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YouShang vendor stall in the future will be in the government defined in advance provisional regional and fixed time in engaging in the food business.This morning,City of the thirteenth NPC standing committee meeting 35 listened to the municipal government food safety supervision and coordination office about[Beijing food safety regulations(Revised draft)]instructions,According to the revised draft regulations,On food offender disciplinary will be more severe,Once by revoke licence,Five years shall not be more into the line.


As early as in 2007,Beijing is first introduced[Beijing food safety regulations].The municipal government food safety supervision and coordination office director ZhangZhiKuan morning said,but,Due to the outgoing food supply accounted for 85% of Beijing supply,Source control difficult,The market access threshold generally very low,So it is necessary to revise old regulations.

  网店卖食品需公示经营者身份 Shop to sell food operators public identity


- draft regulation:Use the Internet to engage in food business,Ought to be in online home page the clear place public operators name/contact/"Telecom and information service business license(ICP license)"/Business registration website as the number of identity information and food circulation license key.

  -旧条例:无此规定 - the old rules:Without the regulations


interpretation:To strengthen the supervision of the sale network of food,First of all to express operator's identity,Let consumers have the right to know,Also facilitate the problem food traced back.According to the regulations of the revised draft the new regulations,Use mail order/TV telephone shopping, etc WuDianPu way engaging in the food business,Also should be easy to consumers cognition and identification way public name/address/contact/Business license Numbers as well as food circulation license key.


The supermarket some own brand goods,Often the supermarket entrusted to some enterprises to production and processing,Then affix supermarket brand sales and labels.According to the regulations of the revised draft regulations,The authorization to produce food,In addition to the content of the legal label on outside,Also shall truthfully indicate the entrusted parties or the name of the entrusted party/A principal-agent relationship/address/Contact information and related food production license, etc.

  拟划定临时区域供游商经营 Intends to delimit the provisional regional YouShang for business


- draft regulation:For the food production and processing workshop production of food variety,Beijing proposed directory management.


- the old rules:No food small mill had limited.


interpretation:The revised bill specifically presented,By the district/County people's government has formulated and published food production and processing workshop production of food variety catalogue and production conditions and requirements.area/The county government can also according to the actual need to build suitable for food production and processing workshop engages in food production and processing activities concentration area;Encourage food production and processing workshop to concentrate the region into engages in food production and processing activities.


In addition,To the no fixed place merchant business food varieties,Beijing will also implement directory management.the,area/The county government will be able to delimit the provisional regional(point)And the fixed period of time for no fixed place merchant engaging in the food business,Announce to the society.In addition to prohibit the distance kindergarten/Primary and secondary schools within 200 meters of school according to the provisional regional(point)outside,Engaging in the food business without fixed place merchants will not in the provisional regional(point)And the fixed period of time the business.

  餐馆随意排“地沟油”将被停业 Restaurant random row"Trench oil"Will be out of business


- draft regulation:Catering service provider shall be separately collected eat hutch garbage,And entrust to have the qualifications of the enterprise collector and disposal,Self-built or standard of eat hutch garbage disposal facilities in situ treatment,Shall not be arbitrarily dumping/discard/Stacked or direct emissions,Otherwise will be ordered to stop operation,And can place more than 5000 yuan to 50000 yuan.


Any unit or individual without the license shall not be collector and disposal of eat hutch waste oil;Prohibited from waste oil as raw material and processed oil in such a cooking oil as raw material for food processing.


- the old rules:There is no vaccine for waste oil trench oil special provisions,only"encourage/Guide social forces to invest in the construction do not meet the food safety standards of food and eat hutch garbage processing of the harmless treatment facilities".


interpretation:To trench oil source supervision is administrative trench oil basic method,Once found trench oil,Relevant departments must track exactly,But at present,At source supervision and not 100% effective cases,Still need to strengthen the supervision of the use of trench oil punishment.And governance trench oil not only limited in the source on the supervision,The law enforcement departments to strengthen the process of supervision.

  制售食品不得使用亚硝酸盐 Manufacturing and food may not use nitrites


- draft regulation:Catering service provider/Field processing of manufacturing ShiPinZhe/Food production and processing workshop shall not buy/Storage and use of nitrite and easy to abuse of food additives.Engaged in food storage/transportation,May not be in the storage/In the course of carriage add any non-food substances, etc., which endanger the health of human body material.


