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湖南12小学生喝学生奶得胃肠炎 乳企已认错道歉--亲稳网络舆情监测室

  据新华社电 9月21日,湖南省石门县蒙泉镇夏家巷完小12名学生饮用“金健学生奶”(属营养餐供奶、系以政府采购方式由湖南阳光乳业股份有限公司供应)后,出现呕吐、腹痛症状,学校当即将他们送往医院救治。

According to xinhua on September 21,,Concession in hunan province MengQuan town summer house lane primary school 12 students drinking"JinJian students milk"(Belong to its for milk/Government procurement system by way of hunan sunshine dairy industry co., LTD. Supply)after,vomiting/Abdominal pain symptoms,School immediately they will be taken to the hospital.


得病学生有6名出院 Sick students have six discharge


Through inspection,12 all hsun is acute gastroenteritis symptoms.At present,There have been six students discharge,The remaining six students can be discharged in the near future.


After the incident,Concession education bureau has an emergency notice on all the existing"Students with milk"Be mothballed.According to the centers for disease control and concession to summer house lane primary school du jour"Students with milk"And other breakfast varieties and existing milk detection,Confirm cause vomiting 12 students/Abdominal pain symptoms is the main reason of the supply"Students with milk"Samples of the wax bacillus overweight,Some friends just very shallow relationships not detected anomaly.


Chang DE city pledges inspect bureau analysis:A few peanuts taste"Students with milk"Appear sensory abnormalities/Colony total exceeds bid is a separate individual phenomenon,The main reason for the company and distribution of the transport vehicles excess/Super layer/Overpressure stacking,Product packaging by extrusion collision,Product packaging sealing for serious extrusion is recessive damage,Lead to products contact with air polluted(Waxy bacillus overweight),After drinking cause symptoms.


 配送未严格按标准 Distribution not strictly in accordance with the standard


September 25,,Hunan sunshine dairy industry co., LTD. To the social from all walks of life and the vast number of consumers open apology,Admitted in students' milk distribution link not strictly according to standard operation.


China's first formulated food pathogenic bacteria limit standard

  新京报讯 (记者蒋彦鑫邓琦)各种肉类、巧克力、饮料等内含沙门氏菌、金黄色葡萄球菌的限量值,首次有了明确的标准。昨日,卫生部发布征求食品安全国家标准《食品中致病菌限量》的征求意见稿,该标准拟自正式发布后6个月施行,这是我国首次制定食品中致病菌限量标准。

The Beijing news - (Reporter JiangYanXin DengQi)All kinds of meat/chocolate/Beverages containing salmonella/Staphylococcus aureus limit value,For the first time a clear standard.yesterday,The ministry of health issued for the national food safety standards[Pathogenic bacteria in food limited]The draft,The standard quasi since issued a formal and 6 months after,This is China's first formulated food pathogenic bacteria limit standard.

  标准制定考虑潜在危害 Standards considering potential hazard


According to introducing,In the process of establishing standard in,The full consideration of the pathogenic bacteria or their metabolites on health and actual or potential harm evidence,In the raw material condition pathogenic bacteria,Machining process on the pathogenic bacteria status influence,storage/Sales and consumption process pathogenic bacteria status changes,Food consumption crowd,Pathogenic bacteria index application cost/benefit analysis, factor.


This standard in making the analysis of the carding amounts to 562 items of standard.


Standard proposed salmonella/Staphylococcus aureus/Vice hemolytic vibrio/Mononuclear cell hyperplasia liszt's bacteria/Escherichia coli and several main pathogenic bacteria,In the meat products/Aquatic products/Ready-to-use egg products/Grain cereal products/Chocolate class and cocoa products/Ready-to-use processing fruit and vegetable/Drinks and frozen drinks class/Instant flavoring/Nuts seeds products a total of 9 foods on the limited requirement.


the,The public is familiar salmonella in all kinds of food in the limited value are 0,That is,Samples may not be detected this kind of bacteria,Staphylococcus aureus in all kinds of food is the limit are gasoloid density was exceed 100 cfu/g.

  乳制品不含在该标准 Dairy products are not included in this standard


In addition the ministry of health says,The instant fresh foods of pathogenic bacteria pollution mainly through the production process control standard,Is not this standard in the regulations;Milk and dairy products has cleared,Also not included in this standard in.


The ministry of health said,Pathogenic bacteria in food limited standard of food safety is an important part of the basic standard.Working group reference analysis the European Union/Australia/Japan/The United States/Hong Kong/Taiwan and other regions in food pathogenic bacteria limit standard and regulations formulated the standard.
