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调查称江苏九成人患有牙周病 易致心脑血管疾病--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室

调查称江苏九成人患有牙周病 易致心脑血管疾病昨天是我国第24个全国爱牙日,今年的主题是“健康口腔,幸福家庭”。江苏省口腔医学会组织南京大学医学院附属口腔医院等12家单位的20余位专家在鼓楼广场开展“爱牙日”义诊活动。刘 浏 摄 Yesterday was a national in 24 love teeth day,This year's theme is"Oral health,The happiness family".Jiangsu oral medical association organization nanjing university medical school affiliated stomatological hospital, 12 units of home more than 20 experts in the drum tower in the square"Love teeth day"Yizhen activities.Liu clear perturbation


调查显示我省九成人患有牙周病 Investigation shows that our province nine adults with periodontal disease


35-44岁年龄的人群牙龈出血率高达82.6%,牙周病会导致心脑血管疾病等系列问题 35 to 44 years old age crowd gingival bleeding rate reaches as high as 82.6%,Periodontal disease can lead to disease of heart head blood-vessel, etc. Series of problems


Yesterday is a 24 national love teeth day,Province stomatological hospital released for the residents oral status of the latest survey results:The periodontal healthy patients only 10%,Most of the existing with different degree of periodontal disease,And 35 to 44 years old age group periodontal health rate is only 9.4%.Experts told reporters,This kind of easy neglected diseases is actually a pretty excruciating"fuse",Not only can aggravate the condition of diabetes,Also increases disease of heart head blood-vessel/The prevalence of respiratory diseases."Dental early found early treatment is very key,Don't wait to have a toothache only to the hospital the examination."Province stomatological hospital periodontal section head ChenWu chief physician told reporters.


35-44岁人群牙周健康率仅9.4% 35 to 44 years old crowd periodontal health rate of only 9.4%


65~74岁年龄段人群一半以上患有牙周炎 65 ~ 74 years old age group more than half hae periodontitis


The reporter understands,According to the provincial stomatological hospital release of the whole province residents oral status of the latest survey results,The periodontal healthy patients only 10% or so,Most people there are different degrees of periodontal disease.The survey report shows,Our province 35 ~ 44 years old age group periodontal health rate is only 9.4%;Bleeding gums detection rate was 82.6%,Per capita have bleeding gums teeth number is 6.92 a;Periodontal pocket detection rate was 34.5%,Per capita have periodontal pocket teeth number is 1.30 a.And the 65 ~ 74 years old age group periodontal health rate was 10.3%;Bleeding gums detection rate was 70.7%,Per capita have bleeding gums teeth number is 4.75 a;Periodontal pocket detection rate was 53.9%,Per capita have periodontal pocket teeth number is 1.96 a.Only bleeding gums or dental calculus shows that there exist gingivitis,And the formation of periodontal pocket that with a degree of periodontitis.From the foregoing,65 ~ 74 years old age group has more than half hae periodontitis.


And the elderly teeth missing is the survey shows outstanding problems.Experts told reporters,The elderly widespread lack of teeth/Repair rate is not high question.Investigation shows that,Our province 35 ~ 44 years old age group(Each check 32 teeth)56.2% of the population has teeth missing,Average missing teeth number is 2.37 a.Denture repair rate is only 10.3%.65 ~ 74 years old age group(Each check 32 teeth)71.2% of the population has teeth missing,Average missing teeth number is 11.13 a.Denture repair rate was 43.0%.


调查显示99.7%的人都有牙结石 Survey shows that 99.7% of people have dental calculus


牙结石会不断刺激牙周组织,引起牙龈发炎萎缩 Dental calculus will continue stimulus periodontal tissue,Cause gum inflammation atrophy


Nanjing stomatological hospital prevention department of stomatology GongLing director told reporters,According to the epidemiology survey,99.7% of the people have dental calculus,My teeth and dental plaque different,Dental calculus is mainly in the basis of soft dirt and mineral salts such as calcium salt deposit and gradually formed,Its quality of a material is hard,And teeth adhesion is very tight,Is generally brush not to drop,Must use apparatus to scrape away.


Every man has a dental calculus,But few people pay attention to the harm of dental calculus.GongLing director said,Dental calculus on oral as is a different object,It will continuously stimulate the periodontal tissue,And will be oppressive gum,Influence blood circulation,Periodontal tissue caused by bacteria infection,Cause gum inflammation atrophy,Formation periodontal sac bag.When periodontal capsule after the formation of the bag,Are more likely to make food residue/Dental plaque and dental calculus and accumulation,This new accumulation and further damage deeper periodontal membrane,So continuous vicious cycle results,End to periodontal support all destroyed to danger,Cause the teeth to come in early"laid-off".


Dental calculus brush tooth brush off,Need to go to a hospital making teeth cleaning."Teeth cleaning is a kind of very good teeth care means,Treatment of periodontal disease is also the primary measures."GongLing director said,Through the regular teeth cleaning,Not only can thoroughly clean the teeth of the dental plaque and calculus,Periodontal disease prevention and control,And clean tooth was easy to find hidden dental caries,So as to achieve the purpose of early found early treatment.Suggest ordinary citizens at least one years wash a tooth.


