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山东年底前启动县级公立医院改革试点 药价将降15%--亲稳网络舆情监控室


年底前我省(山东)将启动县级公立医院改革试点 Province before the end of the year(shandong)Will start trial reform of public hospitals at the county level


取消药品加成 药价降15%左右 Cancel the drug addition prices drop 15%


Before the end of this year,At or above the county level in our province public hospital comprehensive reform pilot will officially start.yesterday,The public hospital at or above the county level comprehensive reform pilot and new farming together a serious illness insurance work TV will be put forward,Hospital reform is to break at or above the county level"In medicine for medical"mechanism,On December 31 of this year,Pilot at or above the county level of the abolition of all hospital drug addition policy,Reduce the burden of the people to see a doctor,The basic realization of a serious illness county.


Cancel the drug addition on December 31,To ensure that prices fell about 15% according to[Implementation opinions],ShiDianXian(city/area)At or above the county level of the hospital before December 31, 2012 to cancel all drug addition policy.Will the hospital compensation at or above the county level by the service charge/Drug addition income and government subsidies three channels,To service charges and the government subsidies two channels.The hospital which reduce the reasonable income,Through the adjustment of medical technical service price and increase government investment compensation way.

  按照要求,取消试点县级公立医院的药品加成政策,试点公立医院要将药品销售价格向社会公示; 取消药品加成政策后,要确保试点公立医院的药品价格降低15%左右。

According to the requirement,At or above the county level shall cancel the pilot public hospital drug addition policy,Public hospital will pilot drug sales price to social public;Cancel after drug addition policy,To ensure the pilot public hospital drug price down about 15%.


At the same time,Province provincial department of finance said,Hospital cancel drug addition to reduce income should be compliance reasonable income,Hospital original income is not reasonable/Don't part of compliance shall be eliminate,Before and after the reform of the balance of payments and gap,As far as possible to entrust the third party to bear or refer it to the auditing department audit checks.


To improve medical service price increase of medical service charge included in medical insurance according to[Implementation opinions],Pilot public hospital will be reasonable to improve traditional Chinese medicine and reflect the medical staff technical service value of the diagnosis and treatment/nursing/beds/Surgery for the project price,The medical institution shall, through providing the quality service at reasonable compensation.In principle, adjust price amount does not exceed 2011 annual drug reasonable 80% of the total price.Drug is not above that,Drop down costs is by increasing the medical service charge and improve up?For the common people to see a doctor not to increase the burden,Adjusted increase of medical service charge included in medical insurance by the regulation pay limits.ShiDianXian(city/area)The principle of the government in provisions within the scope of medical service price adjustment,The specific scheme by the county(city/area)Commodity price departments jointly with health/Human resources department to develop social security,Quote municipal price/health/Human resources social security departments for approval.Before December 31, 2012,ShiDianXian urban medical services and prices to adjust in place.


Provincial health department person in charge said at the meeting,In conjunction with one club department,Will be adjusted in accordance with the provisions of the medical service charge included in the new agriculture close and towns medical insurance to pay limits,To ensure that the overall medical expenses to ease the burden.


改革定价方式 Pricing reform

  开展按病种 收费试点《实施意见》要求,还将改革医疗服务以项目为主的定价方式,开展按病种收费试点。

Carry out press disease to charges site[Implementation opinions]requirements,Will reform medical services to the project is given priority to pricing,Carry out press disease to charges site.


Medical service fees according to the disease is to show medical treatment institutions providing medical service process,With diseases for valuation unit charge to patients.In recent years,In some areas of some medical service press disease to charge pricing reform,For the reasonable control of medical cost,Reduce the burden of the masses to play a positive role,At the present stage should be mainly in the clinical path specification,Treatment effect is a common and frequently occurring disease specific areas to carry out.


According to[Implementation opinions],By the end of 2012 pilot diseases of not less than 10,By the end of 2015 pilot diseases not less than 50.


改革医保支付制度 Medical insurance payment system reform

  推行总额预付 按人头付费建立医保对统筹区域内医疗费用增长的控制机制。2012年12月31日前,将医疗机构次均(病种)医疗费用增长控制和个人负担定额控制情况列入定点医疗机构分级评价考核体系;2013年年初,制定医保基金支出总体控制目标并分解到定点医疗机构。

Implementation of the total advance on a per head pay medical insurance established to plan as a whole to regional medical costs in the growth of control mechanism.Before December 31, 2012,Medical institutions are times(disease)Medical cost growth control and individual responsibility quota control condition into fixed-point medical institutions grading evaluation system;In early 2013,The medical insurance fund spending for the overall control objectives and decomposition to fixed-point medical institutions.

  推行总额预付、按病种、按人头、按服务单元等付费方式,加强总额控制。科学合理测算和确定付费标准,建立完善医保经办机构和医疗机构的谈判方式确定服务范围、支付方式、支付标准和服务质量要求。(记者 孙晓伟 朱彩玲)

Total implementation in advance/Press disease to/According to the head/According to the service unit pay mode, etc,To strengthen the control of total.Scientific and reasonable to determine the standard to measure and pay,Establish and improve medical insurance agency orgnaization and medical institutions negotiating style determine scope of services/payment/Payment standards and service quality requirements.(Reporter SunXiaoWei ZhuCaiLing)
