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老太试睡磁疗床脑溢血发作病危 公司否认与此有关--亲稳舆论引导监测室


试睡一下磁疗床,她居然昏迷了6天 Try to sleep in bed magnetic therapy,She incredibly was in a coma for six days


64岁的田建兰在参加免费磁疗体验时,因脑溢血发作病危,相关公司否认与事故有关 The 64 - year - old TianJianLan join for free in magnetic therapy experiences,For cerebral apoplexy attack be terminally ill,Related company denied the accident


律师: lawyer:


公司肯定存在责任问题 The company must exist, the problem of responsibility


ZhouHaiFeng lawyer thought,If someone experience and staff is not present,Sure, the problem of responsibility of existence,That is to ensure that the experience of the basic safety.Can experience/Experience of how to deal with abnormal, etc.,All business is to guarantee.Now can't appraisal cerebral apoplexy specific incentive,Should be to medical appraisal,Then according to related procedure put forward a claim or legal action.


医生: The doctor:


情绪激动可诱发脑溢血 Emotional may induce cerebral apoplexy


Heavy medical attached a hospital neurosurgery experts say,Cerebral apoplexy often and vascular sclerosis or the high blood pressure,With emotion or angry, etc., may induce.But it is difficult to appear after cerebral apoplexy identification is what kind of factors induced,Depending on factors such as coma depth,The patient may come back to life.


工商: commerce:


是否夸大宣传正在调查 Whether exaggerated propaganda are investigating


Yangjiaping industrial and commercial place a xing4 xie4 walk researchers said,On September 17,Received 12315 turn to the reports,He went to the company for inspection.Temporarily didn't find"Suspected overspray",For the"Suspected of exaggerated propaganda"Commerce is to related department personnel for investigation and handling.


各方说法> That all parties>


Yesterday morning,Jiulongpo district is the first people's hospital intensive care indoor,The 64 - year - old TianJianLan motionless on the guardianship bed,One side of monitoring instrument jumping data pulled move her two daughters heart.The old man last Saturday to yangjiaping pedestrian street a sales of magnetic therapy bed company to free experience,Results cerebral apoplexy attack,Has not wake,The hospital has to relatives issued notice of the terminally ill.


一个相信赠品宣传的母亲 A believe gift promotion mother


Tian old daughter weeks lady tight knead a dying notice.Weeks lady said,The mother's body and mental state has been very good.September 11, she is 64 years old birthday,Birthday feast on,She to the younger generation shows his own"harvest"-- a few single magnetic therapy bead.That is TianJianLan yangjiaping to attend"Times health"Healthy sleep system get free experience,Each experience a can get a,Staff said,And saved up enough beads,Dressed in hand after bracelet with can cure all ills.


TianJianLan came to the city from the rural areas to those who take refuge in her husband and daughter,Weeks lady said,"Last month,Flowers vegetables and chicken feed these things,She has been doing."


And most old people,TianJianLan sometimes believe some gifts promotional activities.


Weeks lady home,Piled up on a lot of mother get home health care,Two days before the morning paper in chongqing saw[This how to advise you,I love that brought gifts mother]After reports of,She has a special feeling,"We cannot know what is gift,Which are bought."


一次无人看护的磁疗体验 A no one combination of magnetic therapy experience


On September 15, at 11 o 'clock,TianJianLan as usual came to the yangjiaping forward branch 1 11-15,Here is hair of magnetic therapy experience hall beads,Hanging on the wall"Times health"Healthy sleep system propaganda material.Things happen after,Weeks with camera lady took part of the evidence."You see,It is written on it without any side effects,Especially for some incurable diseases,Made magical curative effect.The language for elderly people,Good attractive!?"


Weeks lady is at work on the day,TianJianLan together with several old people here for"Free experience",Experience time general in half hour above,Many even when wait in line."At that time didn't crews present,And no one found that my mom something was wrong,Next to or done together experience of people find."Ms weeks to the result of the investigation is,When the mother lying on a bed of magnetic therapy,Or good,And with a side more than 50 years old women talking and laughing.Then the next few experience in start,Found her lying motionless,Shout shouts and not answer,It realized the old man out of the situation.


Weeks in ms with my father arrived on the scene,The spot does not have staff,She was carrying his mother to nearby jiulongpo district a court,On the spot the doctor a notice under the terminally ill.


一张有保健作用的磁疗床 A health care effect of magnetic therapy and bed


Yesterday morning,Chongqing morning paper reporter came to the company,See the wall is individual and industrial and commercial business license,Business scope for the sale of bedding,Person in charge ZhouMingYing is not.But the store a young man says he is in to help keep the shop,Yesterday morning and some old people have to experience,But until 12:00, has left.Weeks lady once take pictures of some of the material is still in evidence,"Initial use slightly unwell feeling is normal phenomenon,Generally 3-7 days disappear naturally."Another sign is also marked the contraindication,"Have bleeding tendency of patients or hemorrhage patients in the treatment period disable,Pregnant women/More careful with or stop using."


The room is placing a few bed,Bed with white sheet,And ordinary bed there seems no two.If not sheet the edge has plug,Really hard to see that this is a health care effect of magnetic therapy and bed,TianJianLan's daughter said,This kind of bed to sell 10000 multivariate,His mother has two or three ten thousand yuan,Estimates is still in consideration so temporary didn't buy.


一场全家动员的生命守护 A family to arouse life guard


"Is not awake!"Yesterday afternoon,Tian old two daughters are still worried,Yesterday so far to,Already disbursements nearly twenty thousand yuan of medical expenses."Because the things,Family life are all upset,Because illness instability,The doctor did not dare to go under the knife."


A solicitation for?Weeks lady very embarrassed,Things happen after,Many times they made to the company ZhouMingYing the call,Zhou Ming elite to the hospital saw the old man once,Saying this thing has nothing to do with the company.

  昨天中午,负责人周明英不在公司,但索要了记者的电话,称回来后电话答复。但是直到下午5点过,记者打通其电话并表明身份后,对方挂断了记者电话。(重庆晨报记者 陈军 实习生 刘慧)

At noon yesterday,Person in charge ZhouMingYing was not in the company,But for the reporter's phone,Say after come back telephone answer.But until 5 p.m. over,Reporter get through the phone and show that identity,The other party hang up the reporter telephone.(Chongqing morning paper reporter intern LiuHui j)
