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女子经产检仍产畸形儿状告医院 院方称不能打包票--亲稳网络舆情监测室


产检没见异常,她却产下残疾婴儿 Production inspection haven't seen abnormal,But she gave birth to baby disability


沙区法院认定,生出缺陷宝宝是产前检查失误造成的;医生提醒,大家要理性看待产检,不要完全依赖 Sandy court ascertained that,Birth defect baby is prenatal diagnosis faults;The doctor warned the,Everybody to want to a rational view production inspection,Do not just rely on


释疑> disabuse>


产检能看出缺陷儿? Production inspection can see defects?


专家:不能完全排除 experts:Can not completely ruled out


Exactly production inspection can see defects?a,Chongqing morning paper reporter contacted the armed police corps in the department of obstetrics and gynecology hospital director of chongqing HuShan.


HuShan think,Whether colour to exceed system,Or three dimensional colour to exceed,Has its limitations,Are not one hundred percent guarantee can see all of the fetal anomaly,Report writing"Fetal not seen obvious anomaly",Each hospital is widely used.The development of cartilage,The fetus to grow to a certain degree to monitoring cartilage developmental state,Pregnant women may go to inspection,Not when the time is right,Check out is entirely possible,Even if is pregnant women in pregnancy without medication,The fetus may also appear some uncertain anomaly.therefore,You should be a rational view production inspection,Do not just rely on.


32 of the pregnant women YuanXia(alias)To go to hospital for prenatal routine inspection,The hospital inspection conclusion for production"Fetal not seen obvious anomaly",When the delivery,But she gave birth to a person suffering from a variety of disease"Baby problem".YuanXia a pain not the desire living,Will at the beginning doing B to exceed an examination of hospital to the court,All the related expenses claim compensation for 27300 yuan.


This is a no winners case.On October 19,Sandy court said,YuanXia get part of the appeal court adopted,Decision in accordance with the agreement hospital,In cash agreement after the first,Continue to perform the agreement article 2,Compensation maternity 16900 yuan.


产检未见明显异常 Production inspection did not see obvious anomaly


YuanXia is"Older mother"the.In 2009,,Her baby bear when the fast 32 years old.therefore,The family pay special attention to.Be pregnant 4 months start,She regularly to ShaPingBa is located in chongqing Edward hospital for production inspection,And to establish WeiChan care manual.


Production inspection when,B superfine various detection are"Fetal not seen obvious anomaly".The beginning,A family with a B to exceed report heads or tails,"Not seen obvious anomaly"What meaning is?What is there may be unable to diagnose abnormal,Still sure is normal?Left guess right guess,Also couldn't guess it.


问题宝宝吓坏一家人 The problem was the baby


Until the November 23,,YuanXia production head one day,Prenatal care still haven't found any situation.The next day,YuanXia in chongqing Edward hospital implementation of cesarean section.


Young new life but not to give your family can bring joy,But the YuanXia couples in the past almost fainting:The child is oaf,Weight less than 5 jins,And my limbs than the normal baby obvious short,Right foot obvious varus,Left foot mild varus,Look very not harmonious.


Neonatal patient the hospital can't cure,Immediately turn to DaPing hospital,The diagnosis YuanXia to pledge pours cold water:1. The term small kind son;2. Congenital malformation,Congenital cartilage dysplasia,Congenital dislocation of the hip joint(In Shanghai diagnosis which is joint deformities);3. Newborn hypoxia ischemic myocardial damage;4. Newborn hypoxia ischemic encephalopathy.


later,The couple for his daughter to take a partial male name,Hope she is as strong as boys,Brave face life.


双方曾达成赔偿协议 The two sides reached an agreement for compensation


"oh?Ancestors created what casualties of?Children can be a lifetime in the future?"YuanXia a pain not the desire living,Hard to bear such a blow.In a rage,Will had produced retrieval fetal normal hospital against the sand area court.


Both parties not dispute,Case played half a year.July,The second time court trial.After the court to patients/The hospital after full consultation survey determination,Birth defect baby is prenatal diagnosis faults.YuanXia and hospital in 2010 on April 14 to reach an agreement,The hospital step payment of the corresponding compensation.This agreement wrote:


1. YuanXia return in the hospital all prenatal care expenses,Take turn to DaPing hospital treatment of complete medical service in Shanghai and the diagnosis and treatment of at one's own expenses(Parents for children in Shanghai to do have insurance),A total of 13900 yuan.


2. Subsequent hip surgery option forward in Shanghai to do,Other inspection treatment by YuanXia couples arrange matters.


3. About infant intelligence problems or congenital cartilage dysplasia cause other problems,3-5 years to do confirm sex identification,To negotiate compensation responsibility.


4. Maternity couple after receive compensation,In addition to the agreement has been clear matters outside,In any other reason and the way,To hospital complaining of additional requirements and imbroglio.


Both sides signed the agreement,The hospital according to the agreement article first agreed to pay 13900 yuan.


医院:约定不清难履行 hospital:Agreed not clear difficult to perform


To perform the first after the agreement,Hospital haven't any movement.YuanXia against to the court,Article 2 for the hospital to continue to perform the agreement,Pay in April 2010 to January this year,Her baby for treatment of spent cost 27300 yuan.


And the defendant that hospital,This agreement is not clear,Really difficult to perform,Especially article 2 does not expressly agreed by the length of the period/The number of medical problems, such as how much,"Not for her stand for a lifetime."The hospital party lawyer stressed,Production inspection itself exists a certain risk,Of the fetus congenital malformation imaging examinations,Mainly through the ultrasonic inspection for,Due to the limitation of medical technology,Inspection diagnosis there exists some error is entirely possible,Caused by the error,May be check physician subjective experience reasons,May also be objective medical reasons,"Can't‘Vouch for’."


判决:谁都没有赢 judgment:Who didn't win


The court considered,An agreement between,In YuanXia is in the hospital after the birth defects produced inspection children for subsequent related issues voluntarily reach a mean said,The parties shall execute strictly according to the agreement.


Survey found,YuanXia baby hip treatment of operation and the inspection fee,A total of 12900,At the same time also spend 4000 yuan for the children to buy fixed with a knee,And treatment of hip joint diseases,Also accord with the agreement content.As for other expenses,The court have no claim.

  最后,医院被判令赔偿1.69万元。(记者 封璟)

finally,The hospital has been ordered pay 16900 yuan.(Reporter Jing seal)
