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打麻将预防老年痴呆?这个可以有! Playing mahjong prevent dementia?This can have!

  明天是世界老年痴呆症日,专家提醒“被窃妄想”或“收藏废品”等都是老人患病表现 Tomorrow is the world, alzheimer's disease,The expert reminds"Stolen delusion"or"Collect scrap"Is the old man sick performance


appeared"Stolen delusion",Always feel that children of stealing her things;Pension is very high also outside pick up rags,The children from the more serious the situation...This old man,And is not only the spiritual problems,In fact all of these is the typical performance of alzheimer's.On September 21, is"The world, alzheimer's disease",The disease was named alzheimer's disease.At present China has senile dementia patients more than 5 million people,Of the world a quarter of the total number of cases,And an annual average of 30 cases of new TB cases.At present,Dementia has become the cardiovascular disease/Cerebrovascular disease and cancer after,Elderly health"The fourth killer".

  通讯员 徐晓蓉 记者 于丹丹

Reporter correspondent XuXiaoRong YuDanDan


 出现以下几种情况,家人需警惕 The following several ways,Family need to alert

  A 性格突然大变,喜静者变得爱出门

A character suddenly big change,Xi JingZhe become love go out


Nanjing brain hospital old psychiatric experts told reporters,Along with society gradually entered the aging,Alzheimer's disease is more and more high risk,More than 65 people suffer from severe dementia ratio of 4% - 6%,And to 80 years old,This rate is up to 20%,Patients with women more than men.


"apathy"Is early common symptom,Personality change often appeared in the early disease,The patient suffering from a lack of initiative,Activities to reduce,lonely,selfish,On the surrounding environment interest decrease.But there are also had introvert suddenly become the outgoing,Nanjing brain hospital psychiatric elderly MeiGang associate chief physician told reporters,Many old people after suffering from alzheimer's disease,But like the go out to play,So also increases the risk of the old man lost.

  B 把破烂当珍宝,统统捡回家

B the rags when treasure,Pick up home all


MeiGang, deputy director of the doctor told reporters,Alzheimer's disease and some typical symptoms,For example"Collection behavior",These patients picked rags apparent if treasures,On the outside to see what all pick up home.He had met an old man,Enjoy generous pension,Children also very filial piety.But the old man suddenly become love picked rags,Even others ate half of the box lunch also pick up back.His son asked his,Why is to pick the somebody else's leftovers,The old man said,These keep home to feed the pigs.For the last century s and 60 s,The old man had lived in the countryside,Because suffer from alzheimer's disease,He short-term memory loss,Myself to stay between the years in the past.

  C 反复重复一句话,擅长的变得生疏

C to repeat a word,Good at become rusty


There are lots of people with alzheimer's disease is the most direct knowledge"Memory sent",Nanjing brain hospital psychiatric elderly LiHaiLin director told reporters,Mild alzheimer's recent stage is memory disorders often for starting and the most obvious symptoms.


But first the degradation not obvious,Difficult to let the human detection,Many people think,age,Memory difference is normal phenomenon.Some patients disease early also tries to hide or tried to make up for his memory defect,"My memory is good,No problem"/"I can remember the past many years ago".


MeiGang associate chief physician told reporters,Due to the hippocampus in the brain atrophy,"For example,Like a computer can only type but could not be saved,"So the ability of short-term memory impairment;But instead the past things but remember very clearly,And even the details are not drip,It is also one of the symptoms of alzheimer's disease,Later gradually developed to include recent memory and long-term memory, all memory loss.


There are some performance is also memory symptoms,For example repeatedly said the same thing;The language of words empty;To repeat the same simple behavior,Such as shopping multiple payment.LiHaiLin director have ever had an old man,One day a few times to the bank deposit money,Because he doesn't know you have saved the.


LiHaiLin director told reporters,Still have a kind of behavior is also the performance of alzheimer's disease,It is original is very good at things suddenly become rusty,"For example some housewife,The original food burning is very good,But cook level suddenly fell,Or just forget to put salt,Either put too much salt,Don't forget to close the fire burned."This shows,Her memory has appeared significantly reduced.

  D “被窃妄想” 怀疑别人偷她的钱

D "Stolen delusion" Doubt someone stole her money


"The doctor,My mother always doubt someone stole her money,Brain is out of the question?"The 68 - year - old retired teacher wang old too(alias)Be daughter sent to nanjing brain hospital psychiatric elderly,Daughter in the doctor ear said quietly.The original,In order to make the old man get better care,Children give the old man please a home nurse.


The results,Wang old tai nanny three days two head quarrel,Reason is the old lady always doubt nanny stole the money,Until one time two people turn over noisy,Also the dial 110,It was found later that,The old lady was pushed to hide the money.The two years,The old lady connecting in several nanny,Finally all part on bad terms.Then home talents to think of it,This is actually the spirit out of the question ah.


Experts point out that,"Memory disorders"Is the first signs of alzheimer's,But in middle alzheimer's disease,The patient may appear mental and behavioural disorders,Can have auditory hallucination/illusion,Stolen delusion/Delusion of persecution/Delusion of grandeur, etc;Also be caused spouse otherwise an affair and the idea of out of thin air."Stolen delusion",Alzheimer's disease is a typical symptoms.


