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广东精子库精源短缺 捐精补贴提高至5000元(图)--亲稳网络舆情监控室

广东精子库精源短缺 捐精补贴提高至5000元(图)所有采集来的合格精子都被保存在零下196℃的液氮罐内,20年之内都可以采用。丁玎 摄 All acquisition to qualified sperm are kept in 196 ℃ below zero of the liquid nitrogen tank,20 years can use.DingDing perturbation


recently,"Sperm bank fine source shortage"concern,Have net friend is still in research if you can"Donate sperm to buy a house".Reporters yesterday visited guangdong the only legal sperm bank - guangdong province family planning specialized subject hospital human sperm bank to know,Guangdong infertility rate was 13%,In order to attract more donor,The library will complete each a donate sperm subsidy standard increased from $3000 to $5000,But each life can only donate a,So I want to buy a house by donate sperm must be hopeless.


直击 捐精需指纹“验明正身” Direct to donate sperm fingerprint"identify"


Yuexiu district mei road quite quiet,Is located in the guangdong province 17 family planning research institutes also appears very low-key,Human sperm bank is located in guangdong province on the eighth floor.


Sperm bank is equipped with heavily fortified entrance guard system,Into the long corridor should be put on one-time blue shoe covers.Take fine room between 4,First donor designated use 3/4 the room,After passing test after use 1/No. 2 room,Enterprising fine chamber will change into special red suit.


The reporter sees,Take fine room appear some humble:Each size about 6 square metre,Long about 2 meters of lying bed depend on a wall and put,The Windows labeled sexy beauty posters,Take the essence the window with a small fingerprint recognizer.According to the sperm bank chief physician TangLiXin is introduced,Donor sperm samples in the window down before,Must be in the left index fingerprint recognizer type,to"identify".


Semen samples need in 196 ℃ below zero of the liquid nitrogen tank,Can save 20 years.Sperm bank sperm sample room deposit has 17 size such as gas bottle of liquid nitrogen tank."Every liquid nitrogen tank can deposit 67000 branch semen samples,The maximum capacity for 150000 branch,But the present used only less than half."


"Donate a fine may be not so simple,The fastest also want to 9 months,General to 10 times."TangLiXin told reporters,To check whether the donor sperm qualified,To check blood and genetic history.After passing the acceptance check,Come again seven eight times take fine,Average come here once a week.In the stop for fine after six months,And then to the library exsanguinate do a AIDS inspection.This is because HIV can be in the body for up to six months,Only once again inspection for negative,Sperm can be used safely.So in order to complete a full process of sperm donors.


According to the statistics,Guangdong sperm bank since its inception in 2003,A university degree donors accounted for almost 90% of the whole,The college students is given priority to."We regularly organize to university dormitory sent leaflet,Basically, every day there are college students to donate."TangLiXin said.


调查 精子供不应求,医院“吃不饱” Survey sperm demand exceeds supply,hospital"Do not have enough to eat"


Sperm bank hot and shortage,With recent years guangdong incidence of infertility associated with increased obviously.


TangLiXin said,Family planning branch, guangdong province do two large-scale survey,A is 2002 to 2000 married five counties more than 20000 newly married couples visit,Found infertility rates(Refers to the couple a year did not take contraceptive measures but not the proportion of pregnancy)Up to 14.7%;Another was in 2010 for the 13 counties/More than 20000 families survey,Infertility rate was 13%.Two results was not statistically significant,Are better than in the s and s the odd results have a greatly increased.TangLiXin think,This and people health consciousness/To strengthen the inspection of the,And now the pollution of the environment/Work and life pressure, and other comprehensive factors.


"Now we supply each year cooperation hospital sperm number of copies can be said to be tens of thousands of,But still demand exceeds supply."TangLiXin said,At present and guangdong sperm bank signed a cooperation agreement with pure units with the south hospital/Zhongshan a court/Zhongshan 2 yuan/Zhongshan hospital and so on six hospitals,But every hospital are"Do not have enough to eat".


According to the analysis,In addition to be"A drop of pure/Ten blood"The traditional idea influence,Donate sperm program trival/Long time/Insufficient subsidies,Are all lead to the causes of deficiency of donor.


误区 error


捐精100次可买房? Donate sperm 100 times can buy a house?


卫生部规定,每人一生只能进行一次完整捐精 The ministry of health regulations,Each person's life can only carry on a complete donate sperm


Have net friend recently hot debate,Every time donate sperm can get the allowance of 3000-5000 yuan,If donate 100 times not to be able to take hundreds of thousands of yuan to buy a house?


"It is a beautiful misunderstanding."TangLiXin introduced,In order to improve the enthusiasm of social donate sperm,Provincial scientific research field yesterday just meeting,Decided to take guangdong sperm bank per person a complete donate sperm subsidy standard increased from $3000 to $5000,Mainly is the nutrition/Traffic subsidies.And according to China's ministry of health regulations,A person's life can only conduct a complete donate sperm,And most can only let five women pregnancy.This policy is to avoid to produce from the same father's"Brother and sister"happen"Clansman marriage"And intermarriage ethical crisis.


It is understood,Many countries of the world to donate sperm times and utilization rate regulation is more comfortable.TangLiXin said,Europe has a"Donate sperm emperor",7 years contributed more than 500 times,According to each allowance of 300 euros,Can get 150000 euros,Really can house.But in our country,Because of considering the factors such as ethical crisis,This is obviously not possible to achieve.


误区 error


只有两成多男人精子合格? Only a man's sperm more than twenty percent qualified?


精子库筛选标准是正常生育标准的4倍 Sperm bank screening standard is normal birth standard 4 times


According to the statistics,Guangdong in the donor sperm bank,Semen percent of pass is only more than 20%.The number and the other parts of the sperm bank difference.It makes many people doubt:Don't Chinese men so that won't be possible?Even university students' sperm quality is so poor?


"It is misunderstanding!"TangLiXin explained,Despite the research shows that in recent years the sperm quality decline,But the main reason for the low qualification rate of sperm bank,The sperm bank is the screening standard is normal birth standard 4 times.Normal sperm counts as long as 15 million/ml will have passed,But as a result of the preservation of sperm bank by low temperature freezing,In this process will lose part,So the standard is increased to 60 million/ml.

  另外,精子库对于精子的活动率和外形的要求也有限制,国外形态学的合格标准是4%,而中国要求很高,要达到30%,这也导致合格率较低。(记者 陈枫 见习记者 骆骁骅)

In addition,Sperm bank for sperm activity ratio and shape requirements also have limit,The morphology of the foreign qualified standard is 4%,While China demanding,To reach 30%,It also lead to lower rate.(Reporter ChenFeng trainee reporter LuoXiaoHua)
