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患者隐瞒病史就医死亡 医院承担30%赔偿责任--亲稳网络舆情监控室


On October 18,Reporters learned from lanzhou then,Patients with history of hide a doctor and medical lawsuit caused by the final result.


On June 13, 2006,Lanzhou city MinXiao dream(alias)Because of his left leg to walk to a hospital in lanzhou,The diagnosis of multiple lacunar cerebral infarction,June 14,Little dream be income hospital neurology department for symptomatic treatment.When the doctor asked,Little dream denied he had history of diabetes,The hospital will, in accordance with the conventional method,During the course of treatment used 5% glucose liquid,Although the dream in the infusion after the body check blood glucose value number is on the high side,But because he denied that history in the former,Related medical personnel and the doctor nor chopperno check examination report,According to the original plan to continue treatment.When the little dream condition when a little increase,Medical staff did not cause too much attention,Until June 17 afternoon,Little dream again illness aggravating,The nurse this just check cases,Attending physician and so on also actively take measures,But little dream disease did not see a little better,After it didn't take long for multiple organ failure death.


When the case ChengGuanOu appeal after the court,Application for hospital entrusted gansu RenLong judicial material evidence appraisal institute is"Medical behavior and small dream between death whether there is causality",and"The hospital medical behavior if there is a fault"identification,The result shows that:"Medical behavior and small dream that there is no causation between death,Detailed reasons for failing to autopsy can't do pathological analysis,The hospital in the treatment process to the paper did not cause enough attention,The initial treatment behavior has certain fault."


Small family dream to the copy of identification to raise an objection,The court then entrusted Beijing source of law judicial scientific evidence appraisal center for new appraisal,Secondary appraisal conclusion for:"The hospital early neglect the small dream the presence of diabetes,In the treatment of existing in the process of fault,Little dream system itself disease causes the viscera function failure death,The hospital medical treatment fault and can't cause death of patients."


ChengGuanOu court comprehensive appraisal conclusions,By the hospital to assume liability to pay compensation 30% judgment.But hospitals are put forward"Since the report stated in the cause of death and the medical behavior no causal relationship between",So the hospital shouldn't assume liability to pay compensation by thirty percent,The purpose of lanzhou then appeal.

  兰州中院对案件进行二次审理后认为,尽管患者在就医时否认了自己的糖尿病史,但医院负有最高注意义务,违背了医疗水准和未尽到最高注意义务的医疗行为就是医疗过失行为。依据鉴定结果,医院的过错虽不能直接导致患者死亡,但对患者病情发展具有轻微责任。据此维持了“医院承担30%的赔偿责任”的一审宣判。(记者 许沛洁)

Lanzhou then the case after the second hearing that,Although patients in when go to a doctor denied their diabetes history,But hospitals have the highest duty of care,Against the medical level and not do the highest attention obligation of medical behavior is medical negligence.According to the evaluation results,The fault of the hospital is not directly cause death of patients,But for patients with mild illness development responsibility.According to maintain the"Hospital take 30% of the liability to pay compensation"The first sentence.(Reporter XuPeiJie)