- the old rules:Catering service business premises/Market of food processing point of sale and the unit dining room,Shall be stored/Use of nitrite,Shall not use the food additives/Not beyond/Super limited use of food additives.


interpretation:Beijing currently has stipulated,Restaurant operators shall not purchase nitrite.The revision of the draft regulations more strict regulations,buy/Storage and use of nitrite and easy to abuse of food additives,Will be confiscated of the illegal income/The illegal production and operation of food and used for illegal production and management tools/equipment/Goods such as raw material;The illegal production and operation of the food value value 10000 yuan,Impose value 2 times more than five times the amount;If the circumstances are serious,Will also shall be ordered to suspend production out of business,Until revoke licence/permit.

  食品违法5年内不得再入行 Food illegal five years shall not be more into the line


- draft regulation:To unit be revoked food production/Circulation or food service permit the responsible unit mainly responsible/Persons who are directly in charge/Directly responsible personnel license from the administrative punishment decision within five years as of the date shall not be engaged in food production and operation management.


- the old rules:Enterprises engaged in food production or marketing for food production and operation illegal behavior is revoke licence or of the business license,The legal representative/The principal person in charge of the/Direct involvements revoked license or the business license within three years as of the date of any food production and operation shall not serve as the legal representative of the enterprise, and the person in charge;Be shall be investigated for criminal responsibility,Life may not be any food production and operation as the legal representative of the enterprise, and the person in charge.


interpretation:City food do chief introduction,Compared with the old rules,The food industry to forbid into the rules become more severe,To strengthen the food offender illegal costs and disciplinary power.Once be revoked after license,According to forbid into the time[Food safety]regulations,From the original raised three years to 5 years.In addition,Without permission is engaged in the food production and operation activities of the natural person crime because of food safety was put to punishment,Execution expires not more than 5 years,Enterprises engaged in food production or marketing shall not act as directors/supervisors/Senior management personnel.

  庙会将配专职食品安全管理员 Temple fair will match full-time food security administrator


- draft regulation:Centralized securities exchange market or temple fair/Garden party/Fair in places such as food business,Or provide rental counter for food business operators engaging in the food business,Market open person/Activity organizers or counter the lease shall be equipped with full-time food security administrator.


- the old rules:Without the regulations


interpretation:Food management is the star of the temple fair,Some local specialty food now also often choose in fair appearance.In the past the question of consumers to buy food,Once the temple fair/Fair end,without.The new rules require the full-time food security administrator,To strengthen the supervision of the food exhibition.At the same time,It also requires set up shop operators files,File besides will record the basic situation of food operators/The main business channels,Also shall record the business lines/Brands and suppliers status information,And in its market outside food storage places for the record.All the operators must be signed an agreement,Once the operator violates the request of food safety,Both sides can be cancelled.

  亮点 window

  北京将成立 Beijing will establish

  食品安全 Food safety

  专家委员会 Committee of experts


Although the old rules also once mentioned to the food safety risk assessment,But regulations revised draft to the risk assessment for a more detailed provisions.For example,The city will set up a medical/agricultural/food/Nutrition experts aspects of food safety committee of experts,To carry out the food safety risk assessment.


For the comprehensive analysis of the food safety risk monitoring and evaluation results show that may have a higher degree of safety risk of food,City food do shall timely put forward the food safety risk warning,Announce to the society;An emergency/Could cause emergencies,Will be implemented shall be ordered to suspend purchase/Sales related food and other temporary control measures.

  对食品生产 On food production

  经营者培训考核 Operator training evaluation

  条例修订草案在国内率先提出对食品生产经营者建立培训考核制度。由市食品安全监管部门负责对各类食品和食用农产品生产经营者主要负责人进行食品安全和食用农产品质量安全法律知识、食品安全和食用农产品质量安全标准和行业诚信道德伦理培训。每年每人的培训时间将不少于40个小时。(张楠 杨滨 薄璐)

Amendments to the regulations in the domestic first put forward to the food producers and traders to establish a training assessment system.The municipal food safety supervision department is responsible for all kinds of food and edible agricultural production operator principal heads in food safety and food quality and safety of agricultural products in legal knowledge/Food safety and food quality and safety of agricultural products standard and professional integrity moral training.Each year the training time will not less than 40 hours.(ZhangNan YangBin BoLu)
