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浙江台州人大常委会专题询问食品安全问题(图)政府部门负责人回应询问 The government response to ask


批准提炼地沟油的单位有几家,谁来监管 Approval of the trench oil refining units with several,Who will supervision?


浙江台州人大常委会专题询问把脉食品安全 Zhejiang taizhou National People's Congress standing committee project ask pulse food safety


At the recently ended zhejiang taizhou the fourth National People's Congress standing committee on the 11th meeting,A to food safety as the theme of the project inquiry,Become the meeting"One.the against the".Hundreds of people are relative and sit,The standing committee component members and part of the National People's Congress take the inquiry sheet,The mayor/Vice mayor and city development and reform commission/Agriculture bureau/Pledges inspect bureau and nearly 30 a government department should be in charge of the table sat).


源头治理如何治? Source management how to cure?


"recently,The state council issued on strengthening the food safety work decision,Put forward three years time,Make food safety problems effectively resolved;In about five years time,Make food safety overall level get up considerably.Excuse me the future 35 years certain food safety work goal is what?And lists a two major move,In order to enhance the confidence of the people."


Taizhou city vice mayor YeHaiYan replied,"The next five years,In the field of food safety,The main sound three big system,To improve the level of four aspects.In particular,Is healthy food safety supervision system/Check and inspection system and enterprise credit system,Improve key food quality and safety level/Food safety hidden trouble treatment level/Production enterprise quality safety level/The public food safety cognitive level.Government departments will be and the social from all walks of life work together,To do this work well."


"Now in the market food rich,But buy vegetables worry pesticide residue,Buy meat concern clenbuterol,Buy seafood also not be at ease.To the agricultural products/Aquatic products quality security problems,The government will take what measures strictly from the source?"Taizhou city people's congress standing committee members/Environmental protection of agricultural production means working committee director RuanMengGe asking questions.


The city agriculture bureau deputy director wang ping first answer:"On the one hand,We will strengthen the propaganda,Implement the producer responsibility main body;On the other hand,Strengthen the standardized production and testing strength and law enforcement,Establish yieldly filing system,Traffic hidden trouble,Crack down on the illegal production/Sales behavior."The city's oceanic &fishery administration chief LinWenYi took the us said:"The key to do primary aquatic product quality safety monitoring,Increases the propaganda training education work,In aquatic products including disease control,Strengthen the aquatic products daily detection, etc."


"I often go to dismount/JiePai grocery shopping.Dismount markets without examination and approval,No measure the room/Testing equipment;JiePai markets after examination and approval,But public test results very few,Detection of less varieties."The city people's congress standing committee member of the different strong reflects this after asking questions,"So to dismount didn't after the examination and approval of the market and many a street market,The government has any measures,For JiePai these has the examination and approval of the farmer's market,How to do the normalization of testing,Species diversity?"


The city's industrial and commercial bureau gives the answer is,Farmer's market due to a village to do more,Had not very good planning,Present situation really is more complex,"We want to supervise the market sponsor agricultural detection,And increase detection frequency and frequency,At the same time the testing results were released normalization/institutionalization/standardization".

  “小作坊”、“地沟油”谁来监管? "Small mill"/"Trench oil"Who will supervision?


"Roast chicken duck who come to tube?"Taizhou National People's Congress ZhuGeBi survey found,The roast chicken/Duck restaurant more than 5000 home,Millions of people to eat,And roast chicken/Duck restaurant cut down the chicken leg/Duck neck wait to be in the market appeared,Many are added preservatives."In accordance with the provisions,This one belongs to the pledges inspect bureau tube,But pledges inspect bureau think is health bureau tube,Cause supervision blank,I want to ask this one who to tube?"Speaking of government departments between shuffle phenomenon,Various ge representative is very excited.


City pledges inspect bureau chief said,Roast chicken duck, etc LuZhiPin after production operators/processing,To enter the market,According to the division is by pledges inspect bureau tube.Now take regulatory measures are mainly five:The first is directory management,All of the listed in the catalog,Zhejiang province are in accordance with the National People's Congress standing committee through the regulatory measures for management.The second is questioning,For the owner to carry out questioning by instalments,Told that their rights and obligations,And sign letter of commitment,Commitment in the baking process not illegal use of additives.The third is intensify law enforcement,Many regulatory many rounds.Four is to improve the ability of the examination.At present,Taizhou is under a national laboratory,After the completion of the project will cover the whole city.Five is to increase for illegal molecular blow,Once found,Strike resolutely,Not thine hands be slack.


