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生活贴士:穿高跟鞋走内八字 雨天不会溅脏裤腿--亲稳网络舆情监测室

生活贴士:穿高跟鞋走内八字 雨天不会溅脏裤腿生活贴士:穿高跟鞋走内八字 雨天不会溅脏裤腿白布泥点情况从左向右依次为:高洋正常走路,施婷婷正常走路,施婷婷穿高跟鞋走,施婷婷走内八字。本版图片金陵晚报记者高洋 施婷婷摄 White cloth NiDian situation from left to right in turn for:GaoYang normal walking,ShiTingTing normal walking,ShiTingTing wear high-heeled shoes go,ShiTingTing go inside character 8.This picture jinling evening news reporter GaoYang ShiTingTing perturbation


穿高跟鞋走内八字 Wear high-heeled shoes go inside character 8


雨天不会溅脏裤腿 Rainy days won't splash dirty leg

  金陵晚报讯 撑一把伞走在蒙蒙细雨中,这样的事情,如果是发生在小说、电视中的情节,肯定别有一番诗意。不过,现实生活中如果在下雨天走路,很多人就要叫苦连连了。“每次雨稍微下得大一点,地上有点积水,我铁定甩一裤脚的泥点,让人看了尴尬死了。”在常府街上班的常小姐告诉记者。为这事,常小姐没少头疼。“穿深色裤子吧,泥点刚溅上去是不太看得出来,可一干,就会看到裤脚上斑斑点点;穿浅色裤子吧,甩上去的泥点更显眼了。”

Jinling evening news - one umbrella walking in the drizzle,Such a thing,If it is occurred in the novel/In television, if the circumstances are,Sure do not have a poetic flavour.but,Real life if in the rainy day to walk,A lot of people will complain the repeatedly."Every time the rain a little bit bigger down,The earth a little water,I will be a rejection of the bottom NiDian,Let a person see the embarrassed died."In often mansion street to work ChangXiaoJie told reporters.For this thing,ChangXiaoJie no less a headache."Wear brunet pants it,NiDian just splash up is not too see,Can a,You will see the bottom there is not;Wear light color pants it,Sling up NiDian the more conspicuous."


【小调查】 20位市民有7人裤脚干干净净 [Small investigation] 20 citizen have seven people bottom clean


It is strange that,Not all people in rainy days when you walk,Will splash on NiDian,This is why?What to walk,To avoid this kind of embarrassment?


Reporter yesterday random interviewed 20 citizen.the,There are 7 people said in the rainy day walk bottom won't be splashed NiDian.The rest of the people more or less will have a similar problem.the,Citizens Mr. Zhang the most trouble.


"Every time I walk,Not only is the bottom splash NiDian problem,My trousers down from the thigh,Basically all is NiDian.so,A rainy day to,I try not to walk outside,Otherwise would be a shame."


Reporter discovery,As to how to walk can not splash mud it,There are many saying.Some suggest go inside character 8,Some reveal high-heeled shoes body centre of gravity is backward splashed,These methods are not effective?

  【小实验】“走内八字”、“穿高跟鞋”,这些有用吗? [Small experiment]"Go inside character 8"/"Wear high-heeled shoes",These useful??


The experiment preparation:


The day before yesterday afternoon to the evening,Nanjing down the field is not big rain.At noon yesterday,Reporter in ruijin road to find a point where the topography is relatively low/There is still a certain sections of the water,Simulation in the rain a little water road conditions,The test.


In addition,Reporters have also prepared article 8 pieces of plain white cloth.


The experiment process:


Wear flat shoes jinling evening news reporter GaoYang,Will the two pieces of white cloth respectively in article tie around the leg,Simulation leg.In this section of the road surface water,GaoYang went back and forth before and after four,There is no splash leg to a NiDian.


Then jinling evening another reporter ShiTingTing debut,The same wear flat shoes,In the leg tie article white cloth.The results,To lift the foot took two steps,White cloth bar has spilled NiDian.The same walk back and forth three times,These two pieces of white cloth bar had too horrible to look at,Is full of NiDian.


ShiTingTing change high-heeled shoes,Change into two article clean piece of white cloth.Walked a three back and forth,Unship cloth found,Only a few have left NiDian.


finally,ShiTingTing again in exchange for flat shoes,And in the article two pieces of plain white cloth,the"Inside character 8"Way go up.Really don't say,Inside character 8 walk method equally effective,On his right foot of the cloth no splash to a little NiDian,Only with a little NiDian behind his left foot.


The experimental data:


GaoYang normal go:A NiDian all have no;


ShiTingTing wear shoes with flat sole normal walk:And a big NiDian,Nine little NiDian;


ShiTingTing wear high-heeled shoes go:Two small NiDian;


ShiTingTing wear flat shoes inside character 8 go:Two big NiDian.


The experimental results:


GaoYang with his normal way to walk,No NiDian spilled,And ShiTingTing tried three ways to walk,With his normal way to walk,A white screen is full of NiDian,And wear high-heeled shoes and walk within eight words almost no splash to.It seems a rainy day walk easily will mud splashed bottom friends can try to use inside character 8 or wear high-heeled shoes to walk well.


Physics teacher:Center of gravity after by not to spill


The same with his normal way to walk,Why ShiTingTing will jilt a bottom of the NiDian,And GaoYang but no??GaoYang said,She felt that this is the problem of walking way,"I heel after first touchdown,So it is not easy to put the mud flung to the leg."


About the problem,On the Internet, there are many net friend discussed,Specific reason has the following several statement:


a/Center of gravity said.If walking center of gravity slightly forward,This method in the rainy day will surely splashing to mud.If the center of gravity slightly backward,Won't splashing to mud,Wear high-heeled shoes is not easy to splash is because of the backward.


two/Posture said.If go inside character 8,Certainly won't be splashed,If go outside character 8 can put the ground the mud flung to the others on the bottom.


three/Gravity said.Splash NiDian mainly because when you walk back heel off the ground is too light,And it intimate contact mud will inertia from the ground fly.


These statements have scientific basis?The reporter interviewed with south division of the physics teacher ZhangWenLi.


"To find out why mud splashed on the leg first to find out the cause of the ChuShui go up."Teacher zhang told reporters,Center of gravity is reasonable,"Water will run up because there is a upward velocity,The upward speed is caused by the heels to rise,You see athletes running,Center of gravity is forward,Former sole focus on,Heels to rise,This will certainly splashed mud,If heels on first,The water won't go up,This bottom is not easy to get dirty."


Go inside character 8 why also won't be splashed mud?"Go inside character 8 people's sole bending not so bad,Is almost flat,And it is in feet along the ground first,Then the water won't go upward."Teacher zhang explained.

  张老师说,如果想雨天走路裤腿不被溅到泥水,最好的办法就是走慢一点,并且脚后跟先着地。“走得快,重心自然会稍向前倾。”(记者 施婷婷 高洋 报道)

Teacher zhang said,If you want to rain walk leg not be splashed mud,The best way is to go slowly,And heel first touchdown."Walk fast,Center of gravity nature will be slightly forward."(Reporter ShiTingTing GaoYang reports)
