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recently,A and high-heeled shoes relevant news on the network become a hot spot,Said a urban white-collar 16 began to wear high heels,At the age of 31 feet thumb serious deformation,Need a walking stick to walk.It makes many beauty talk about"shoes"Colour change,Virtually to increase the high-heeled shoes fears,More experts the conclusion"High-heeled shoes is a new era of guo jiaobu".


however,High-heeled shoes after all is the female's love,Put on after,Station appearance/Go appearance all is extremely attractive,Here and charm arises at the historic moment,Especially white-collar female,High-heeled shoes is communication occasions indispensable scenery.The Spanish director pedro AErMoDuoWa once took a name[High-heeled shoes]film.therefore,Give up high heels,For women is not reality is more impossible.


so,In this complex mood,Not full-grown girls and adult women,How should wear high heels?High heels as science......Provincial hospital of traditional Chinese medicine joint section head is given that granular related.


A 外伤导致脚踝疼痛,高跟鞋不是祸首 A trauma cause ankle pain,High-heeled shoes is not zero

  对于这个新闻案例,和各种各样“诽谤”高跟鞋的传言,山西中医院骨关节科主任李建伟并不认同,“其实,高跟鞋没那么大罪过,这跟人体骨骼外伤、遗传等因素有很大关系,而高跟鞋只是起到了加速的作用。” 28岁的白领阿梅十七八岁开始穿高跟鞋。上中学时,她是学校的文艺积极分子,经常代表学校参加各种文艺演出,高跟鞋成为必备。“那时,因为表演需要,和高跟鞋结下了不解之缘。有一次,跳舞扭伤了脚踝,由于恢复得不错,几乎没留下病根。跳舞时,也感觉不出疼痛。参加工作后,从事的是对外接待工作,形象礼仪极为重要,高跟鞋又成为工作鞋,只要在办公室就得穿。”阿梅说,之所以对高跟鞋情有独钟,不仅因为高跟鞋可以增加身高,弥补自己身材娇小的不足,还因为一旦穿上高跟鞋,身体重心后移,腿部相应挺直,臀部收缩翘起,胸部挺拔,整个人就有了气场。但看了这则新闻,心里也慌慌地,想到自己近年来脚踝有时就会疼一会儿、膝关节好像隐隐作痛、腰背不舒服……阿梅吓得都想和领导提出调整岗位的要求,“毕竟,这样的职业病,单位才不管呢!”

For this news case,And various"slander"High-heeled shoes that,Shanxi institute of traditional Chinese medicine joint of director of division of granular doesn't agree with,"In fact,High-heeled shoes is not so great sin,With the human body bone trauma/There is a great relationship between genetic factors,And high-heeled shoes just played the role of accelerated." 28 white-collar ah mui, seventeen or eighteen years old started wearing high heels.In high school,She is a school literary activists,Often on behalf of the school to take part in all kinds of literature and art performance,High-heeled shoes become necessary."then,Because the performance need,And high-heeled shoes has the indissoluble bond.once,Dancing sprained my ankle,Due to restore well,Almost didn't stay at the source of the trouble.dancing,Also don't feel the pain.After working,Is engaged in foreign reception work,Image etiquette is very important,High heels and become work shoes,As long as in the office have to wear."Ah mui said,The reason of high-heeled shoes have a special liking,Not only because high heels can increase height,Make up his pint sized shortage,Also because once wear high heels,Body centre of gravity moved,Legs straight corresponding,Buttocks contraction tilt,Chest tall and straight,The man's field.But look at the news,The in the mind also helter land,Think of oneself in recent years ankle sometimes pain for a while/Like a dull pain in the knee joint/Lumbar back uncomfortable......Ah mui frighten all want to and leader proposed that the adjustment of the requirements of the position,"After all,This occupational disease,Unit didn't care!"


Granular said,When the girl 16 skeletal development tend to be completely,Appropriate to wear high heels can.If when I was a child,Ankle an injury,Then grew up,Excessive wear high-heeled shoes,Will induce an ankle.And ankle/knee/hip/lumbar/Cervical vertebra etc these bones are associated,One place pain,Will all feel discomfort.


British medical experts are doing a survey,With ankle in/Knee arthritis of the women in the 55.2% of people wear high heels,And in healthy women with 67.1% of people wear high heels.Experts say,A joint trauma/Excessive smoking and overweight is caused by factors such as joint disease culprit.In this case,The cause of the joint disease causes high heels were blamed for not reasonable.


 B 过度穿高跟鞋,易引发诸多不适 B excessive wear high-heeled shoes,Easy cause many discomfort


Granular said,If women bones were not trauma,Long-term excessive wear high-heeled shoes,Many women also will therefore buried health concerns.


