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18岁留守少年拿刀刺死母亲 称只想一家人在一起--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室

18岁留守少年拿刀刺死母亲 称只想一家人在一起 悔 漫画/陈琮元 Regrets comic/ChenCong yuan

  “我对不起你们和妈妈,我出来后会好好代妈妈孝敬你们的。”法庭上,18岁的胡伟失声痛哭,对着外公外婆长跪不起。近日,常德安乡法院公开审理胡伟刺死母亲的案件,以故意伤害罪对胡伟判处有期徒刑十年。 “I'm sorry you and mom,I come out to honour thy father and thy mother generation of you。”The court,18 years old HuWei burst out crying,To grandpa and grandma long knelt can't afford it。recently,Changde AnXiang court heard in public HuWei stabbed to death his mother's case,To deliberately harm blame HuWei sentenced to imprisonment for ten years。

   小时候特别想妈妈,躲起来 When I was a child would especially like to mom,Hide cry

  胡伟是一个从小缺乏母爱的人。从两岁起,母亲汪惠梅就外出打工。父亲是个老实巴交的农民,留在家里耕地照顾儿子。因为夫妻关系不好,汪惠梅很少回家,三年才回家一次看一下儿子。 HuWei is a lack of a mother's love from the people。From two years old up,WangHuiMei mother go out for a part-time job。Father is a LaoShiBaJiao farmers,Stay at home to take care of cultivated land son。Because the relationship between husband and wife is not good,WangHuiMei rarely go home,Three years to go home once see son。

  “小时候我特别想妈妈,看到别的小朋友总是有妈妈疼爱,我就偷偷躲起来哭。”在胡伟的记忆中,丝毫感觉不到母爱的存在。“见一面都很不容易,她对我很冷淡,我也不喜欢别人谈论起妈妈。” “When I was a child I wanted to mother,See other children always have a mother love,I was secretly hide cry。”In HuWei memory,Felt the existence of less than a mother's love。“See is not easy,She turned a cold shoulder to me,I don't like others to talk about mother。”

  因为母亲,胡伟在成长中背负了很大的压力与嘲讽。胡伟的一名朋友透露,他从小很内向,更多的是自卑。很多次胡伟和别人吵架,小孩子都会用“你是没有妈妈的野孩子”这种话来刺激胡伟,给他留下了不可磨灭的伤痕。 Because mother,HuWei in growth with a lot of pressure and satire。The HuWei a friend said,He had very introverted,More is inferior。Many times HuWei and others before,Children can use“You are no mother wild child”This kind of words to stimulate HuWei,Give him an indelible scars。

   性格内向 ,睡觉都会放刀在枕头下 introverted ,Sleep will put the knife under the pillow

  由于妻子常年在外不回家,胡伟父亲便不断给胡伟灌输不良思想,经常跟胡伟说“你妈妈不要我们了,她跟人跑了”。父亲多年的指责,让胡伟从心里痛恨自己的母亲。 Because his wife have migrated don't go home,It has HuWei father to HuWei infusion bad ideas,Often with HuWei said“Your mother don't we......,She told people run the”。Father years of blame,Let HuWeiCong heart hate their mother。

  “我没有妈妈,爸爸也不怎么管我,读书没心思,所以就越来越厌学。”胡伟从初中一年级就辍学了,也很少交朋友与人来往,导致性格越来越内向。 “I don't have a mother,Father also don't tube I,No mind reading,So more and more disgusted。”HuWeiCong junior high school a year will drop out of school,Rarely make friends with people,Lead to more and more introverted personality。

  后来,胡伟在安乡县城一家汽车修理厂当学徒。据身边的同事透露,胡伟确实不容易和同事们打成一片,他曾在地摊上买了一把“管杀”带在身边,平时是放在衣袖里,就连睡觉也把刀具放在枕头下。 later,HuWei AnXiang county in a car repair shop as an apprentice。According to colleagues revealed,HuWei really not easy and colleagues has a genius,He had been in I bought one“Tube kill”With me,At ordinary times is put on the sleeve,Even sleep on the cutting tool under the pillow。

   妈妈不愿回家,他拿刀刺向妈妈 Mother does not want to go home,He take knife to mother

  2011年冬天,汪惠梅生病,回到老家安乡住院治疗。看到父母关系有所缓和后,胡伟还憧憬着,出院后母亲会回家,一家三口好好过日子。 The winter of 2011,WangHuiMei sick,Return to their hometown AnXiang hospitalization。To see their parents relationship after eased,HuWei also longing for,Mother will go home after discharge,A family of three live it。

  没想到母亲出院后,选择的是回娘家居住,这一次又深深地伤害了胡伟的心。 Didn't expect the mother of the hospital,The choice is visiting her mother living,This time and deeply hurt HuWei heart。

  12月19日晚,胡伟和父亲同去汪惠梅娘家想接其回家。而汪惠梅正在打牌,看到胡伟父子很不耐烦,不但不打算回家,还与胡伟的父亲激烈争吵起来。在另一桌打牌的张某(汪惠梅舅父)见状,要其不在汪家吵闹,二人又发生争执。 Late on December 19,,HuWei and go home WangHuiMei father wants to take it home。And WangHuiMei were playing CARDS,See HuWei father and son very impatient,Not only do not plan to go home,Also HuWei father with a bitter quarrel up。In another table zhang playing CARDS(WangHuiMei uncle)Looked at,To its not home wang noise,Two people and disputes。

  胡伟一直在旁边冷冷地看着,多年对母亲的积怨一点点浮上心头。胡伟为帮父亲,窜至窗台旁拿起来时带的“管杀”,朝张某腹部捅了一刀,又对站在大门内的汪惠梅右胸部猛刺一刀,汪惠梅当场死亡。 HuWei always beside coldly looking at,Many years to mother's bitterness a little bit float on the heart。HuWei for help his father,Channeling to take it up with the window sill side“Tube kill”,Zhang tong abdomen toward a sword,And to stand in the gate of the WangHuiMei right in the chest formidable thrust a knife,WangHuiMei died on the spot。

  “我真的只是想吓吓她而已,只希望她能和爸爸一起回家,我们一家人在一起。”在看守所半年等待庭审的日子里,胡伟每天都回忆着事发的那一幕,后悔不已。(文中人物系化名) “I really wanted to scare her just,Only hope she can work with dad home,Our family together。”Half a year in jail awaiting trial day,HuWei every day with the memories of the scene,rue。(The character is aliases)

  记者 聂诗茼 实习生 李树征 通讯员 周宏荣 吴苑子 The LiShuZheng Tong intern reporter nie correspondent ZhouHongRong WuYuanZi
