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身高70厘米怀双胞胎 39岁高龄侏儒孕妇搏命产女--亲稳舆论引导监测室


侏儒妈妈搏命产子 Gnome mother beat litters of life


她39岁,只有70厘米高,怀上了双胞胎 She 39 years old,Only 70 cm high,Was pregnant with twins


她搏命保胎,终于在前日剖腹产下41厘米女儿 She beat life defend,Finally in the day before yesterday by caesarean section 41 cm daughter


ChenGuoQin gave birth to,She and the ripe old age of 70 cm and high body,On September 4, gave birth to body length and the daughter of cm.As a gnome mother,ChenGuoQin created a miracle.But behind the miracle,Is ChenGuoQin hard"pregnant"path,She could have conceived are twins,But there is a fetus in the womb 5 months already death,She still beat life defend;Behind the miracle,And her husband DengXingLu delight and helpless.

  昨日,新桥医院,产后的陈国琴因重度子痫和贫血,仍在医院里治疗,陪护在她病床边的是她的丈夫。 重庆晨报记者 许恢毅 摄

yesterday,Xinqiao hospital,Postpartum ChenGuoQin for seere pre-eclampsia and anemia,Still in the hospital treatment,Chaperonage in her bedside is her husband. Chongqing morning paper reporter XuHui innofidei perturbation


ChenGuoQin daughter for premature delivery and severe anoxia,Still in severe medicine treatment.


他们的爱情 Their love


她的“婚车”是丈夫的背篼 her"sported"Is her husband's basket carriers


她的“孕”程 her"pregnant"path


高危妊娠 她搏命生下女儿 High-risk pregnancy she beat life gave birth to her daughter


新闻纵深 News depth


医生不支持她高危妊娠 The doctor does not support her high-risk pregnancy


孩子的健康还是未知数 The child's health or unknown


ChenGuoQin surgery for xinqiao hospital maternity doctor liu shanshan said,In the surgery,For ChenGuoQin physical deformities,ChenGuoQin's pelvic bone deformities,In the process of normal pregnant and maternal high risk compared to a lot of times.In addition to her body is too small,On admission there was gestational hypertension symptoms,She can't find measuring blood pressure of the sphygmomanometer,Finally in the pediatric just borrowed instrument.


Use high blood pressure drug dose is also a problem,Adult dose for her too big,This also let the doctor spend money brains.Liu said the SAN SAN:"From the medical point of view say a,Absolute don't support ChenGuoQin pregnancy,Risk is so high."Although now she lucky survived,But her body will there be other genetic diseases genetic give children,Or a unknown.


56 years old people DengXingLu fengdu,The day before yesterday just when his father.Daughter was born,Let him only happy moment,accurately,Only 5 minutes.After the barrage of worry follow,DengXingLu life,Never have so at a loss.


His heart was actually very happy,But in the face of lying in bed is 70 centimeters tall wife ChenGuoQin,He also very worried:"Ran to give birth to a,Big small are old fire,I burnt dead."


Say that finish this sentence,56 years old DengXingLu suddenly corners of a smoke,Covered her eyes with hands,Nasty cry.


中年得子 Middle-aged son to


老婆孩子让他焦麻 Wife and children let him focal hemp


70 cm high ChenGuoQin,With a pair of twins,Although one of the die on the vine,But the day before yesterday was born daughter at 41 cm!As a gnome mother,ChenGuoQin is to create the miracle.But premature babies in five minutes and then sent into severe medicine.Premature need long time of care,The wife and because seere pre-eclampsia and anemia,The body is still not recovery,so,Whether money or energy,Let DengXingLu far could not afford.


More let the DengXingLu could not afford,Is he never before considered,56 years old son to,Son not big,Father is old,How to bring up the child?These problems he had never thought,And now you can't even think.


was,This is a very simple travel together life story.


The story,In a small life accident after arrival,Was completely changed.And sorrow and joy,The leap mood in 2012,Through the DengXingLu and ChenGuoQin husband and wife the life of two.


去年之前 Until last year


他和妻子还很陌生 He and his wife is still very strange


DengXingLu and ChenGuoQin are FengDouXian treasure and town people,2011 years ago don't know.DengXingLu is an orphan,Family circumstances poverty,Not many culture;ChenGuoQin congenital deformity,Height is only 70 cm.


DengXingLu 56 years old,Because the family circumstances poverty,He thinks himself will find a daughter-in-law is basically not much hope.


ChenGuoQin parents in the local rural condition is also good,Because of fears that the daughter outcasts,The daughter keeps at home more than thirty years,Never let others introduction object.


Until late last year gave birth to a disease,ChenGuoQin old father feel old,After her daughter's road need another person with go.Village LiXiaoLan introduction DengXingLu and ChenGuoQin know,Two people get along with the 1 month later,Each other feel that they are good.