Lumbar back/Cervical pain.Granular said,Wear high heels after,Human body weight increase,Pelvic forward,Waist back.The waist after excessive stretch back muscle contraction to tighten,Lumbar small joint is in nervous condition,Go down for a long time,Lumbar back muscle strain occurs.Waist pain,Most of the morning light night heavy,Tired after/Days when negative symptoms,Hand tapping can be improved.Symptoms for a period of time can reduce,But often attack again,The person that weigh become lumbar hyperplasia.Further development,It will affect cervical vertebra,Lead to neck/The place such as the shoulder blood circulation,Appeared pain/Acid hemp symptoms.


ankle/Knee arthritis."walk,Depend mainly on toes pointed move forward,High heels undoubtedly exacerbated the calf muscle contraction.Practice has proved,Long legs tension will lead to shorten the leg tendons,And to keep the balance of human body hurt his ankle.Ankle stability become weak,Further will influence the knee joint.Knee joint pressure increases,Will hurt patella,Patella deformation,And cause knee arthritis.In the orthopaedic clinic often be met because of improper wear high-heeled shoes to ankle/Knee arthritis cases.


Digits injury.Long-term wearing high-heeled shoes could lead to finger injury.Granular said,Due to the phalanges joint bones to medial bulge,Long time to wear pointed high heels can make the front feet bone compression,Thumb influence of muscles,Lead to thumb along the rest of the toes direction.If women wear high heels,Plus the relatively small shoes,More easily induced foot toe extrusion appear thumb or finger deformation phenomenon.


C 12岁以下禁穿高跟鞋 C 12 years old the following forbidden to wear high heels


Now some pupils to dance,Need to wear high heel some shoes.The child exactly have harm??


At the age of 11 were blossoming weekly practice dancing,Must wear half high-heeled shoes.My mother saw this were blossoming after reports,Think for children to grow up have influence,But have to let children wear,Therefore she is very ravel.Granular said,Under the age of 12 girls usually forbidden to wear high heels,Occasionally show wear to wear it doesn't matter,Often wear will hurt backbones and knee.Because of the child's bones are not fully grown,In the process of continue to grow,From external pressure often stimulate not closed bones,Can cause hidden trouble.


D高跟鞋,7厘米是健康标准 D high-heeled shoes,7 cm is health standard


normally,How high wear shoes suitable for most people it?Granular Suggestions,High-heeled shoes of"Health standard"In the following 7 cm,If more than 7 cm became feet"barnacles".


American experts will high-heeled shoes to the influence of the knee joint research.The research object of 20 a healthy women,Mean age, 34.9 years,Average height of 1.62 m,The average weight 59.1 kg.Each participants choose a pair of high heels,Heel height above 7 cm.Measured barefoot/Wear high-heeled shoes to walk double side of knee joint torque,Its numerical statistical analysis and comparison.The results show that,Wear high-heeled shoes for knee torque than walking barefoot high 30%.If the heel to reduce the height of some,Knee joint torque also reduce some.Height to 7 cm,Torsion disappear maximum.therefore,For the average person,Less than 7 centimeters of heel is relatively safe.


Granular said,To reduce the long-term wear high-heeled shoes to the foot injury,Can be in feet palm or heel and compression place a soft insole,Reduce the soles are under pressure.Heel also shoulds not be too small,Otherwise it is difficult to steady support body weight and easy to foot shot.Toe to loose some,Let feet and toes more space.In addition,Wear high-heeled shoes when you walk,To proper positioning,Tiptoe go straight,Hip clamping,Upper body straight.This can avoid pressure distribution is uneven,So as to improve the legs/Foot bloated phenomenon,Promote blood circulation.

  李建伟说,穿高跟鞋要注意场合,平时挤车或遇到不平整的马路时,不穿或不走。也不宜疾走快跑,更不能上山爬坡。避免总穿相同高度的高跟鞋,防止脚部同一处经常受到挤压。此外,穿高跟鞋要注意休息,白领们不妨在办公室备一双舒适的平底鞋,与高跟鞋交替着穿。 (记者 郭志英)

Granular said,Wear high-heeled shoes to attention to the occasion,Usually crowded car or meet not flat on the street,Don't wear or don't walk.Unfavorable also scoot run,More can't climb up the mountain.Avoid always wear the high-heeled shoes of the same height,Prevent feet the same place is often affected by extrusion.In addition,Wear high-heeled shoes to pay attention to rest,In the office white-collar workers might as well prepare a pair of comfortable flat shoes,And high heels alternate to wear. (Reporter GuoZhiYing)
