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台湾女子被虾刺伤致死引关注 专家称内陆少见--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室


National Day period,Called a"Taiwanese woman be live shrimp stab the calf,Infected with the bacteria died"Micro bo in the online crazy.Micro bo said,Taiwan a housewife buy live shrimp reward family,Didn't want to be alive and kicking shrimp stab one right leg,But vibrio vulnificus infection,For amputation surgery still can't stop septic shock,Finally died.Be shrimp prick your also can be deadly?A lot of love to eat seafood net friend on pins and needles,Have net friend questioned"Too exaggeration".To check the,The reporter interviewed the expert.


感染多发沿海城市 Infection multiple coastal cities


Really so terrible bacterial infection?Guangzhou military region of doctor of vice director of wuhan general hospital emergency department ChengQing finish listen to reporters after the description of the no accident,He said,Taiwanese woman case though extreme,But really exist,Truly deadly is shrimp body exist a kind of bacteria,Medical called"Marine source sex vibrio vulnificus".


Vibrio vulnificus sea"Invisible killer"said,In the ocean exists within,As long as it is a sea creature,Will carry,HaiHa is not the only source of infection,Swimming crab/Green crab/shellfish/Fish and so on all have triggered infection event.And inland province river crab/River shrimp generally does not exist,So our province rarely accepts to these patients.Vibrio vulnificus infection mainly through two ways:One is through the digestive tract intake,Such as shellfish seafood and sashimi;Another kind is the skin direct infection,Such as contact seafood generates the wound,Vibrio vulnificus will invades the body,But between people won't cross-infection.


伤口红肿需高度重视 The wound red need to attach great importance to


National Day long vacation,Many people choose to coastal cities play,Do-it-yourself fish crab fishing,Some people also like in the sea side catch seafood side barbecue.this,Contact seafood/Eat seafood people also more and more.Readers consulting,If contact seafood will be"Come back"??


ChengQing explain,Generally speaking,Most people don't infection,Even if the infection,Also is very slight,But if there is low immunity or basic diseases,Very likely disease."The key to see if appear red,If scratches place appear red,The best immediately to the hospital."Vibrio vulnificus is easy to lethal,A because development speed,With a few hours skin will appear fester,Two days tissue necrosis,Then will appear in patients with renal failure and a series of complications,Finally killed;The second is that many people do not understand,Think only small wound and not pay attention to.therefore,In the sea of citizens to visit this alert.


“无形杀手”害怕高温 "Invisible killer"Afraid of high temperature

  有报道显示,在美国所有经食物途径传染的疾病中,创伤弧菌引起的死亡率最高。近年来报告美国、韩国、日本及沿海各国因生吃牡蛎导致原发性败血症,死亡率高达70%,而且该菌快速致死,感染者多在1-2天内死亡。“创伤弧菌怕高温,所以海鲜一定要煮熟,不要贪鲜生吃。”程青提醒,以下高危人群在接触海鲜时尤其要小心:酒精性肝硬化、肝病、酗酒、遗传性血色(铁)沉着病、糖尿病、风湿性关节炎、地中海型贫血、慢性肾衰、淋巴瘤等。(来源:楚天金报讯 记者高琛琛)

The report says,In the United States by all food way infection diseases,Vibrio vulnificus cause deaths.In recent years the United States report/South Korea/Japan and coastal countries for raw oysters lead to primary septicemia,Mortality rates as high as 70%,And this bacterium rapid lethal,Infections in 1 to 2 days of death."Vibrio vulnificus is afraid of high temperature,So seafood must be cooked,Don't greedy fresh raw."ChengQing remind,The following high-risk groups in contact seafood especially to be careful:Alcoholic liver cirrhosis/Liver disease/drinking/Hereditary color(iron)AD cool-headed disease/diabetes/Rheumatoid arthritis/Mediterranean anemia/Chronic renal failure/Lymphoma, etc.(source:Chutian 27 reporter GaoChen Chen)
