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27岁男人吃零食把胃撑破 胃到底能装多少东西?--亲稳舆论引导监测室

27岁男人吃零食把胃撑破 胃到底能装多少东西?


重庆27岁男子吃零食把胃撑破 Chongqing 27 years old man eat snacks the stomach bursting


我们的胃啊,你到底能装多少? Our stomach ah,You exactly how much can be installed?


We often use"Eat much"To describe their feelings after a big meal,But recently,A man really because eat much,Results the stomach burst.


This let us have to think about a problem:Our stomach ah,What on earth you can pack? How many things?


撑破一个胃得用多少食物?答案:三包薯条四瓶可乐还有…… Broken a stomach have to how much food?The answer:3 packets of French fries four bottle of coke and......


According to chongqing times news,The local a 27 year old man,Because eating snacks all day long,Results the stomach to brace is broken.


He actually ate? How much?A reporter inventory:The incident in the night,He has to eat a few egg yolk pie,A bowl noodles,Three bags of chips,Two SaJiMa,Four bottle of coke,There are a lot of peanut.


"But when the 9 o 'clock,He because of abdominal bulging uncomfortable,And suddenly appeared a web pain,By his family to send to the hospital.The final diagnosis results:Acute dilatation of the stomach,Accompanied by gastric perforation.


This is real"Eat much".

  不过这可不是什么罕见病。金陵晚报记者在网上搜索到,其实去年浙江也有类似的病例。一位女性在午饭后,不间断地吃了5个小时的零食,又喝了大量的水,  最终因为急性胃扩张送医院急救,医生从她的胃里取出的食物,装满了两个脸盆!

But it is not a rare disease.Jinling evening news reporters on the Internet to search,Acutually last year, zhejiang have similar cases.A woman in after lunch,Incessantly ate five hours of snacks,And drink a lot of water,Finally because of acute dilatation of the stomach to hospital first aid,The doctor from her stomach take out food,Filled with two basins!


Nanjing gulou hospital gastroenterology dept. Dr. Zhang met similar patients,Is eating the brace,Is gastric perforation,And bowel perforation/Esophageal perforation of the patients,Perforated parts although different,The last cause is very similar.


The first hospital of nanjing YuanJie digestive department deputy chief physician,Also met a patient,He was more bad luck:Should be to drink water to drink to acute gastric expansion.But YuanJie said,Real water/Drink this liquid bursting of the stomach,In clinical or very rare.


空腹时胃能有多大?真相:和一个拳头差不多 On an empty stomach gastric can have how old?truth:And a fist almost


YuanJie said,In the natural hollow state,Our stomach only fist size.but,When you bite the first bite of food,Chew when swallow,Receiving to the relevant reflected signal stimulation,Your stomach began to automatic flash the.It also can be said to be the stomach a protective measures,Let you can eat enough food,At the same time avoid the food enters the stomach to the lining of the stomach after bring too much pressure,To bring unnecessary trouble.


Can this be called"Receptive expansion"change,Also is not an unlimited.You can put the stomach imagine a balloon,It is can be increased,But increases to a certain degree,The hole in the stomach wall will become very thin.Normally hollow when our gastric wall can have a 1 cm thick,And in acute stomach expands,Many patients with the hole in the stomach wall is not necessarily thin as a layer of paper.


Gastric wall than thin paper,Of course easy to break;If not immediately burst,Thin gastric wall will also impact on blood supply,Thus causing problems.


我们的胃到底能能装多少? Our stomach can exactly how much can be installed?


真相:1-2升差不多是极限 truth:1-2 litres is almost limit


Zhang Ming said,normally,We once ate 1-2 litres of food,The stomach is almost reach the limit.We in the supermarket common that large bottle of coke,Generally a bottle of is 1.25 liters,You than a,Know your stomach what can hold many.Of course,Specific each person's stomach volume and different,Some people really stomach capacity is not big,1 l will stay inside out,Also some people a 2 liters can also so so.