"I had met an old man,Every time children go to see her,Before leaving will be found her bag,Because she thinks that children will steal her things."Nanjing brain hospital psychiatric elderly MeiGang associate chief physician told reporters,Alzheimer's disease can lead to memory decline,Because the old man progress to a certain stage,Memory impairment about two or three years,Owing to break quarter was derived the stolen delusion/Nihilistic delusion and mental symptoms.


几种新说法,到底靠不靠谱 Several new view,By what without spectrum


Playing mahjong can prevent senile dementia?This can have!


In 2004,,Hong Kong yan chai hospital and lingnan university cooperation a research project,The researchers will 100 alzheimer's patients into two groups,The first group of people each week to play four mahjong,Every time play four laps,And another group every week only hit two mahjong.Five months after,The researchers to the patient's thinking and memory ability were tested.They found that,A long time playing mahjong the group patients,Contemplative faculties/Memory and response speed,Far more than a week to play two mahjong the group.This also is the global medical profession for mahjong and Chinese alzheimer's relations research for the first time.


Nanjing brain hospital and old psychiatric LiHaiLin director told reporters,Playing mahjong for alzheimer's disease prevention and the role of delay the process,The academic circles have been recognized,Even has written into some areas for the prevention and control of the disease in the guidelines.But need to pay attention to is,First, don't"To money",Such words may cause the excessive tension and excitement;There is another dimension is time to pay attention to control.In addition to the integrity whole body activities,Should as far as possible many activities fingers.MeiGang associate chief physician told reporters,Playing the piano can also prevent alzheimer's disease,Because involves the finger's fine motor,Can keep one's mind sensitive.


Intellectuals likely to develop alzheimer's disease?This is not!


This newspaper had reported a female engineers retirement was restart for project director,Has been working to 67 years old to ready to enjoy their life,But a year later which suffer from alzheimer's disease.Daughter saw a lot of high intellectual be in hospital,So the question,Whether this kind of people are more likely to suffer from alzheimer's disease?LiHaiLin said,Epidemiological survey,By a high degree of education is actually a"Protection factor".Due to the intellectual development of the brain is full,So the intelligence quotient (IQ) down a little bit,Will not let people pay attention to,So the same degree of alzheimer's patients,By a high degree of education in cognitive ability aspect to better.


Alzheimer's disease ahead?This is not!


MeiGang associate chief physician told reporters,Alzheimer's disease was divided into"LaoNianXing(Age more than 65 years old)"and"Presenium type(At the age of 50-65 years old)",The first case of the diagnosis of alzheimer's disease patients,Age is only 50 years old,So 50 years old in alzheimer's disease does not calculate at earlier ages.


LiHaiLin director said,"Alzheimer's disease"Still have disease in old age,Middle person also can have dementia,But not dementia,Overall alzheimer's disease and no obvious younger tendency.Australia scholars, a new study suggests,In dementia symptoms before 3-5 years,The human brain is already appeared the pathological changes.For modern medicine more and more developed,Through the high-tech detection means can be found in the early brain vascular anomaly,So in the diagnosis/Treatment and prevention of time more ahead,So give people feel"Alzheimer's disease"Is arrived early.


Eat more fish can brain?This can have!


The Dutch scientists of 5000 old people above 55 years old to study shows,Often eat fish is the risk of developing alzheimer's disease just don't eat fish is 40%.Experts point out that,In the diet on,Emphasize do"Fixed quota system/Three tenors/Three lows and two ring","Fixed quota system"Namely timing/quantitative/qualitative;"Three tenors"Namely high protein/High unsaturated fatty acid/High vitamin;"Three lows"That is low in fat/Low quantity of heat/Low salt;"Two ring"Namely to give up smoking/drinking."The old man eat more fish is good for the brain,But need to pay attention to fishbone card throat."MeiGang associate chief physician said.


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  老年痴呆症尚无法治愈 规范药物治疗能改善症状 Alzheimer's disease is still cannot be cured standard drug therapy can improve symptoms


Alzheimer's disease pathological changes mainly for the cortex diffuse atrophy,GouHui broadening,Ventricular expanded,A large number of neurons to reduce,Neurofibril"(NFT)disease,Choline acetylated enzyme and acetylcholine content significantly reduce.The world drug is mainly through the use of cholinesterase inhibitors,Reduce the degradation of acetylcholine,To improve acetylcholine content,So as to improve the cognitive function of patients with alzheimer's disease/Memory function/Language functions/Visual space function/Social life ability/Personal life self-care ability and emotion personality,And can reduce the severity of dementia.


Experts point out that,At present,The world does not have what good thoroughly cure alzheimer's solution.In light/Moderate alzheimer's disease patients,Standard drug therapy can improve symptoms,Help keep the basic life function,Can reduce caregiver burden.Treatment may delay progression of disease,Make more patients with late into the severe dementia time,Reduce care time,Saving medical resources and family burden.Therefore has the obvious memory problems of old people should see a doctor as soon as possible,By professional doctor diagnosis and clear prescription drugs.