"tofu/Rice vinegar/Soy sauce and other production enterprise sewage cross-flow,Health environment is,See the fundamental dare not eat."ZhangHuanJie members to recall a few months ago's law enforcement inspection group of investigations situation,Still jittery.Small mill/Small restaurants production supervision of agricultural products should be easier than management,But the problem why still so many?


In fact,This also is always let the personage inside course of study to have a headache thing.City pledges inspect bureau chief said,Because each supervision department professionals lack,Directly affect the development of the law enforcement supervision work,Surface wide big had little food/Small mill/SiTuLanZai,Is undoubtedly supervision dead Angle.The next step,Taizhou will from two aspects to strengthen small mill/Small catering management:On the one hand firmly attack deliberately profiteer/Disturb the order of the market economy enterprise;On the one hand to willing to do enterprise increases the support dynamics.


"In July,We went to possessing a business/Trench oil refining units check,Found that there are three questions:They have commerce/tax/Statistical three units of examination and approval,But heavy examination and approval/Light regulation;Their product packaging no production date/Product name and production unit;Their sales situation no standing book,Marketing channel is also unknown.I want to ask,Taizhou approval trench oil refining units have several?Distribution situation how to?What are the supervision department?How to effectively regulate?"Taizhou city people's congress standing committee deputy secretary-general/Director of the letter is visited do CaiHuaDong breath asked the four questions.


"At present,The trench oil refining enterprise have six,The industry and commerce registration range is through after refining,According to the requirements of industrial oil sales."The city's food and drug administration chief have just introduced the,The city's housing and urban and rural construction planning bureau chief took over the microphone,Eat hutch waste standard processing point,The country's 33 cities doing pilot,Roughly processing method is,Will eat hutch garbage through the market operation,By special treatment plant after treatment,As two aspect use:One is the methane generation,The second is refined into biodiesel.The two basic income can offset the cost of the plant.But to transport/Collection and cost,Other cities into government subsidies.At present,Taizhou has established a special leading group table garbage disposal,Implement annual work task,And to draft the related rules and regulations.

  专题询问不能仅止于问 Project asked not only to ask


Agricultural products market access/The heavy metal pollution of agricultural products/Small mill supervision/Quality and safety traceability system/The food industry, the construction of credit system...The meeting hall,A problem for pop,The answer should be on patience.Just more than two hours,The city people's congress standing committee component members/National People's Congress raised a total of 15 problem.


According to the National People's Congress standing committee director XueShaoXian taizhou city is introduced,The project ask chose the food safety work,Mainly because of taizhou food safety situation is not optimistic,The urgent requirement to quicken the pace of solving the existing problems.In the first half from the city public satisfaction survey report to see,Food safety problems become influence public safety satisfaction the main factors of decline,Food safety degree of satisfaction for 63.06 points,3.15 points lower than the same period last year.therefore,province/city/County linkage,To carry out the food safety law enforcement inspection relevant laws and regulations,Special organization and food safety special XunWenHui.


Food is what matters to the people,Food to Ann first.According to the city people's congress standing committee deputy director Robert huth ball has revealed,Project XunWenHui before held,The municipal people's congress standing committee had already done a lot of research.In the beginning of the year of the National People's Congress in the work schedule,The standing committee on food safety implementation situation as an important law enforcement inspection,The related working committee planning check point and method.At the same time,Three AnFangZu organization,On food production/Processing 13 industry to carry out investigations.Through the careful check,Seriously look at,Further asked,Detailed master taizhou of food safety work situation,And formed the for up to 12 pages of the inspection report.


"The municipal people's congress standing committee project is food safety work to the municipal government and relevant departments to ask,Fully embodies the municipal people's congress standing committee on food safety is highly valued,Project asked both for the government and related departments to pressure and power,And for the next stage to food safety work puts forward many good measures and recommendations."A meeting and listen to the situation of the mayor of taizhou city WuWeiRong said,After the meeting,The government will hold a special meeting,The implementation of the National People's Congress standing committee put forward opinions and Suggestions,Further to our city food safety work.


"Carry out monographic ask,Only means,Supervise and urge to improve and promote the work is the purpose."The city people's congress standing committee deputy secretary general XiaoShiYue said,Project ask not only check in"ask",Ask end also does not mean that solve the problem,Also have to follow up the follow-up work,Make sure to make the effective.


It is understood,After the project ask the city people's congress standing committee said,Will the deliberation opinions into the municipal government to deal with,Municipal people's congress standing committee and asked to report the municipal government to carry out the situation.At the same time,The municipal people's congress standing committee will also strengthen the deliberations implementation tracking WenXiao,And to timely rectification report satisfaction assessment,To ensure that project ask obtain the solid effect.(schuster)
