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  中新网10月19日电 据卫生部网站消息,日前,卫生部组织制定了《食品标准清理工作方案》。方案指出,到2013年底,完成对食用农产品质量安全标准食品卫生标准、食品质量标准以及行业标准中强制执行内容的分析整理和评估工作。

Beijing on October 19, according to the ministry of health news website,a,The ministry of health organization established[Food standard cleaning work plan].Scheme pointed out that,By the end of 2013,The completion of edible agricultural products quality and safety standard/Food hygiene standards/Food quality standards and industry standard for compulsory execution content analysis finishing and evaluation work.


Presented food standard cleaning work principles,One is the outstanding cleaning work key.Cleaning work is focused on the current of edible agricultural products quality and safety standard/Food hygiene standards/Food quality standards and industry standards for compulsory execution content are compared and analyzed,Find out the paradox of/cross/Problems, such as repeated,Clear the current food standard belongs to food safety index,Analysis put forward disposal idea,In order to integrate the food standard lay the foundation.


The second is paying attention to the construction of standard system.Cleaning work should reflect the food safety standard working principle,Pay attention to food standard generality,Pay attention to food safety basic standard and food product safety standard phase cohesion,Pay attention to food safety basic standards and food product safety standard and test method standard of supporting.According to the food standard cleaning work flow(See annex)Carry out cleaning work.


Three is to stick to scientific and practical principles.Cleaning work to adhere to the scientific principle,By using for reference the international organizations and foreign management experience,And to consider the situation of our country and food industry development actual,Give attention to two or morethings industry reality and supervision need,Scientific and reasonable set food safety standard system framework,Determine the standard directory and specific index.


Presented food standard cleaning work task,One is food security basic standard.To study and put forward need perfect food safety standard foundation project/The existing food safety basic standard index modification of the proposal;To put forward the food product safety standards related index into the food safety basic standard suggestion;Puts forward pesticide/Veterinary drug residue limit standard cleaning advice;To evaluate existing food safety basic standard food classification system,To improve food classification system suggestion.


The second is a food product safety standards.To formulate a food product safety standard frame system and standard directory,And food security foundation standard food classification system coordination;Research on food safety and the quality index of the determination principle;To put forward the food quality standards clear opinion,Put forward and food safety standards related Suggestions;The food safety standards do not represent the basis of food,Asking whether make food product safety standard advice;Combing the food industry product standard of the content of the compulsory execution,To put forward the food industry product standard cleaning opinion.


3 it is food additives standard.Propose food additive product standard frame system and standard directory;Clear need to develop universal product standard of food additive category;To study and put forward the current food additive national standards and industry standards revision/integration/Abolished or into the national food safety standards suggestion.


The fourth is nutrition and special dietary food standard.To study and put forward nutrition and special dietary food safety standard frame system and standard directory;To study and put forward the current nutrition and special dietary standard revision/integration/Abolished or into the national food safety standards suggestion.


Five is food related product safety standards.Research food related products standard frame system and standard directory;Research food related products standard and food safety related quality index determination principle;To put forward the food related products standard and food safety related quality index of the clear opinion;Put forward is not the current food safety standard covers food related products category,Put forward to formulate the national food safety standards suggestion.


Six is food production and operation process requirements of hygiene standard.To study and put forward the food production and operation standards frame system and standard directory;Analysis the current food production and operation process management standard,Research health operation procedure/Good health standards/Good production standards/Hazard analysis and critical control point system, etc,Whether put forward into the food production and operation standards suggestion;To put forward the food production and operation standards revision/integration/Abolished or into the national food safety standards suggestion.


Seven is test method and procedure standard.To study and put forward the food safety inspection method standard frame system and standard directory;Control food safety standard basis/Food products safety standards/Food additives and nutrition enhancer use standard/Food related product standard,Puts forward need to develop perfect test method standard directory;Puts forward pesticide/Veterinary drug residue test method standard cleaning advice;To put forward the test method standard revision/integration/Abolished or into the national food safety standards suggestion.


It is reported,Food standard cleaning work is divided into three stages,One is the preparatory stage(In October 2012 to December 2012);The second is clear stage(In January 2013 to August 2013);The third is completed stage(September 2013 to December).To finish stage,One is to form food standard cleaning work report.In September of 2013,Cleaning expert group finished cleaning work report,Submit evaluation committee for deliberation,Submit leading group for examination and approval.The second is put forward the national food safety standards formulated and revised proposals.In December of 2013,According to the food standard cleaning results,Determine the national food safety standards project,Start the national food safety standard formulation and revision work.


Calls for,The existing food standard centralized department/Food supervision departments should actively cooperate with and participate in food standard cleaning,Provide centralized administration of standard directory and text,collect/Summarizing the current food standard in the execution of the problems existing in the process,And promptly inform the ministry of health.The ministry of agriculture is responsible for agriculture veterinary drug residue limits and test method standard cleaning,Other relevant departments in accordance with the responsibility to cooperate with all kinds of food and food related products standard cleaning work.In addition,Pay attention to play role industry association,Encourage industry to participate in food standard cleaning,Industry put forward opinions and Suggestions.


Plan also requires,Food standard cleaning work leading group to do the major issues of the review/Supervise and check the work.Established food standard cleaning work leading group,The vice minister of health ChenXiaoHong RenZuChang comrade,The ministry of health supervision/Politics and law department/The national food safety risk assessment center leadership as members.Leading group is responsible for the food standard cleaning work important matters,Specific include:Review through[Food standard cleaning work plan]And organize the implementation;Coordinate cleaning work across major issues;Coordinate with related departments to carry out cleaning work and provide food standard directory and text, etc;Supervise and urge cleaning expert group according to the work plan to begin the work;Supervise and check all the work to carry out the situation.


Scheme emphasize,Cleaning expert group should assume cleaning technology work.Set up food standard cleaning expert group,The departments/Related industries/Scientific research institutions and universities, colleges and institutes related experts,In particular, in charge of the food standard cleaning technology work.Cleaning expert group under the working group,Take leader responsibility system,Specific for each major food standard cleaning.Cleaning expert group according to the scheme,Refining cleaning work task and the specific measures,Sure work,Strengthen the responsibility consciousness,Strictly grasp the standard cleaning principle,Ensure that achieve their goals.


Scheme emphasize,To play the national food safety standards evaluation committee(Hereinafter referred to as the evaluation committee)And evaluation committee secretariat effect.The evaluation committee to actively participate in food standard cleaning work,For the national food safety standards frame system and important technical problems and provide advice,Review food standard cleaning work report.The evaluation committee secretariat responsible food standard cleaning routine work,Responsible for collecting and sorting standard directory and text,Organization research group clear question,Finishing cleaning results,Arrange evaluation committee to provide technical advice and review, etc.


Scheme also stressed,Encourage social parties participate in cleaning work.Pay attention to food safety standard working public/transparent,Encourage social parties involved in food standard cleaning work.The health ministry will regularly publish food standard cleaning work progress,Extensively solicit the opinions and Suggestions of all parties in society,Study processing.Cleaning expert group to develop public opinion guidance,For the public concerns questions,Popular food safety standard knowledge,For the standard cleaning to build a good social atmosphere.


Calls for,Ensure working funds and personnel.According to this scheme requirement and the actual need of work,For cleaning expert group and evaluation committee secretariat provide necessary working funds,Equipped with the necessary technical personnel specialized in food standard cleaning work,In order to ensure that each work orderly/Carried out on time.


9:00 - 17:30