golden rice test"The survey],Caused strong reaction.Reporter continue to investigate follow up the progress.


湖南农业厅表示从未接到过任何转基因大米试验的申请,也没有做出任何批复 Hunan provincial bureau of animal husbandry said never received any genetically modified rice test application,Also made no reply

  本报长沙9月5日电 (记者颜珂)湖南省农业厅转基因办公室相关工作人员表示,截至目前,湖南省农业部门从未接到过任何转基因大米试验的申请,也没有做出任何批复,湖南省也不存在种植转基因大米的情况。

This newspaper on September 5, changsha (Reporter YanKe)Hunan provincial bureau of animal husbandry gm office related staff said,So far,The hunan province agriculture department had never received any genetically modified rice test application,Also made no reply,Hunan province does not exist in the planting of genetically modified rice.


Reporters from changsha to understand the customs,Hunan imported rice enterprise only a JinJian rice,Only from Thailand/South-east Asian countries such as Vietnam imported rice.Personal channels,For changsha no American non-stop flights,Foreign tourists to come to hunan changsha without through the customs or the commodity inspection.


论文第三作者表示,对美国试验是否使用“黄金大米”不知情 The paper third author said,For the United States to begin testing the whether to use"Golden rice"Don't know

  本报北京9月5日电 (记者王君平)9月5日,中国疾病预防控制中心营养与食品安全所发表声明回应“黄金大米”事件,否认参与组织转基因“黄金大米”人体试验的传闻,该所研究员荫士安表示对是否使用了“黄金大米”不知情。中国疾控中心表示,将进一步核实有关情况,并将及时公布调查进展。

Our newspaper Beijing on September 5, (Reporter WangJunPing)On September 5,,China's centers for disease control and prevention nutrition and food security response to the statement"Golden rice"events,Deny that participate in the organization as a genetically modified (gm)"Golden rice"Human trials of hearsay,This researcher shadow and Ann said whether to use"Golden rice"Don't know.The Chinese CDC said,Will further verify the relevant information,And will be published in time investigation progress.


Said in a statement,The article from the United States and Tufts(tufts)University apply to American NIH project"Children plant carotenoids vitamin A equivalent research".This research project is the tufts and zhejiang academy of medical sciences in September 2004 signed,Content is the study of spinach/Golden rice and beta - carotene capsule of carotene in children of absorption and converted into vitamin A efficiency.This article published before,Shadow and Ann researchers received[The American journal of clinical nutrition]Papers published notice,He signed agreed on.

  声明称,该项目通过了美国塔夫茨大学和浙江省医学科学院伦理审查委员会的审查,负责人是美国塔夫茨大学的Tang Guangwen(汤光文,本报9月5日报道中音译为“唐广文”)博士,中方负责人是浙江医科院的王茵研究员,荫士安研究员以浙江医科院客座研究员的身份作为协助研究者参与,具体负责现场工作。营养食品所没有与该课题合作各方签订合作协议。

Statement said,The project by the United States tufts and zhejiang academy of medical sciences ethical review committee review,The man in charge is the United States tufts of Tang Guangwen(ShangGuangWen,This newspaper on September 5,, the report for"TangGuangWen")doctor,The Chinese leader is the zhejiang YiKeYuan WangYin researchers,Shadow and Ann researcher in zhejiang YiKeYuan visiting researcher identity as assist researchers involved in,In particular, in charge of the field work.Nutrition food did not and this topic the parties signed a cooperation agreement.


Statement said,Shadow, and responsible for the researcher of the national natural science fund project name is on"Plants carotenoids in children's body into vitamin A efficiency research"(Project Numbers:30571574).This topic research contents are involved in stable isotope labeling spinach in carotenoids transformation efficiency research,No genetically modified rice research.Used in research of stable isotope mark spinach by the American tufts provide,And by the American tufts ShangGuangWen Ph.D. In may, 2008 from the United States carried to hunan hengyang field.


Statement referred to,The study design, through the China CDC nutrition food ethical review committee for examination and approval,Group and to test students' parents are informed agreement signed.This subject field work in May 2008 in hunan hengyang HengNaXian JiangKouZhen center primary schools,Selected the school 80 6-8 years old children,According to the serum vitamin A content into two groups at random,Each group of each half were given deuterium mark spinach or deuterium mark is tasted β - carotene.After the completion of the work,According to the sample of abroad formalities for examination and approval,Blood samples were sent to the United States tufts were detected.


According to the researchers, the shadow is introduced,Consider its is responsible for the national natural science fund project surface with the United States tufts ShangGuangWen doctor responsible for American NIH projects are in spinach carotenoids transformation efficiency research content,It will be two project field work merge together.Nutrition food place investigation through comparison,Shadow and Ann researchers to provide participants with the list[Children plant carotenoids vitamin A equivalent research]The research object of basic consistent.


About the American tufts ShangGuangWen doctor responsible for American NIH research project is used"Golden rice",The center nutrition food and shadow, and the researchers made multiple communication,He said not informed.


 我国严格管理转基因生物研究试验(链接) Our country strict management transgenic biological research test(link)


Transgenic technology is high/art/Pest and disease resistance/Improve the nutritional quality of known function character of gene,Through the modern means of science and technology to the goal in the organism,Make receptor biological in the original genetic characteristics on the basis of adding new functional characteristics,Obtain new varieties.


In agricultural transgenic biological safety management,Our country has formed a set of suitable for national conditions and with international practice the coherent laws and regulations/Technical procedure and management system.In 1996,,The ministry of agriculture issued[Agricultural biological gene engineering measures for the implementation of safety management].In 2001,,The state council promulgated the[Agricultural transgenic biological safety management regulations],To engaged in China in agricultural transgenic biological research/test/production/processing/Operation and import and export activities for the whole safety management.The ministry of agriculture and the gaqsiq shall formulate the[Agricultural transgenic biological safety evaluation management measures]/[Agricultural transgenic biological import safety management measures]/[The measures for the administration of the agricultural transgenic biological identification]/[Agricultural transgenic biological processing measures for examination and approval]/[Inbound and outbound transgenic products inspection and quarantine management measures]And other supporting regulations,The release of transgenic biological identification directory,To establish the research/test/production/processing/business/The links such as import license and identification management system.


To protect consumers' right to know and option,Our country to genetically modified products shall be directory identification system,Included in the identification directory of genetically modified products need identification.On the market at present of genetically modified food, such as soybean oil/Rapeseed oil and contain genetically modified ingredients blend oil has identification.

  (本报记者李浩燃整理 据农业部网站)

(Our reporter LiHao combustion arrangement according to the agriculture ministry web site)
