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五旬妇女嫌邻居走路吵 向初中女生泼硫酸致毁容--亲稳舆论引导监测室

  楚天都市报讯 嫌邻居母女走路时鞋拖地太吵,55岁的独身女子买来硫酸泼向对方13岁的女儿……昨日,犯下故意伤害罪的女子王猷瑞被武昌区法院判刑6年,并责令赔偿少女19.8万元。

Chutian metropolis daily - don't think neighbor mother and daughter walking shoes mopping the floor is too noisy,55 years old bachelor girl bought over sulfate to each other 13 year old daughter...yesterday,Committed intentional harm woman WangYou rui was wuchang district court sentenced to six years,And shall be ordered to make compensation for girl 198000 yuan.


13 year old small beautiful(alias),Is a teenager students/School choir team,A single mother live and work his way up.Last December 27, half past five in the afternoon,Her home after school as usual,Go to the second floor when the stairs,Suddenly a bottle of sulfuric acid from...Work his way up in response to go home,Touched the head/Face and hands were burn daughter into tears.


Police quickly captured the assailant small beautiful female neighbor next door WangYou red.55 years of age WangYou red,Drug is a retired worker,Alone has been unmarried.According to her hand over to treat,And small beautiful mother and daughter into after neighbors,Has been dissatisfied with small beautiful mother and daughter were walking out of floor sound,Has repeatedly quarrel,The a few days ago had splashed with hot water to xiaoli cause conflict.


The day,The king bought a bottle of sulfuric acid,At 5 PM hui will keep watch in the stairs,To small beautiful mother and daughter who first came back to who splashed,Finally make flower-like age small beautiful suffer disfigurement disaster.Forensic identification,Small beautiful facial scar up to 30 square centimeters of above,Constitute a 7 class disable.

  案发后,小丽被迫休学一直接受治疗。其主治医师称,后期治疗费还需二三十万元,“即使手术成功,也不可能恢复从前容貌”。该案开庭时,王猷瑞认罪但坚决拒绝赔偿,在公诉人建议下,法庭上的小丽摘下口罩,令旁听人员落泪,受审的王猷瑞也低下了头。(记者刘珊 通讯员夏靖华)

After the,Xiao li was forced to quit school has been treated.The attending physician says,Later treatment still need 30 ten thousand yuan,"Even if the operation is a success,Can't back appearance".Hearing the case when,WangYou red confessed but resolutely refused to compensation,In the public prosecutor suggestion,Court xiaoli took off mask,Make audit personnel tears,Judged WangYou red also lowered his head.(Reporter correspondent LiuShan XiaJingHua)
