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新药可让女性1年只有3次月经 网友侃变“季经”--亲稳网络舆情监控室


避孕药澳洲上市,网友调侃“月经”变“季经” New pill Australia listed,Net friend poking fun at"menstrual"change"Season the"


“大姨妈”一年只来三次,靠谱吗 "Big aunt"One year only for three times,By spectrum?


杭州专家解读:虽然中国尚无这个药,但同原理避孕方法有的是 Hangzhou experts interpret:Although China is no this medicine,But with the principle of contraceptive method


Yesterday is the world contraceptive day.China's propaganda theme is"Health contraceptive,Your right,Your choice".


Yesterday there is a micro bo,Under the cover of the"Contraception,"Let not a few net friend joy a day:

  【澳大利亚研制新药 可让女性1年只有3次例假】

[Australia new drug development can let a female 1 year only three official holiday]

  据澳媒体报道,澳大利亚科研人员研发了一种学名为Yaz Flex的药物,能让女性一年只来三次月经,且不会损害女性的生育能力,长期服用兼具避孕功效,当女性想要宝宝时停药即可。9月24日起,这种药开始在澳大利亚各大药店出售,在澳大利亚女性中引起轰动。

According to Australian media reported,Australian researchers have developed a scientific name for Yaz Flex drugs,Can let a female one year only to three times menstruation,And will not damage fertility in women,Long-term use contraceptive effect concurrently,When women want the baby stopped medicine can.On September 24 up,The medicine began in Australia each big drugstore sells,Women in Australia caused a sensation.


yesterday,The reporter interviewed a province FuBao and hangzhou hospital relevant experts,Experts detailed explanation of this article micro bo,And Suggestions,Every female should choose to adapt to their own contraceptive method,Avoid abortion damage their health.


网友七嘴八舌 Net friend all


扭转自然,不太靠谱 Torsional natural,Don't rely on spectrum


Let the big aunt from a monthly visit into every 4 months to a,Circle the"menstrual"became"Season the",Cause many users to forward and saliva.


Net friend"Crystal_ sesame flowering"Think it is good:So save money and easy.


Net friend"Painful heart words"Poking fun at:Sanitary towel factory protest!


Also have"Mousse mark"This net friend worried about:No side effects to the body?


"WenGen hee"think:Torsional natural things sure without spectrum.


"Kawaii sasa"said:Violation of physiological normal cycle,Is definitely unhealthy!


记者求证 Reporter confirmed


确有其药,中国尚无 Does the medicine,China is no


Hangzhou a vice President of the hospital/Hangzhou women's hospital executive vice dean professor ZhangZhiFen,Engaged in gynecologic endocrine clinical and research have 20 years,Many friends have"Big aunt"problems,Will ask her.


ZhangZhiFen professor a listen to the description of the reporters,Immediately smiled,said:this"Season the"medicine,have.

  这个药叫“Yaz Flex”,其实不是澳大利亚研制的,而是德国拜耳公司的药,在澳洲新上市而已。“它是一种长效避孕药,女性口服的,连续吃4个月,可以避孕;但停药以后,女性照样会来月经。一般不影响怀孕。尽管目前国内还没有这个药,但国内有的其他一些口服避孕药,与它的原理差不多,药店就有卖的,主要成分都是屈螺酮和炔雌醇,只是国内类似的药与这个德国的药含量不同,所以用法上也不同,但都是可以调控月经的。”张教授说。

This medicine is"Yaz Flex",It is not developed in Australia,But the German bayer company's medicine,In Australia's new listed."It is a long-acting contraception,Women of oral,Continuous eat 4 months,Can contraceptive;But after the withdrawal,Women still to menstruation.Generally do not affect pregnancy.Although the present domestic haven't this medicine,But the domestic some other oral contraceptive,With its principle about,Pharmacy have sell,Main ingredients are flexion screw ketone and ethinyl estradiol,But the domestic similar medicine and the German drug content is different,So the usage is different also,But is can control the menstruation."Professor zhang said.


Many netizens worry about drug man-made destruction normal physiological cycles,Have an adverse effect on health.this,Professor zhang said there is no research and clinical data,Proved to have a bad influence.


In addition to this relatively new long-acting contraception,Contraceptive methods and we known as the condom/General oral contraceptive,And subcutaneous buried of slow-release contraceptives and intrauterine device.


专家解读 Experts read


避孕奥秘,增加孕激素 Contraceptive mystery,Increase progestational hormone


including"Season the"drug,And for the local hormonal contraception intrauterine device,The mystery of birth control is to the human body increase progestational hormone.ZhangZhiFen said:Progestational hormone can control endometrial thin,Endometrial thin,Also is no hypertrophic soil,Fertilized ovum cannot implantation,To reach the purpose of contraception.


Drug withdrawal or intrauterine device take off,There is no this regulation,Menstruation came,Retained the birth may.


Because these progestational hormone orientation in utero release,Not into other parts of the body,Won't affect a woman's endocrine function.That is,Women during the course of medication,Ovarian oviposit function was normal.


It is reported,At present in the outpatient service,These contraceptive method is used to treat menstrual quantity too much/Dysmenorrhea, etc.

  张治芬告诫说:“有些女孩比较大意,流产还没过一个月,虽然月经还没来,却又怀孕了。不少人以为流产后不会很快排卵,其实这是误解。”她认为科学地选择避孕方式,是女性对自己健康负责的态度。(记者 王蕊 通讯员 孙美燕 陈员)

ZhangZhiFen warned that:"Some girls compared the effect,Abortion haven't a month,Although menstrual hasn't come,Yet pregnant.Many people believe that abortion is not soon after ovulation,In fact, this is a misunderstanding."She thinks that scientific choice contraception way,Are women to oneself health responsible attitude.(Reporter correspondent WangRui SunMeiYan Chen member)
