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 “换肝”救子手术背后的伦理审查 "In liver"Save the son behind the operation of ethical review

  医生曾担心不符合《人体器官移植条例》,被伦理委员会叫停,最终手术获审批 The doctor had worried that do not conform to the[The human organ transplant regulations],Be ethics committee to stop,The final surgery for examination and approval

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两母亲已能进食两孩子已能喝水 Two mother already can eat two children has been able to drink water


Yesterday morning,"In liver"Mother rodin, and for the first time YinChunLin after eating,And the care leftankle walk."In liver"Child zhe zhe and round and round still in the ICU,Already can right amount drink some sugar water.


On September 15,,Complete exchange liing donor lier transplants rodin/YinChunLin into the same general ward.Due to the weak,Medical staff told family,Patients exhaust to eat.Yesterday morning,Both husband and wife LuoKaiZhi LiuXiang that exhaust,Run downstairs bought millet congee,"So many days have a meal,They hungry."


Yesterday afternoon 4 when 30 points,YinChunLin wore masks,A hand on a walking aid,In the care of the hand,In the ward in the corridor outside slowly pace.


Beijing armed police general hospital of doctor of vice director of li wei said,Zhe zhe and round and round is still in an intensive-care indoor observation,Can right amount drink some sugar water.The attending physician yue doctor is introduced,At present zhe zhe anti-rejection drug concentration is 12.1 nanogram/ml,Achieve concentration;Round and round of anti-rejection drug concentration is 5.1 nanogram/ml,Need to medical personnel according to their liver function recovery increase to target concentration.


Two mother"In liver"Save the son,The country's first exchange liing donor lier transplantation surgery,Cause social attention.


Now successful operation,Beijing armed police general hospital of doctor of vice director of li wei said,Before the operation have are faced with great pressure,And don't want to high-profile publicity.If in strict accordance with the[The human organ transplant regulations](said"[regulations]")The relevant provisions of the,The operation was a may be Beijing armed police general hospital ethics committee to stop,Even disturb the ministry of health.


“可能违反《条例》” "A possible violation of[regulations]"


Every Tuesday afternoon,Armed police general hospital organ transplant research institute and floor conference room,Will a case discussion.


One of the end of August on Tuesday,For rodin/YinChunLin are the other son"In liver"Operation scheme,Discuss very fierce.


Organ transplantation, deputy director of the institute/Chief physician ChenXinGuo memories,Then a doctor worry,The possible violation of surgery[regulations]Related regulations,Not through the ethics will for examination and approval.


According to the[regulations]provisions,Living organ to accept a person limited to living organ donors spouse/Direct blood or collateral relatives by blood up to three generations,Or there is evidence to prove and living organ donors exist for supporting formed the personnel relationship.


this,ChenXinGuo explain,For supporting formed the personnel relationship is confined to the adoptive parents/Stepchild,.


In fact,Through the"Biliary atresia mutual QQ group"Contact before,Rodin and YinChunLin is not met,The former is hubei,The latter from yunnan,Two and no blood relationship.


曾有一位母亲反悔 There have been a mother back


At this time,Rodin son zhe zhe has set up a file in the hospital waiting for liver source nearly five months.


Li wei think,Zhe zhe illness can't delayed,If not for liver transplants,Age aborted possibility is very large.


unaided,He even wanted to let type B blood rodin for type O blood zhe zhe"Donated liver",Directly parent liver transplant.


"Once I listen to not agree with."Rodin's husband LiuXiang said,This cross blood type"Donated liver"The risk of blood type than with bigger,He is worried about zhe zhe will have strong rejection reaction.


ChenXinGuo also said,this"Donated liver"Also can increase a lot of money,Because before the operation need to do some pretreatment.


In the middle of July,McGrady(alias)A live in armed police general hospital,The less than one years old children also need to change liver treatment.


Happen to McGrady blood type and rodin consistent,McGrady mother blood type and zhe zhe consistent.The doctors thought about exchange liing donor lier transplantation surgery,But because of some personal reasons,Wheat a McCallister family and they go back on our word now.


then,Through the"Biliary atresia mutual QQ group",Zhe zhe life baton to YinChunLin hands,Rodin can also save YinChunLin son round and round.


