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孕妇术后哭等6小时无血可输身亡 家属获赔35万--亲稳舆论引导监测室


“熊猫血”孕妇失血死亡案宣判 "Panda blood"Blood of pregnant women with first-degree murder in the death sentence


法院一审判决两医院和血液中心赔偿董明霞家人35万元 The court verdict two hospitals and blood center compensation DongMingXia family 350000 yuan


Four years ago,Jinan JiYangXian Rh negative type O blood(Commonly known as"Panda blood")Pregnant women DongMingXia abortion surgery bitter and so on six hours failed to lose the blood,Final bled to death,Families will at that time treatment of two hospitals and blood center court.On November 1,,Jinan LiXiaOu court to make a judgment of first instance,Two hospitals and blood center for a total of about 350000 yuan.


On October 9, 2008,DongMingXia induced labor surgery hemorrhea,For itself for"Panda blood",Is emergency from jiyang turned to provincial capital hospital.According to the law,,The hospital want to wait for blood surveyed to blood transfusion,Although DongMingXia family repeatedly said they take the consequences,Blood transfusion requirements hospital immediately,But to the hospital by the book.Finally DongMingXia for bled to death.afterwards,DongMingXia family will be two hospitals and blood center court.


Cases after trial,The application DongMingXia family,The defendant to three of the implementation of the medical behavior whether there is fault,If there is a fault and DongMingXia consequences of death between whether there is causality and their participation in identification.


In December of 2011,Appraisal center issue appraisal opinions,According to analysis,As the first clinical hospital,He YangMou hospital for DongMingXia implementation of medical behavior existence fault,Instead of death between consequences causal relationship,System main factors,Medical treatment fault participation wishes to around 70%;As a secondary accepts the hospital,Provincial capital a hospital and blood center for DongMingXia implementation of medical behavior there is a fault,Instead of death between the consequences are certain causal relationship,Medical treatment fault participation of the quasi is about 10%.At the same time that,DongMingXia for quantities of inevitable abortion,Moderate anemia admission,No postoperative induced labor retained placenta,The qing dynasty palace surgery produce massive haemorrhage,Together with DongMingXia for Rh negative O type of rare blood type,Postoperative hemorrhage occurs induced labor to later rescue difficulty increasing adverse factors.


Throughout the whole process of DongMingXia medical treatment,Combination with the expert opinion analysis,Court think,He YangMou hospital to DongMingXia medical fault behavior and consequence death between direct causality,And is the main fault,Assume the responsibility of 80%;A hospital medical treatment fault existing provincial capital,And DongMingXia consequences death between certain causal relationship,Secondary fault,The bear 10%;A blood center existence fault,And DongMingXia consequences death between certain causal relationship,The bear 10%.DongMingXia I have to"Panda blood",Together with admission for moderate anemia constitution,But these factors are not their own fault,Death does not necessarily lead to happen,And the cause of death to the cause of the consequences of relatively weak force,It should not be to bear the responsibility.


On November 1,,Jinan LiXiaOu court to make a judgment of first instance,Two hospitals and blood center according to the proportion of DongMingXia responsibility for family medical expenses/Death compensation/Funeral expenses/support/Mental injury solatium, total about 350000 yuan.After receiving the written judgment of first instance,Both parties shall not said whether appeal.


主审法官详解案件医院和血液中心责任划定 The presiding judge explanation case hospitals and blood center defined responsibility


医院处置有误 血站应对不力 The hospital to deal with incorrect disposal of poor blood stations


According to the judgment,The first clinical hospital/Referral hospital and blood center 8:1:1 according to bear responsibility,The designation of the party's liability for three,The presiding judge makes a detailed reading.


引产后大出血本可以避免 After the hemorrhage induced labor can be avoided


Presiding judge pointed out that,As the first clinical hospital,He YangMou in hospital for the treatment of DongMingXia existing in the course of improper around,In DongMingXia bled to death the direct and main reason.The first clinical hospital shall bear the main fault,Responsible for the consequences of DongMingXia death 80% responsibility.


The first,Induced labor before the operation,This should be the first to take steps to correct DongMingXia anemia constitution,And may arise in the operation of bleeding take active preventive measures.But the hospital did not take any measures,Existing medical treatment fault.


The second,After the hemorrhage induced labor can avoid without can effectively avoid.Occur when retained placenta,The hospital did not press conventional first matching spare further the qing dynasty palace surgery.If the first matching,Still have the opportunity to discover in time DongMingXia for rare blood type,In achieving Rh negative type O blood again to retained placenta after processing situation,It can avoid hemorrhaging.


The third,Improper measures of hospital.Hospital found that DongMingXia for Rh negative when type O blood,Not immediately joint related department common rescue,But eager to do the hospital treatment,Existing medical treatment fault.DongMingXia do not belong to the hospital because of technology and equipment co., LTD., and cannot make a diagnosis and give treatment condition of the patient,The hospital is in no and provincial capital hospital full contact/And carry out each other really being Rh negative type O blood cases,Rushed to a hospital will DongMingXia.A hospital need an hour or so,DongMingXia in hospital before being transferred for hemorrhage has become severe anemia constitution of critically ill patients,In not effectively stop bleeding and transfusion under the condition of the hospital,Risk greatly,An extremely improper.


The fourth,Hospital did not take"Fit type blood transfusion"Principles actively rescue patients.


转诊医院未尽到义务 Referral hospital did not fulfill the obligation


"Medical records from rescue record can be seen,DongMingXia after hospital,Hospital took various measures to actively rescue DongMingXia."The judge told reporters,Although referral hospital maternity in the treatment has no obvious medical treatment fault,But not doing"Fit type blood transfusion"obligations,And DongMingXia death also exists certain causal relationship.


Judgment mentioned,According to[Clinical blood transfusion technical specifications]The provisions of article 10,Referral hospital in DongMingXia illness critically ill/A short time and not Rh negative type O blood cases,In order to rescue patients lives,This should take fit type blood transfusion way,To DongMingXia infusion matching with red blood cells.The hospital did not fulfill the scientific safe blood transfusion to rescue patients life height duty of care,Existing medical treatment fault,But belongs to secondary fault,Responsibility for 10%.


血液中心缺少应对措施 Blood center lack of response

  主审法官认为,除去院方的医疗过错,血液中心也有过错,从而一定程度上造成了董明霞的死亡。根据2005年卫生部《血站管理办法》的规定,血液中心有向医院及时提供各种血型血液的责任。在这起“孕妇失血死亡”事件中,血液中心由于平时没有准备足够的Rh阴性血,也没有完善的应对Rh阴性血型病人供血的紧急措施或预案,从而使董明霞失去了及时获得救治的机会,存在过错,应承担10%责任。(记者 廖雯颖)

Presiding judge think,Remove the hospital medical fault,Blood center also have fault,To a certain extent caused the death of DongMingXia.According to the ministry of health in 2005[The measures for the administration of the blood stations]regulations,The blood center has to provide all kinds of blood type hospital blood responsibility.In the"Pregnant women died of blood"event,Blood center because usually didn't prepare enough rh-negative blood,Also does not have the perfect deal with Rh negative blood group patients blood emergency measures or plan,So that DongMingXia lost the chance to get timely treatment,Existence fault,Assume responsibility 10%.(Reporter LiaoWenYing)
