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民营医院面临诸多不平等待遇 期待公平“起跑线”--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室

  1. 医院可以有公立和私立之分,但医疗服务不应有公私差别。对民营医院的歧视,也是对百姓健康权的损害

1. The hospital can have the branch of public and private,But the medical service should be difference between public and private.To civilian battalion hospital discrimination,Is health to the people of the damage


Private hospitals and public hospitals have what different?With this problem,We randomly interviewed some patients.


In the Beijing chaoyang district, the second hospital to see a doctor in line of ms. Li think,The biggest advantage is that private hospital"Don't line up,A go to see a doctor can directly".She took out his medical insurance card said:"In the public hospital,The main thing is to submit an expense account,A lot of private hospital all not line."


In hubei wuhan love's eye hospital,The farmers iwslt to review.At the end of her 5 did cataract surgery,Spent more than 4000 yuan,To submit an expense account for nearly 3000 yuan."I used to go to a hospital to see,No value,Neighbors introduced,I went to the hospital to find chief physician wang yong,Said his good technical,And new farming together can submit an expense account."Speaking of his medical experience,The private hospitals iwslt feel this good technology,Service or.According to introducing,The hospital accepts the cure of patients with six or seven into,Medical insurance income accounted for 26%.


The same is located in wuhan Asian heart disease hospital,Opening 12 years,In cardiac surgery number 9 years in a row occupies the national top three,The technical level in the national front row,And the costs are plunging,Such as congenital heart disease surgery general need 30000 yuan,And the hospital through the fine cost control,Will this cost reduced to 18000 yuan of the following.


"Good development mechanism and the talent team construction,We did the basis of bigger and stronger.And health point/Scientific research/Taxation policy support,Also give the hospital the larger development space.The market demand to civilian battalion hospital,Civilian battalion hospital itself also can realize the benign development,To satisfy the needs of the community.As long as the civilian battalion hospital to do well,As people will accept."Asian heart disease hospital YeGong general manager said.


"The hospital can have the branch of public and private,But the medical service should be difference between public and private.To civilian battalion hospital discrimination,Is health to the people of the damage.While the private hospitals need to not only preferential policies,It is a fair development environment.This requires the government in the medical service of input and output on,A fair effective system arrangement,Make private hospitals can also provide reliable quality/Cost reasonable/Service facilities of medical service."Cure of the state council changes a expert consultation committee/Peking University guanghua school of management LiuGuoEn professor said.


He analysis,From the input link to see,water/electric/Land cost is explicit cost,In these cost,The government to civilian battalion hospital alike,Is relatively easy.From the output link to see,Fixed-point medical insurance/Tax and so on also should be equally.Medical insurance point can take distinguish between basic and the basic way,Such as providing basic medical services can be included in medical insurance,The basic parts can be reference to the basic medical service standard after payment,By the people to purchase beyond part of the service,Do not implement the present"One size fits all"way,To realize economic"Pareto optimality"effect.Taxes should also non-profit private hospitals implement tax breaks,Can consult countries to emerging industry of preferential tax policy,Satisfy people the health service demand.

  2. 发展非营利性的民营医院是政策鼓励的方向,政策对这类民营医院正在逐渐松绑

2. Development non-profit private hospital is policy encourages direction,Policy on this kind of civilian battalion hospital is gradually relax


On July 1,,Beijing yan ran angel children's hospital official business,This is our country's first private non-profit charity hospital,Its development fund is mainly composed of charity fund to provide.


In the charity lack of soil/The policy environment still save blank cases,The hospital can actually survive?The hospital executive vice dean LiuYanQun and yan ran angel fund executive President lee poetry,Introduced the hospital cost and income in the operation.A hospital for a year to 600 poor children with cleft lip and palate surgery,At the same time for some other poor children do charity surgery,According to the provisions of the state for a small fee.At present about investment 20 million yuan of running cost,Add the some directional donation,Make up for a lot of cost.In addition,The hospital is normal also receive social patients,A part of the income.


"We in the hospital has a lot of confusion,Such as charity of private hospital this is what kind of,The mainland has no such hospital,We will go to Taiwan to understand how the church hospital operation.And how to set the price,Can't find the specific policy provisions,Everything in the dark."LiuYanQun said.