伦理会上激烈争论 Ethical controversy at the meeting


Although the worry about the examination and approval,But save important,Organ transplantation research institute decided to the ethics committee.


A memory participants,September 3, afternoon ethics will discuss the three liver transplant and 2 cases of renal transplant application.YinChunLin and rodin"In liver"Save the son surgery are arranged in the first.


According to the[regulations]provisions,The human organ transplant technology clinical application and ethics committee required by medicine/law/Ethics, etc experts,The transplant of human organs engaged in medical experts are not more than a quarter of the committee members.Li wei said,The day the seven members.


A participant researchers said,Because members are not surgical experts,Zhe zhe/Round and round the competent doctor introduction type-specific results/Operation contraindication/Indications and other basic situations.


rodin/YinChunLin two proof of identity materials/"Don't carry out the organ trading"Guarantee and written material,Also field after lawyer audit.


"Whether voluntary donated liver?""Whether it will do organ trading?"Meeting to rodin/YinChunLin questions face to face.Some members also to the competent doctors and rodin/The YinChunLin related inquiry.


Li wei and others worry or appeared.According to li wei relays,A member of the first don't want to sign agreed to.To implement the"A ticket overruled make"Ethics committee,If there is a people don't agree,Transplant will not be able to do.


同时手术防后悔 At the same time prevent regret surgery


Li wei memories,The members of the committee is not don't agree,But there are two concerns.


First of all,Such in liver surgery,If two children success everybody happy,One thousand have a child is not successful,"How with somebody else mother metasomatism,The somebody else one thousand riots,Said I didn't succeed in children,To put my liver back."


secondly,Generally speaking,One day in a pair of mother and son"In liver"Operation is normal.If a mother to see his son the day before the operation is a success,The next day she decided to donate the liver,what?"Now say well,But there are possible,You also can't take the somebody else tied to the table."


A present ethical committee memories,Put forward the members concern in the hospital is engaged in the administrative management,And the department of transplantation doctors think from different angles,More worried about the consequences of the operation security problems.


then,Organ transplantation research institute to the members emphasized the urgent rescue,And elaborate the previous exchange living kidney transplantation cases,Eventually the committee agreed to sign.


Li wei said,On September 14th cross simultaneously 4 station operation,Is this reference the opinions of the members of the committee.


The total operation ShenZhongYang professor also accept media group visit admits when,Do this kind of operation under a lot of pressure,Mainly comes from feeling and ethics.


是否能开创新途径? If you can create a new way?


On May 1, 2007,[The human organ transplant regulations]Formal implementation.


In 2008,,A non blood exchange renal transplant was guangzhou hospital ethics committee to stop,After investigating caused by department of health.


But li wei remember,When a web portal has launched an investigation,Of the 7000 people participate in,Only about 20 people object to surgery.


ChenXinGuo says,Because of the influence of the feudal traditional concept,Many areas have apparent donated the dead organ for unfilial injustice lift,And the use of death organ also involves ethical issues.This can make for transplantation surgery of liver source number less,"The general is a donor with 150 people in, etc."ChenXinGuo said.


According to li wei introduced,The foreign literature in the mentioned,"The blood exchange liver transplantation"Or can increase 10% of liver source,"This data is very considerable".


He thinks,the"In liver"Save the son surgery between mother and child family belongs to consider,Does not involve[regulations]The legislative purpose have to ban organs deal,In ethics can accept,"After all, save important".


According to the health department statistics,The domestic each year about 1 million to 1.5 million patients need organ transplants,But every year to carry out the operation of 13000 cases only.In the face of such a big gap,the"In liver"Save the son surgery can you give similar cases a new way to solve it?


Beijing armed police general hospital chief physician ChenXinGuo accepted the media interview said,If later as the parents and children,I think this comply with the relevant state laws,Does not exist organ business,I want to exchange can be considered.

  本版采写/新京报记者 许路阳 实习生 李晓波

This collection &composition/Beijing news reporter xu road male interns LiXiaoBo
