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EF Subtitle # e# EF T: 10px; border: #d4d4d4 1px solid;" class="abstract bgB clear STYLE1">    T: 10 px; Border: # d4d4d4 1 px solid;" Class ="Abstract bgB clear STYLE1">   编者按: Editor's note:7月19日,央视曝光中国烟草在援建四川一所希望小学中植入广告,学校大门影壁上印有标语“天才出于勤奋,烟草助你成才”。另外“中国烟草”的大标志设置在教学楼正门最上方的位置。。 July 19,,CCTV exposure in rebuilding sichuan China tobacco a hope primary schools implanted in advertising,The school gate on YingBi with slogans“Genius is nothing but labor and diligence,Tobacco help you success”。In addition“China tobacco”Big flag is set in the top of the main teaching building position。。更多精彩新闻请进入搜狐教育>>>> More wonderful news please enter sohu education>>>>


Elementary school wall slogan

  《新闻1+1》2012年7月19日完成台本 《News 1 + 1》July 19, 2012 TaiBen finish

  ——为什么拒绝烟草?! -why refused to tobacco?!


(Guide depending on the)

  资料: material:


In this year's June 5 HuanBaoRi world,China won the tobacco corp“2011 ecological Chinese contribution award”。

  解说: commentary:


Tobacco company awards,Tobacco control association questioned,“2011 ecological Chinese contribution award”Rise dispute。

  许桂华: XuGuiHua:


No matter from which Angle,It is the damage to ecological environment of the great one industry。

  解说: commentary:


Why can't science and technology into country tobacco technology directory,Tobacco experts will be thwarted in Chinese academy of why。

  钟南山: Zhong nanshan:


Any scientific last purpose is???????Improve the health of the people are。


 解说: commentary:


A world's largest tobacco producer and consumer,Health minister Chen won strong nail-gripping ability“The world no tobacco day director-general special award”,He is the honorary more or the pressure?

  陈竺: Chen Outlines:


We are faced with the situation is very serious。


解说: commentary:

  《新闻1+1》今日关注:为什么拒绝烟草?! 《News 1 + 1》On this day:Why refused to tobacco?!

  主持人 张泉灵: The host ZhangQuanLing:


hello,Audience friends,Here is the are on《News 1 + 1》,I am the host ZhangQuanLing。


Today, would like to explore a bottom line,China recently tobacco enterprise won a“2011 ecological Chinese contribution award”,This thing ever touches your bottom line?Today's topic is to start here。

  许桂华 中国控制吸烟协会常务副会长: XuGuiHua China association of tobacco control standing vice President:


No matter from which Angle,It is the damage to ecological environment of the great one industry,And to human body health hazard is the world has recognized such a industry,How can you give it granted ecological contribution award?

  解说: commentary:


In the world HuanBaoRi,China national tobacco corp obtained 2011 ecological Chinese contribution award,It's definitely a debatable news。Two days,China tobacco control association has proposed his own question。June 5,The world HuanBaoRi,China green fund held a public ceremony of 2011 green activities,Honored 23 for green public welfare contributions advanced type,And issued“2011 Chinese ecological contribution award”,China national tobacco corp. Is one of them。Obviously this news and not get the attention of the public opinion in at that time,Until the day before yesterday,This article was again the old media attention,And that China association of tobacco control also immediately sent letters to the organizer,Cancellation of the China national tobacco corp Suggestions the award。

  许桂华: XuGuiHua:


After tobacco,Make land harden,Make soil deterioration,In the process of tobacco in baked goods,One kilogram of tobacco consumes 1.5 to 2 kilograms of coal,This is not a low-energy industry。It also released carbon dioxide,On the ecological and destructive。According to understand,Now the number of cigarettes every year production consumes 100000 tons of paper,Small consumption 2 million trees。

  解说: commentary:


China association of tobacco control in pointed out in writing,The green contribution to give China national tobacco corp,Contrary to the world recognized as the tobacco industry harm human health and damage the environment of the facts,Also violated the 2006 on the force in our country《Framework convention on tobacco control》tenet。


So organizers on 5 June,Why would“2011 Chinese ecological contribution award”Awarded to China national tobacco corp?

