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女子隆鼻失败起疙瘩 整形医院连续数月说正常(图)--亲稳舆论引导监测室

女子隆鼻失败起疙瘩 整形医院连续数月说正常(图)小姐隆鼻失败起疙瘩 Miss mei hump nose failure in goose bumps女子隆鼻失败起疙瘩 整形医院连续数月说正常(图)梅小姐告诉记者,她曾发信息咨询主治医生病症解决方案时,主治医生也给她发信息希望“让梅小姐后退一步” Miss mei told reporters,She had to send information consulting doctor disease solution,The attending doctor to send her information hope"Let miss mei step back"


近日,The ningde miss mei and southeast leaks,Says she in May this year in fuzhou TaiJiang plastic hospital spent more than 5600 yuan for hump nose surgery,The nose has been pain and grow soya bean big red a knot in one's heart.Many times and the hospital after negotiations,Get to her very not satisfactory reply:Can help take out its implant prosthesis,But the original operation can't refund the cash,Can only be used in the hospital waiting for the countervailing consumption.


截至记者发稿时,Between health reasons,Miss mei and the hospital after consultation,First the nose implant prosthesis in take out,Stay inflammation disappear again after the related compensation for further negotiation.


整容者称曾遭院方威胁 Cosmetic person says have been the threat


Miss mei told reporters,5 month from television ads that fuzhou TaiJiang hospital has a hump nose plastic surgery,She on May 15, morning came to the hospital.Heard the doctor's introduced,She was delivered to 5000 multivariate operation and fee,In in the morning for hump nose surgery.the,She is still in the hospital's suggestion to use a agent - yuan antiphlogistic needle.


Miss mei said,The plastic surgery and don't live up to her desired effect,And the second day,Nose began to pain,The front right nostril still grow a beans size red pimple.On September 19,Miss mei unable to bear the pain of fujian province to make hospital diagnosis.She told reporters,Accepts the doctor suggested that she implants removed as soon as possible,Lest arise related sequela shape.Nose discomfort during,Miss mei has repeatedly find the attending doctor asked about the situation,The doctor only processing pustule in blood,And told this belongs to the normal phenomenon,Say some people last six months will eliminate the symptoms.


在多次上门协商无果的情况下,Miss mei asked hospitals make related compensation and remedial treatment,But the consultation results and didn't want to let the miss mei satisfaction.Miss mei said:"The hospital had statement can be implanted in my nose false body take out.But have to pay before the 5000 multivariate operation can't refund the cash,Can only choose the hospital within the project other consumption equal countervailing consumption.This kind of treatment is very absurd,I can't possibly accept."


On September 10,晚,Miss mei will own situation through the fuzhou health bureau official micro bo reflect,And the relevant departments to apply for medical accident identification.On September 11,/19,Miss mei respectively get two reply,The 19 reply said"By ec2 and TaiJiang hospital party further communication,The hospital says it is willing to continue to negotiate with you,And make further concessions,You can and TaiJiang hospital further communication and coordination".


19下午,Miss mei in two friends of the company down to the hospital coordination the matter.She recalled:"We were in the hall and the dispute,The hospital staff will we take into a five or six square meters of security chamber,And next to shout an order staff closed room iron gate,There are staff threatened to beat us.B: I'm a friend hard ran outside,And call 110 alarm.Fortunately, the police get there in time,We can safely away."


"From the inception of the surgery has 4 months,I return the ningde and fuzhou many times,Various cost has tens of thousands of yuan,But has not a result."Miss mei a face to express sorrow,Now TaiJiang hospital can hope to negotiate with us a reasonable both sides can accept the processing mode.


责任判定需等医疗事故鉴定 Responsibility decision shall medical accident identification


9月20日,In miss mei provide TaiJiang hospital outpatient service on the book,The reporter sees two is outpatient service record:"May 16 do hump nose operation;Postoperative half fast seafood/Spicy etc excitant food"and"On September 10,,After nearly four months,Appear tip of nose red.Suggest diminish inflammation/Heat treatment,Or take out false body".Miss mei told reporters:"And just after surgery compared,now,The place of silica gel implant,Have a little sense of fall down."


20日下午,The reporter comes to fuzhou TaiJiang hospital information,Visit the hospital office/Medical department/Superintendent after,Only to be told"For this event is not clear"/"Related working personnel is not"/"Events of unilateral event"/"Events are investigating",And refused to reporters.During the interview,Reporters have also been a wear white clothes/Claims to be the hospital security even with strong push pull zone out hospital administrative area.


随后,Reporter telephone interview YiZhengKe fuzhou city health bureau,A ZhongXing staff, told reporters:The production of medical accident can be caused by many factors,Not according to the subjective sensation direct decision right and wrong,therefore在做出判定前需要明确事故责任方.Suggest miss mei before to fuzhou TaiJiang district health bureau for medical accident identification,The bureau will within the prescribed time,The applicant for medical accident identification and issue a testimonial,Clear responsibility.the,Victims can hold this expertise report through the correct judicial way reasonable solution.


"Top priority,As soon as possible within the implant nose out objects,Apply the anti-inflammatory drugs, etc;For the red knot,According to the actual symptoms should take detumescence or resection."Fujian province made hospital orthopedics hairdressing department deputy chief physician dr ZhengShengWu said,The symptoms may be due to implant prosthesis reason or surgical wound infection after inflammation of the cause,Clinical also have found that a handful of patients to implants rejected and allergic phenomenon,That will also lead to the emergence of the related disorders.therefore,Patients should be on affected part treatment as soon as possible,And will be implanted false body take out.


北京市中银律师事务所福州分所许水清律师也建议,Patients should choose related medical qualification of hospital and doctors have aptitude for diagnosis and treatment,Before in diagnosis and treatment with the hospital should sign a contract,Clear the purpose of diagnosis and treatment,The effect of postoperative can achieve,This can help prevent the generation of disputes.If postoperative medical disputes,Patients should be properly keep related documents and evidence,Through the legal means to rights.


当事双方:经初步协商后植入的假体已经取出 Both parties:After the preliminary after consultation of implant prosthesis has been remoed


9月24日傍晚,Reporters once again call fuzhou TaiJiang hospital responsible for miss mei plastic surgery doctor doctor liu.He said,Any operation has certain risk,But if after surgery in medical problems,The hospital will promptly to patients with symptomatic treatment related,Such as the need to remove the implant prosthesis,The hospital will be free for patients do false body take out operation,And the consent of the patients after agreeing to wound healing after to do related plastic surgery."This morning,Our hospital already through the surgery,Will miss mei nose implant prosthesis take out,And do the related antibiotic treatment."Liu said the doctor.


截至记者发稿时,Just finish operation of miss mei has been home.She says:"At present,The hospital consultation attitude change.Between your body health reasons,Have inside the nose implant prosthesis take out and the inflammation do the relevant processing.Stay nose after inflammation disappeared again and the hospital is the claim for further negotiations."

  对于事件的进展情况,本网将继续关注。(记者 颜财斌)

对于事件的进展情况,We will continue to focus on.(Reporter YanCai bin)