Non-profit charity hospital,In China faces is not only a policy blank,And society to charity mistrust."To the hospital for,To raise the medical medical is the best operation mode,But they were afraid do not go down."LiuYanQun said.


The development of non-profit private hospital is policy encourages direction,Policy on non-profit private hospital is gradually relax.LiuGuoEn said:"Now non-profit private hospitals not much pressure,And for-profit hospitals but because to share out bonus bear huge pressure.In fact,Nonprofit hospital medical service is an important part in the system of,Should also get the same treatment."

  3. 先改革公立医院,把医生从单位人变成社会人,才能有效解决民营医院的人力资源问题

3. First public hospital reform,The doctor from unit people into social man,To effectively solve the civilian battalion hospital human resource problems


Human resources are the biggest cost of medical service industry."The doctor in our country have two government control condition,One is a qualification,One is the practice place.At present,Most doctors is still single point of practice,Cannot free flow,This is restricted the development of private hospitals institutional obstacles."LiuGuoEn said.


Central China university of science and technology, professor of tongji medical college YaoLan said:"Now our policy is to encourage private hospital and public hospital form effective competition,But in fact,Civilian battalion hospital and public hospital can't form competition pattern,Most of the civilian battalion hospital personnel as public hospital,Civilian battalion hospital and public hospital service system far,Not a scratch."


In recent years,Many places in our country to encourage physicians more practice,But the real application more practice physician very little,Some provinces have dozens of just a year.The basic reason is that the public hospital personnel monopolized,Outflow very not easy,Because the doctor more practice in distribution system/Social security system/Medical risk sharing system, etc,These problems no problem,Doctor is difficult to really flow up.Guangdong provincial health bureau deputy director manifold new wave pointed out,The existing personnel system determines the public hospital personnel not easy to civilian battalion hospital flow.


"In developed countries,The doctor is not unit person,But free,Hospital is a place to diagnosis and treatment.Even the public hospital,The doctor is retained,Not belonging to the hospital."YaoLan said.She thinks,To free the doctor,You should first public hospital reform,The doctor into social man,To talk about the development of private hospitals.


4. The government should be in the land/Taxes to give equal treatment,Let civilian battalion hospital preferential policies into effect


On August 30,,Beijing[On further encourage and guide the social capital held several policy of medical institutions]issued,There were 18 measures.Beijing SAN Po brain hospital dean ZhangYang think,Beijing's new policy have breakthrough.


"This policy is the biggest breakthrough,Really encourage and support social do medical.For example,In the admittance threshold aspects alike,In the land/Taxes also give security and preferential,Content is very specific,Maneuverability strong."ZhangYang said,The new policy for in the initial phase of for private hospitals,To solve the problems the threshold;For the better development of hospital,Clear the land/The specific tax preferential policies, etc.


"The key problem lies in implementation.For example in our hospital in brain development,Talent team the demand is higher,According to the regulation that can participate in high-tech enterprise,Thus enjoy more favorable tax policy.And in the land,For us this non-profit hospital,Even if cannot free transfer,Also can get preferential."ZhangYang said.


Wuhan love's eye hospital chief executive President HanZhong said,Love's hospital land use is all according to the market price of purchase.The local also encourage and support social do medical,But in the land demand,There is no specific clampdowns on."We hope that we can land price preferential point,Position should be also suitable for the hospital."In addition,He also wants to give in taxes non-profit hospital equal treatment,Will be exempted from business tax,And public hospital in the same starting line competition."We had the business tax exemption period after,Is that according to the profit to pay,This let us face greater pressure."He said.


A lot of civilian battalion hospital chief said,map"Article 58,"Provisions are very good,Key is to implement.In Beijing before the new policies,yunnan/chongqing/Hebei, more than 10 provinces has already issued a provincial supporting documents,All policies are some loose,But the operability is poor.For example,Many places puts forward new and adjust when the establishment of medical institutions,Giving priority to social do medical organizations,But the real social capital when filing the application,Probably not location,And according to the market price to sell,Do the medical cost is very high.And as,Many places encourage foreign capital conduct medical institutions,But according to a medical institution outside the person in charge said,Examination and approval rather difficult,Waiting time beyond imagination,Policy to carry out the situation is not optimistic.