  资料: material:


According to media reports,China green fund for the query is also given to their interpretations,The poll did not from the scientific point of view,The enterprise and industry on the ecological environment of influence factors into them,While the main basis of public welfare enterprises for greening donations,Last year President tobacco corporation of donated one hundred million dollars to promote green,Mainly used in chongqing area of afforestation engineering。


At the same time since 2010,China tobacco fund every year (5 million yuan to build,Set up the gold leaf ecological fund,Through the carbon in the form of ecological afforestation and poverty alleviation,In the Inner Mongolia、hebei、Gansu province for three local soil grow chestnuts、Seabuckthorn etc trees。


Based on the above two points,A decision by the company“2011 Chinese ecological contribution award”。


Just yesterday China national tobacco corp WaiShiSi a charge in interviews said,In the ecological protection on the prize is enterprise should be,But for China association of tobacco control for its withdrawal from the awards suggestion has not any evaluation。

  解说: commentary:


A large donation to promote green whether can be the reason?

  许桂华: XuGuiHua:


Take this money to plant trees,This is as it should be,But it should not be granted ecological contribution award,We have to give it a time,Let decision making department seriously think about this question,Hope to be able to weigh the pros and cons,Know to do wrong,Active revoked。

  解说: commentary:


There is no need to revoke the qualification?Is it possible?In an interview yesterday to the media,Organisers say,Because it is difficult to present the award has been revoked,Or to other awards unit also is not fair。But next year will be more cautious,The influence of the industry to the public into consideration。

  主持人: The host:


China green foundation can't have milk is niang,Who can't give you the money,You give who awards,Because a prize、A foundation is also to have basic bottom line,The bottom line is not only to see this thing in this foundation the business would benefit,To see if this matter more to the whole society add cent or subtract points,This is a public organization、A public welfare foundation at the bottom line,Is it have to bear the responsibility of a society。


If there is milk is niang words,All this a prize will eventually become a black humor,But sadly,This black humor is not the first one,And is certainly not the only one。


We see a few pictures,This is tobacco enterprise in anhui notice a hope primary school,Some say,Tobacco enterprise profit is larger,Money can do public welfare is not very good?If they didn't donations words,May hope primary school is built up,The children all have no place to go to school。I want to say is,Actually give money is ok,Money put into public welfare is as it should be,But can I give money in the enterprise so that when the equivalent of advertising is to start ceremony directly hit the big brand,This is clearly a cigarette the advertisement of the product。


Again to see such a thing is more than one enterprise,More than one brand。In addition,Here to say a infrastructures,A tobacco enterprise can obtain such a trademark is very regrettable,This from another side shows,The government curbs it's not big enough strength。


Again to see this is more like a black humor,Sichuan tobacco hope primary school,A into the school gate on YingBi see is so of slogan“Genius is nothing but labor and diligence,Tobacco help you success”In addition“China tobacco”Big sign of,In the top of the main gate of this building place。See this picture,Not only to play on a big question mark,Whether it is sponsoring a public welfare undertakings,Building a hope primary school,Or instigates children in,This is a cheap advertising?


Here gives everybody do a parable,Many well-known clothing brands do their children's clothing series,The children's clothing series is not usually make money,But they insist to do,why?It is because in the children's heart of establish a brand of consciousness,Since the childhood to wear this brand,Grow up nature also will decide this brand,Building brand loyalty,So when the tobacco companies to donate a hope primary school,When they put a big trademark hit the children's school,Influenced by every day,Grow up will influence how they become a smokers。I want to ask is,This is a public welfare undertakings,Or a abetted evil ways,Here is the need to discuss。


Also we will talk about,Now the tobacco industry although have been banned in public places advertisers,Although it can't sponsor of the Olympic Games,Can't sponsor world expo,But whether it should be in the form of public welfare,It's a trademark is also should have had a penalty area,For example at least not appear in the hospital,Can't appear in school,This box is should be strictly protected by law。


At least now in a field,Everyone has actively started to discuss,Our field should be of the box is tobacco,The field is science。

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