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 螃蟹+西红柿=吃砒霜 Crab + tomatoes = eating arsenic?

  近日一位黑龙江女医生的观点在广播、电视、网络上流传 Recently a heilongjiang female doctor point of view on the radio/TV/Circulated on the Internet

  多位专家反驳:饭菜不是单纯的化学实验,两种元素加在一起就能生成第三种元素 Many experts argue:The food is not purely a chemistry experiment,Two kinds of elements together can generate the third element

  谷岳飞 蔡蕴琦

GuYueFei CaiYunQi

  新闻背景  中国之声、北京卫视报道——西红柿螃蟹同食产生剧毒 黑龙江女医生:是的

News background sound of China/Beijing TV reports -- tomatoes crab with food produce highly toxic heilongjiang female doctor:yes


The day before yesterday the sound of China[News late peak]Report on a"Crab tomatoes with food produce arsenic"news,Trigger hot debate.


The report says,Golden autumn is a good time to eat crabs,Recently on the Internet there was a relevant"Tomato stew crab"Dishes but cause the attention and controversy,Even netizens to the truth,Tomatoes and crabs eat together can produce a white arsenic highly toxic.


this,Heilongjiang province hospital dermatological department chief physician WeiJuan explanation is given:Crab is not only can't eat tomatoes together,And those who contain vitamin C ingredients were not suitable for with crabs eat together,Otherwise, the consequences will be very serious.She said,Crab is crustaceans,It contains pentavalent arsenic,No damage to the human body itself,But in under the action of vitamin C,Will become trivalent arsenic,Is spoken by arsenic trioxide.


Harbin crab crab Ming huang palace of jiang manager further suggested:Crab try not to and tomatoes/Cold drink/tea/Peanut served with,Will produce some allergy symptoms.It is reported,Beijing TV and so on also carried on the related report.

  三位微博名人反驳:不可能 Three small bo celebrity retort:Can't


so,Crabs and tomato eat together,True will produce virulent arsenic to life?yesterday,Numerous net friend said"scared".But soon,Online refute this kind of view all sorts of views have been shown --


范志红:我们花了几年时间辟谣,还是架不住谣言继续 FanZhiGong:We spent a few years time again,Or JiaBuZhu rumours continue to


yesterday,"Crabs and tomato eat together to poison said"Also has caused the China agricultural university in food science and nutrition engineering college two food safety experts attention.


The hospital a well-known associate professor,In micro blog more active celebrity FanZhiGong publicly questioned,"If the crab arsenic is not overweight uneven distribution,Can not be poisoning."She says this is an age-old rumors,"We spent a few years time to deny",But still JiaBuZhu rumours continue to.


FanZhiGong said:"Rumors shrimp and crab cannot contain VC food eat together,In the final analysis is worried about aquatic products of arsenic pollution problem.Need to pay attention to is,Crab easy to cause allergic and food intolerance.But that doesn't mean everyone to eat crabs, fast must contain VC vegetables and fruit."


朱毅:一次吃几公斤被污染螃蟹和5斤西红柿才可能中毒 ZhuYi:A time to eat a few kilograms contaminated crabs and 5 jins of tomato might poisoning


The hospital ZhuYi associate professor in individual the authentication micro blog commented:"In the lab,Vitamin C may make five price arsenic into of the highly toxic trivalent arsenic,But on food is not easy."


She says:"First of all,Want to eat a few kilograms were serious arsenic pollution crab;after,Vitamin C to one-time taking 500 mg,Also is one-time intake more than 5 jins of tomatoes have the possibility of poisoning,The average person can eat so much?"


“云无心”:人体不是化学反应器,“砷转化”只是臆想 "Cloud centerless":The human body is not chemical reactor,"Arsenic transformation"Only surmise


FanZhiGong micro bo issued got a lot of support,Including Beijing union medical college hospital, etc,Such as science writer squirrel cloud moved to a word:"Even exceed the uneven distribution of arsenic,Quinquevalence arsenic into trivalent arsenic is just a concoction(The human body is not a suitable chemical reactor)."


Others say more straightforward:This is not"1 + 1 = 2"Chemical experiment,Two kinds of elements together can generate the third element.

  扬子晚报记者 谷岳飞

Yangzi evening news reporter GuYueFei


Yangtze evening paper traced back

  “虾蟹不能与VC同吃”传了十多年 "Shrimp and crab can't eat with VC"Pass for more than ten years


yesterday,Yangzi evening news reporter discovery,Since 2001,Often have a similar story was circulated on the Internet version:


somewhere,A girl suddenly seven hole bleeding sudden death.After the preliminary autopsy,Because that for arsenic poisoning and death.A medical college professor was invited to help solve crimes.He carefully examined the the dead in the stomach after extract said:"Arsenic is in the dead from the internal."The deceased will take vitamin C food every day,Dinner and ate a lot of shrimp - that's the problem!


Nanjing two experts said:Can't


Yangzi evening news reporter interviewed yesterday nanjing chemical and food expert.They also say that,Crabs and tomato eat no more great things.


 理论上有可能 Theoretically possible

  但事实上不会吃这么多 But in fact don't eat so much


Nanjing agricultural university food science institute of food safety and nutrition experts AnXinXin said,Never heard of anyone eat tomatoes and crabs appears after the arsenic poisoning.