In addition,To eat is what also and your stomach can enjoy relevant.Stomach have into is out,If emptying speed,Even into the food too much,The stomach a broken risk also can be reduced.And in many food,Water is emptying the fastest,The second is protein/carbohydrates,And the fat emptying the slowest."So we often have a drink of water,It is good to go to the bathroom;But in the morning to eat a big fat,May the afternoon don't feel hungry."


In addition,These gastric perforation of the unfortunate people,Some people themselves with additional risk factors.


Zhang Ming count it:Some patients actually have peptic ulcer,But no symptoms,There is a weakness is equal to the lining of the stomach and not know it,So from there break up;Some patients finish eating is not honest,Think brace up the exercise,Abdominal pressure rising,Stomach is broken;In addition some patients,Gluttony with alcohol,Eat the spit spit eat,Abdominal pressure ups and downs,Finally lead to deformity dilatation of the stomach.


急性胃扩张到底有多痛? Acute dilatation of the stomach exactly have much pain?


真相:请想象你的内脏泡在盐酸里 truth:Please imagine your internal bubble in the hydrochloric acid


For most people,Acute dilatation of the stomach you sound like a very scary guy,The main or because gastric perforation.Fine holes in my stomach,The more painful!.


But zhang Ming said,The truth is likely to be worse than you imagine also serious.


Our hydrochloric acid in gastric juice is actually is strong acid,PH value in between 1-2.Digestive department doctors even met somebody swallow nails self-mutilation,Results nails by stomach acid bubble didn't cases.


Originally these strong acid stay in your stomach,Our stomach mucosa nature there are ways to deal with it.But once the hole in the stomach wall fracture,Hydrochloric acid in gastric juice outflow into the abdominal cavity,Is the internal organs of the body bubble in acid,Do you think this how painful it.


Many patients because of this kind of pain,Stomach is as hard as a piece of wood,YuanJie said,The condition is called"Tabular abdominal".And people everywhere dozen roll pain,But this in zhang Ming looks worse.Because the patient rolled,Leak out of the hydrochloric acid in gastric juice will come into contact with celiac more organizations,Serious when may cause the whole abdominal cavity infection of all,The doctor is not clean wash wash.


为什么他们能够不停地得吃? Why they can constantly have to eat?


真相:火锅和零食是最风险最高的 truth:Hot pot and snacks is the most the highest risk


Many people may have heard,Fish can't keep feeding,Because they have no full abdomen feeling,Keeps eating until his support dead.


Apart from this statement is correct,But we are human beings,Why will also keep eating until his stay out so serious medical problems.


YuanJie said,This may and our feeding center relevant.Because the normal eating,We eat after things,The brain receives related signal,And then feeding center will react in the appropriate time,Remind you"filled,Down chopsticks".And these constantly eat eat until full of people,Perhaps it is ignored this way remind.


Zhang Ming said,In the hospital to meet acute dilatation of the stomach patients,Most because after a few hours caused by the ceaseless snack,In addition to eat hot pot/The buffet is easy to eat brace.Analysis up,These how to eat there is a characteristic:Eat off,About play,Then fight again a round.Because is divided into multiple eating,Sometimes people are still didn't feel very brace,In fact the stomach has a lot of food to empty too late,Especially the high fat and the solid food,They will be more easily to spawn of the disaster.

  要怎么防止吃撑?最好的当然是坚持“吃饭八分饱”,另外最好包括好吃饭的时间和速度。每餐固定时间吃,一顿饭吃足20分钟,每口饭都要咀嚼30次以上;吃完了就离开餐桌,不要坐在餐桌边继续聊天,这可能导致你无意中又开吃;另外,零食应该放在饭后2-3个小时后再吃。这样“吃撑了”的风险就会大幅度降低。(通讯员 张子青 张可欣 记者 朱菁菁 报道)

How to prevent eat brace?The best of course is to stick to"Eat eight full",In addition the best including good meal time and speed.Fixed time for each meal,A meal full 20 minutes,Every mouth rice will chew more than 30 times;Finished just leave the table,Don't sit on table continue to chat,This may cause you accidentally and open to eat;In addition,Snacks should be put in meal, 2-3 hours later and then eat.this"Eat much"Risk will be greatly reduced.(Reporter ZhangZiQing ZhangKeXin reporter ZhuJingJing reports)
