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病危产妇从担架滑落后抢救无效身亡 院方拒负责--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室


Maternity production,Placental retention body cause massive haemorrhage,Hours after,Maternal just from remote rural county to the hospital.But when I go,Because of carry stretchers medical personnel neglect,Maternity from stretcher slid to the floor,After the rescue invalid death.


Maternal family think,Maternal production hemorrhea hours,Very weak,From the stretcher fell to the ground will undoubtedly add insult to injury,The hospital for maternal death should bear the primary responsibility.The hospital is think,Maternity in enter the hospital,Vital signs have been very weak,The hospital rescue is just"Do what one can hear destiny",From the stretcher slide and maternal death and no causal relationship.


产妇滑落担架后抢救无效 Maternal slide after stretcher rescue invalid


The 30-year-old Mr. Wang is a deaf mute,Yangxin county in WangYingZhen dongyuan lake village.Earlier this year,Mr. Wang's wife Yin a pregnancy,Mr. Wang's family is very happy,"Haven't born for kids bought clothes".


In the evening of 25 12 o 'clock,Yin one felt stomach pain,Not until the wise woman to come to,A Yin and gave birth to the child.Let Mr. Wang is sad,Yin one although gave birth to the child,But placenta retention in the body,More initiated hemorrhea.


See his wife's situation,Mr. Wang immediately at a loss,Hurriedly call the hall sister-in-law.Under the Yin hall to a the circumstances,Advice immediately to the hospital,but"Made some township health center and county hospital telephone,Hospitals do not want to go to the village to meet".until,Yangxin county dialed maternal and children health care centers of emergency telephone,The other party agrees to send an ambulance,But considering the journey,Mr. Wang invited a car to drive a car wife county,On the way to meet with the ambulance.


According to the maternal and children health care centers of yangxin county of ChenZhenHua is introduced,26 at about 2:30 in the morning,The ambulance was on wang ying Yin dam received a,On the spot,Lorry-mounted doctor and a clear for Yin in the body of the placenta,but"A Yin because of excessive blood loss,Have fallen into a coma".


About half past three in the morning,The ambulance arrived at maternal and child care service centre,Four medical personnel carried the litter,Two families guard in the stretcher side,Along the stair will be a Yin carried to the fourth floor in the department of obstetrics and gynecology.On the fourth floor stair corner,Because of the corridor is too narrow,Four medical staff did not fit well,One of them lower the stretcher,The Yin a slide to the ground.then,A Yin was sent to intensive care,After more than 40 minutes after the rescue,The hospital announced a Yin death.


家属院方因责任问题起冲突 Families because of the hospital, the problem of responsibility of the conflict


Yesterday morning,Yangxin county in maternal and children health care centers of the door,Reporters saw Mr. Wang and their families.According to Mr. Wang hall sister-in-law is introduced,Yesterday morning,Mr. Wang with 10 family members to the hospital for saying,but"The hospital says a Yin in the hospital before they died,Therefore slide or not with a Yin death and no relationship".The saying let Mr. Wang can't accept,"If the hospital had died,The hospital also drew her into intensive care is nearly an hour?Person who is already dead,Hospital will accept it?"Mr. Wang also said,With the hospital in conflict,His was the knife cut the arms and fingers.


ChenZhenHua told reporters,The ambulance when receiving a Yin,She has been in a state of shock.The ambulance step to FuTu town macro qing when sections,Lorry-mounted doctors found a Yin life signs more and more weak,Already in a deep coma,Had call senior doctor on duty,Ask for instructions whether the patient pull to the hospital,"At that time, director of the department of gynaecology and obstetrics make a phone call to me ask for instructions,In line with the as long as have a one over ten thousand chance of,Will do our best to principle,I still let them to rescue".


As for Yin a slide to the ground will cause damage to,ChenZhenHua think,When stretcher from the ground less than 50 centimeters,And Yin is a down slowly to the ground,Not direct spill,"It can't be led to her death,If the family members of the deceased feel the causal relation,Can go this way to judicial authentication".

  王先生讨说法被医院保安打伤?陈振华称,王先生及其家属前来讨说法时,医院及时报了警,民警赶到现场后,发现王先生拿出随身携带的小刀自残,还曾上前阻拦,王先生身上的伤系其自残所致。阳新县公安局上街派出所证实了陈振华的说法。(楚天时报讯 记者柯云峰)

Mr. Wang please statement was hospital security wounded?ChenZhenHua says,Mr. Wang and their families to please claims,The hospital promptly called the police,After police arrived on the scene,Mr. Wang found out carry knife self-mutilation,Had to stop,Mr. Wang on the injury is caused by the self-mutilation.Yangxin county public security bureau police on the streets ChenZhenHua confirmed that.(Chutian times reporter KeYunFeng)
