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重阳节盘点老年人健康养生四大注意事项(图)10月21日,重阳节将近,广西桂林市50对白发苍苍,身着红色唐装的老人执子之手,共庆金婚,诉说爱情真谛。中新社发 唐梦宪 摄 On October 21,,Double ninth festival nearly,Guangxi guilin 50 to white-haired,Dressed in red tang suit old man give me your hand,Altogether celebrates the golden wedding,Tell love true meaning.SheFa Miocene TangMengXian perturbation

  中新网10月23日电 今天是九月初九重阳节,又称老人节。老年人的健康、养生一直是备受关注的话题,中新网健康频道小编为网友梳理了老年人秋季饮食起居等方面的注意事项,帮助老年人预防疾病、延年益寿。

Beijing on October 23 report today is the ninth day of the ninth lunar month the double ninth festival,Say again LaoRenJie.Elderly health/Keeping in good health has always been a topic of concern,Beijing health channel small make up for the net friend combed the old people fall diet daily life of the matters needing attention,To help the elderly to prevent disease/Prolong life.


饮食禁忌篇 Diet taboo article


The elderly with young people don't like eating,The old man eat have exquisite,Is not only eat bland/Digestible food.More important is the old man in a meal,What to eat,After eat what,These will affect their appetite.So what old people should how to correctly choose the order of the dinner?


1. To eat some fresh vegetables or bean products.Such as stir-fried cabbage/spinach,Cold cucumber/Tofu silk, etc.The food is light,After eating will not affect digestion,But due to light,More appetite.


2. And then eat some taste a little heavy stews and cooking.For example chicken with peanuts/Mapo beancurd/Shredded pork with garlic sauce fish such as.Due to start eating more light,At this time to eat taste heavy things,More can increase appetite.


3. Then is the staple food.Corn grains contain all kinds of nutrition,Is human body necessary food,Every meal intake should be appropriate.Old people is unfavorable to eat too much,Too much increase full bilge feeling,Intestines and stomach bad to.


4. Finally have some dessert(Such as sweet soup/Snacks, etc)As a table of the swap.They put in last eat,One can have the effect of crisp,First, can help appetizer.But dessert unfavorable also eat too much,Appropriate a few mouth was good,Must let the stomach set aside a little"space"to.Eat more order can not only let old people eat a little more/Eat sweet little,More can make our old friends eat healthily.


老年人饮食宜掌握以下十个原则: The old diet should grasp the following ten principles:


Should be fresh fruits and vegetables:fresh/Colored fruits and vegetables class,Are rich in vitamin/minerals/Dietary fiber,In the fruit also contains rich organic acid,Have stimulate appetite increase and maintain fluid acid-base balance role.


Quantity should be few:If want to body Ann,Three points hunger and cold.The old man want to eat a variety of foods,But each food quantity is unfavorable and overmuch,Seven full eight each meal.


Quality should be high:High quality does not mean higher prices,Such as soy products/egg/Milk is high quality food,The old man should eat frequently.We should pay attention to eat more fish,Less meat.Sugar is the main source of staple food and vegetables and fruits,Try to reduce sugar/Brown sugar/Sugar and refined sugar food.


Food should be mixed:Not a kind of food can include human need all kinds of nutrients,therefore,Every day to eat cereal/Fruits and vegetables/Bacteria and algae and so on many kinds of food,Must pay attention to the element of meat or fish is tie-in,Degree of finish is tie-in,Colour collocation,Taste collocation,Dry rare collocation.


Texture appropriate soft:The old man to the digestion of the food absorption is bad,so,Food texture with soft rotten as well,Can use steam/boiled/stew/Stewed and cooking methods.Choice of food to avoid fiber is coarse/Shoulds not be chew food,Such as meat can choose more fiber short,Meat and fish;milk/eggs/Bean products are best choice food.


Diet should be light:Food to light,Taste avoid heavy.Suggested daily salt for no more than 6 grams.Suggest the old man a day of food composition:Grain 150-250 grams,Fish and prawn class and lean 100 grams,Beans and its products 50 grams,Fresh vegetables 300 grams left and right sides,Fresh fruit 250 grams left and right sides,250 grams of milk,Cooking oil 30 grams,Salt 6 grams,25 g sugar,Less drinking,Drink enough water.


Be slow speed:To nibble slow pharynx to digest/absorption.Especially in fish more attention should be paid to.Because the fish flesh soft/delicate,Easy to chew/Digestion and absorption;High protein content;Fat content low,Is the old man's first choice food.But due to the problem of fishbone,Restrictions on the number of the old man's edible.Solve this problem,First choose fishbone less fish,Eat fish,Had better not and rice/Steamed bread to eat at the same time.


Food appropriate sweet:The old man to reduce appetite,In food production aspect to more carefully,Pay attention to color/sweet/taste/Form the deployment of.In addition,elegant/quiet/Neat repast environment;The collective, or in the form of repast,Can improve the old man repast interest.


Drinking water should be more:The old man to thirsty didn't feel like a young man so sensitive,therefore,Want to drink water more consciously,Can choose weak tea or boiled water.Don't wait until thirsty to drink,In order to avoid water.Water will cause an elderly constipation and metabolic disorders.


Temperature appropriate heat:The best food digestion and absorption process is in the temperature of the body temperature under.The old man to cold resistance ability is bad,Once to eat raw/cold/Hard food,Will affect the digestion/absorption,Even cause intestinal disease.therefore,The old man's food is given priority to with warm.


Another point is worthy of note,Satiation easy to cause the old man dementia,According to doctor introduction,The old man eating too full after nutrition surplus,The brain called the"Fiber bud cell growth factor"Material will be increased significantly.If long-term repletion words,Will cause cerebral arteriosclerosis,Appear premature brain/Intelligence drops wait for a phenomenon.Often people in satiety after will have a want to sleep,Or special feeling sleepy,The main reason is the whole body energy concentration in digestive food body,The brain is also a need energy operation to maintain a condition,When the brain is no energy running,Its intelligence may also be affected.


experts,Alzheimer's disease and vitamin B12 and lack of folic acid has close relationship.Diet recuperation can help prevent dementia,Because from food intake of B12 and folic acid is effective and safe.The food is rich in B12:Daisy/mushroom/soybean/eggs/milk/Animal kidney and various fermented bean products, etc;Folic acid rich food is:Green leafy vegetables/citrus/tomatoes/cauliflower/watermelon/fungi/yeast/beef/Liver and kidney.often/To apply the above food intake,To prevent alzheimer's disease have a certain role.
