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北京协和医院新楼10月4日启用 门诊科室全搬迁--亲稳网络舆情监控室


Union medical college hospital outpatient service building new on October 4, the commissioning,When all the outpatient department will all moved to new.Emergency is still in the old building to see a doctor,And in the middle of October will be moved to new.


At the same time,The union medical college hospital at 8 at the start of the concentration of registered,Advance to 4 PM.Scroll to hang 3 days number source,Special and general number registration site,In the old outpatient service hall.


皮肤科特需门诊已搬至新址 The special consultation clinic dermatological department has been moved to the new site


Union medical college hospital new outpatient service building and surgical department floor is located in the north of the original east finish,Walking about 30 meters.The current dermatological department/The special consultation clinic has moved to new site,Other departments will be held on October 3, to complete all move.On October 4 day,Patients see outpatient service in all new to.


After the commissioning of the new,The old will be used as teaching and office.At the same time,Here's more than 1200 beds in still reserve area.

  1300余停车位是原来5倍 More than 1300 parking space is originally 5 times


Union medical college hospital is located in busy sections of,The past few parking places,Parking difficulties,Drive to the patients to find a parking space,Need to take a very long time,Queue up to the hospital vehicle tail,Can throw far,Increased area as early as during peak periods of heavy traffic.


The new building underground 2/Three layer are garage,In the technology to realize the flat layer parking and stereoscopic parking combination,The new building has more than 1300 parking Spaces,Is the total original underground parking space five times.Now open 500,To the early November will all open.

  自动配药时间可省一半 Automatic dispensing time can save half


The new outpatient service building,Pharmacy medicine window to 16,Pharmacy in four sets the whole box hair medicine machine is a big luminescent spot.


According to introducing,Patients pay the fee,Prescription information will automatically to the pharmacy,The whole box hair medicine machine automatic will built-in medicine shelf some drugs through the pipeline transport"spit"To the basket,After checking by pharmacists to patients.


At present,The hospital more than 80% of the drug may enter the whole box hair medicine machine system,Some outside drugs by the artificial configuration.According to introducing,After the hair medicine machine,A patient from after paying fee to take the medicine real-time time about six minutes,And before need 15 to 30 minutes.

  - 亮点 - window

  尿便样本可自动传输 Urine and sample can be automatic transmission


To reduce patients take urine sample in the hall and back and forth,Union medical college hospital finish in the toilet transmission facilities,And build more toilet concentration to return.


Every toilet can be placed aside small brackets and urine sample.At the same time in biochemical test"workshop"The wall opened a window,Set up the specimen to return place,The window facing toilet,And toilet only a few steps away,Patients in the toilet to return after the specimen can come to the window,No longer holding sample round the hall.


Urine and the other side of the clinical laboratory is a special specimen examination room,The department for the name"Take fine room",Care for privacy renamed,This check reservation and help desk has also been separated.

  血液检验“一血多用” Blood tests"A blood multi-purpose"


Gently a button,Capsule like transmission containers will be carrying more than 100 specimens,In 2-3 minutes to spread a new laboratory.


The new nearly 60 transmission point,Can be realized between any two points point-to-point transmission,Can transfer goods, including pathological specimens/Test specimen/Small packaging drugs and documents, etc.


Before need manual sorting specimen,Now the automatic specimen processor,According to the test function such as immune/hepatitis/Tumor automatic sorting,Different specimens to the different testing project.Through the serum automatic points cup function,A tube of blood can be finished before need more tube blood to complete a number of testing.

  协和医院新门诊楼就诊流程示意图 Union medical college hospital new outpatient service building medical process schematic diagram


Patients to union medical college hospital see a doctor the new outpatient service building,There will be a new experience.

  1 58台自助机“刷卡”就医

1 58 table self-service machine"charge"medical


In the past:JianKa/Registration is the first step to see a doctor.after,Many hospitals are JianKa/Registered separate,Need to queue twice.


now:In Peking union medical college hospital a new layer,Outpatient service hall set 21 service window,Other each layer has at least two window,Can provide JianKa/registered/Charge triadic"Pass cabinet service".The new building configuration 58 table medical service self-service machine distribution in each layer,In these machines,Patients can be registered/114 an appointment take number/Capture to expend/inquires/print.

  2 叫号系统设“续诊”功能

2 station system set"Renewal diagnosis"function


In the past:The article, patients and medical records manual to nurse station to report for duty,Waiting for FenZhen station,Get back to the office after the test results for the doctor to prescribe medicine diagnosis.


now:According to the new registration order FenZhen,First-class waiting area and secondary waiting area.Patients arrived after the department,Direct access to primary waiting area waiting;Secondary waiting area is located in the physician's office,take"Call first two"practice,That is your doctor's office, a man of the clinic/The door is two people wait for.At the same time,A number/Need to secondary complaining of patients were discharged into"Renewal diagnosis"sequence,In the second row waiting sequence of the last one,But patients waiting more than level priority.

  3 患者看病不再东奔西跑

3 patients no longer run around to see a doctor


In the past:The old outpatient service building built in the 1970 s,By the day MenZhenLiang 2000 person-time design,At present, MenZhenLiang has tens of thousands of.A lot of new check project dispersed in the old building/ZhuYuanLou,To constantly ask the way to find.


now:The new outpatient service building will all outpatient service function integration within in the same building,At present in addition to PET/CT and radiation therapy outside,In a building can achieve all medical process.Such as 2 medical inspection area,Concentrated electrocardiogram/Heart ultrasonic/Dynamic ecg monitoring/Exercise treadmill testing/blood/Lung function and 7 natural project examination.

  4 患者看病不再“走迷宫”

Four patients no longer see a doctor"mazes"


Patients in a window after complete capture to expend,The computer will automatically print out a DaoZhen single,To indicate this patients need to do each check project/Detailed examination time/location/Reach path, etc.In the main turnoff mouth are supplemented by artificial DaoYi,In order to maximize reduce patients go to a doctor's return,Help patients to"A one way street".

  5 近半项目不预约可检查

5 nearly half project don't make an appointment can check

  协和医院新系统将全院1961个检查项目纳入统一信息平台,患者完成缴费后,像心电图、X线检查等不需要预约立即进行检查的占到总体项目种类的42.8%;像胸部CT平扫等自动预约检查时间的,占总体项目种类的18.8%;人工预约项目目前占总体项目种类的38%,多是出于医疗安全、特殊需求及患者隐私保护等目的。(记者蒋彦鑫 邓琦 浦峰)

Union medical college hospital new system will be 1961 an inspection institution project into the unified information platform,After the patients completed capture to expend,Like electrocardiogram/X-ray inspection don't need to make an appointment immediately check account for 42.8% of the overall project;Like the chest CT plain and automatic check the appointment time,Accounted for 18.8% of the overall project;Artificial booking project currently accounts for 38% of the overall project,More by medical safety/Special demand and patients privacy protection purpose.(Reporter JiangYanXin DengQi PuFeng)