"Speaking from the principle,Arsenic is a kind of nonmetal elements,Usually not new existence,Mainly exists in the form of oxide.The crab is pentavalent arsenic,Is a kind of compound,Tomatoes may be the VC reduction,Become trivalent arsenic - but this is only theory."The teacher said,,In fact the crabs and tomatoes after cooked generates low possibility of arsenic,Because of the need to very large amounts of arsenic and VC can only generate arsenic.


but,The table on the crab mostly after quarantine department detection,Arsenic content rarely;Even if is VC reduction,Will not influence to the human body."In addition to you ate a lot of a lot of crab,And swallowed many, many tomatoes,Otherwise, there is no problem."The teacher said,,"If crab of polluted,High arsenic content,People eat it is harmful."

  砷经过高温蒸煮后 Arsenic after high temperature after cooking

  直接升华了,没啥事 Directly the sublimation,Do not have what thing


Nanjing a university a chemical experts told reporters,From the chemical principle that arsenic oxide met after VC,Will revert into arsenic trioxide,But the prerequisite is that there are large amount of arsenic.And arsenic is a kind of"unstable"element,Insoluble in water.Arsenic after high temperature cooking or sauteed after,Won't become liquid,But direct sublimation,"Tomatoes and crabs in a eat should do not have too big problem."

  扬子晚报记者 蔡蕴琦

Yangzi evening news reporter CaiYunQi


 高淳螃蟹养殖大户:我吃了20多年螃蟹也和西红柿一起吃过从没中毒 GaoChun crab breeding leader:I ate more than 20 years crab also and tomatoes together had never poisoning


"I might be Chinese eat crab most people,But never heard of crabs and tomato eat together will poisoning."yesterday,GaoChun famous crab breeding farmers/Manage door GaoChun county double lake crabs co., LTD., chairman of the board of directors history unity of yangzi evening news reporters.


History unity said,You eat crabs at least 20 years,Because his breeding crabs,therefore"May each year in addition/6 two months not to eat outside,All the year round eating crabs - in China,Estimates that no one to eat crabs have I many".But over the years,History unity never because together to eat crabs/Tomatoes and produce poisoning symptoms;In his side,Never heard that have a similar cases.


"qiao,I the day before yesterday evening ate crabs and tomatoes",History unity will resolutely denied to poison.The day because there are several friends to come,Night food taken late at night when she cooked a pot of crabs eat,The food on the table and tomato egg soup,"It is normal to eat,The day passed,Didn't see any people poisoning."


As people eat crabs,History unity is introduced,Because the crab is cold sex thing,Eat crabs, drink soju/vinegar,Eat some ginger what.


江苏省餐饮行业协会说:传言早就听说过但做了这么多年菜没见到过 Jiangsu food industry association said:Rumors would have heard but do for so many years food hasn't seen


Food association bag teacher introduction,In all ages,In the traditional diet culture,No crabs and tomato phase grams of taboo.But he said in all over China in cooking,Also have no"Tomato stew crab"This dish.But in nanjing, etc,Eat crabs on the table when a tomato soup/Scrambled egg with tomato is possible.


Packet teacher said crab or steamed,Either the crab roe/Crab meat picking out to cook.In the system of huaiyang cuisine,Every year autumn crabs rise of season,A famous crab meat is 17.In addition,To crab for ingredients of food and crab meat shrimp/Crab roe soup bag and so on.And tomatoes and crabs sit at the same table is not rare,People's life,Often eating crabs,The part still point have tomato omelette and home cooking.


As for online spread of so-called crab tomato eat together to poison said,Packet teacher said earlier he will have ears,But years of cooking experience told him,It is impossible to.

  包老师表示,这种说法从实践的角度来说,明显不靠谱。厨师常用的食材中,富含维生素C的除了西红柿外,还有柠檬、黄瓜等,也从未听说螃蟹和它们不能同桌。现实中,这么多年来,也未听说有人因为一起吃了这些食材而中毒。扬子晚报记者 谷岳飞

Packet teacher said,This statement from the practical point of view,Without obvious spectral.The cook commonly used in the ingredients,Rich in vitamin C in addition to the tomatoes,And lemon/Cucumber, etc,Never heard of crabs and they can't sit at the same table.reality,So for many years,Also not heard someone because eat together the ingredients and poisoning.Yangzi evening news reporter GuYueFei


Can't and crabs to eat together


 不是西红柿,而是柿子? Not tomatoes,But persimmon?


interview,GaoChun crab breeding farmers history unity tell yangzi evening news reporter:Best don't mix together to eat is persimmon,Rather than tomatoes.


According to he introduced,Persimmon is not and crabs mixed eat,Because two things mixed together after condenses into pieces,"Besides collywobbles outside,May have to stone",So often eat crab people all know,Crabs and persimmon cannot be mixed together to eat.


for"Crab had better not and persimmon eat together"that,Jiangsu food industry association cooking expert package teachers agree.


He said,From the point of view of preserve one's health,People will summarize some phase grams of food,Crabs and persimmon belong to one of them.The reason lies in both are cool sex,Eat together in the stomach produces polymerization effect,The stomach to cause harm.But the yangzi evening news reporter learned,Even if this statement,Also the lack of relevant experts more in-depth research and experimental test.


For crabs cannot and persimmon eat together said,FanZhiGong introduced:"Crabs and persimmon taboos are ancient books written.But the effect is different from person to person.Some gastrointestinal sensitive people eat crabs and persimmon(Including pear/cane/Banana and a lot of fruit),Even if only eat one,Can cause gastrointestinal discomfort.But a lot of digestive function good people ate prove nothing.It is not universal law,But can be thought of as on gastrointestinal function not beautiful person tip."


In other words,Even if"Crabs can't and persimmon eat"This statement,Also vary from person to person.