牙周病是很多疾病的“导火索” Periodontal disease is a lot of diseases"fuse"


牙周炎会增加心脑血管以及呼吸道疾病的发病率 Periodontitis will increase cardiovascular and respiratory disease rate


Province stomatological hospital's latest survey results let many people"levels",What is"Periodontal disease"?Province stomatological hospital periodontal section head ChenWu chief physician explained,Periodontal disease refers to including gum/Alveolar bone/cementum/Periodontal membrane, the surrounding tissue teeth appear related diseases.In yesterday's yizhen field,A lot of periodontal disease patients are consulting about periodontal problem.Province stomatological hospital periodontal section head ChenWu chief physician told reporters,Periodontitis is actually a torturous"fuse",Not only can aggravate the condition of diabetes,Also increases disease of heart head blood-vessel/The prevalence of respiratory diseases.If during pregnancy have periodontal disease,Illness can aggravate the,Also can cause premature birth."Periodontitis is one of the risk factors of cardiovascular accident,So never despise."ChenWu said.The reporter understands,An investigation shows that,In the more than ten thousand heart disease patients,A severe periodontitis patients who took the probability of myocardial infarction compared to those without periodontitis patients.


Southeast university affiliated zhongda hospital department of stomatology SunYongYing attending doctor think,Periodontal disease can prevent remedy,So regular inspection is the key.For the treatment of early,Suggest every half a month or one month to hospital visit,For the treatment of periodontal disease is a long process,need"Long-term tracking"Maintenance treatment,General every half a year will need to come to the hospital inspection/treatment.For pregnant women,In between for pregnancy is the need for oral health care,At the same time during pregnancy should develop the habit of brushing your teeth more.


专家会诊 The expert consultation


洁牙后牙缝会变宽? After teeth cleaning slit between the teeth will be widened?


Some washed tooth citizens have such feeling,The feeling after teeth cleaning slit between the teeth widened,Instead more easy to plug teeth.Clean tooth will make tooth slit broadening?Experts point out that,Teeth cleaning appeared after the tooth ache/Tooth slit broadening,Is plaque long-term stimulus cause gum inflammation/Alveolar bone destruction/Gum atrophy results.When dental calculus after be cleared,Gap nature will be revealed,Is not caused by teeth cleaning.At the same time after the stone be cleared,Part of the exposed root were subjected to external stimulation will appear ache of feeling unwell,Generally, over a period of time, can relieve.But experts with particular emphasis on said,Cleaning should choose professional normal hospital,Appear in case cross infection.


怎样才是正确的刷牙方法? What is the correct method of brushing your teeth?


Experts suggest,"Level quiver method"Is a good way to brush your teeth:In when brushing your teeth brush teeth and a 45-degree Angle,That part of the YaShuaMao into the gums and teeth surface between the clearance,The other part stretch into in the slit between the teeth,Do the quiver of short back and forth.Each part can brush 2-3 teeth.The internal and external side teeth brush clean.And using this method the toothbrush displacement is small,Only about 1 to 2 mm.and"Level quiver method"Attention is a toothbrush to choose soft hairy,Because of the toothbrush displacement distance is short,Basic will in the original position level quiver,So and greatly level compared to brush your teeth,Don't damage to gum.


1—3岁宝宝也要防止牙病 1-3 years old baby also want to prevent dental

  宝宝含着奶瓶就睡着了,不知不觉门牙上便开始长黑斑,得了“奶瓶龋”。3岁多的孩子已经蛀了两颗门牙。在省口腔医院的义诊现场,不少新妈妈都为自己的宝宝咨询起了“奶瓶龋”的问题。省口腔医院儿童口腔科朱玲主任医师告诉记者,新妈妈们改变不良的喂奶习惯是防止“奶瓶龋”的关键。“奶粉的含糖量较高,牙齿浸在奶里,时间一长便容易产生小黑点,导致“奶瓶龋”的产生。“宝宝的乳牙也要及时预防和治疗。”朱玲说。(通讯员 朱政 崔玉艳 记者 杨甜子 于丹丹)

The baby fell asleep with a bottle,Unconsciously in front teeth began to long black spot,got"Bottle caries".More than 3 years old of children have decayed two front teeth.In the province of stomatological hospital yizhen field,Many new mother for her own baby consulting up"Bottle caries"problems.Province stomatological hospital, director of the children's department of stomatology zhu ling played on physician told reporters,New mothers change bad habits of nursing is to prevent"Bottle caries"key."Milk powder of high sugar content,Tooth submerged in the milk,A long time and easy to produce small black spots,Lead to"Bottle caries"generation."The baby's milk teeth will timely prevention and treatment."Said zhu ling played on.(Reporter ZhuZheng CuiYuYan reporter Yang sweet fruit YuDanDan)
