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成都油条哥试验50余次 欲降低油条铅残留量--亲稳网络舆情监控室


试验50次 “油条哥”研制无铝油条 Test 50 times "Twisted dough-strips elder brother"Without aluminum twisted dough-strips developed


ChengHua lane 1,Crude paved,The door leaned a Fried Fried bread stick the iron pan - this is li gang's twisted dough-strips workshop.Pack twisted dough-strips cart/On the wall of the store"Gb twisted dough-strips"A few words particularly eye-catching,The flank still stick twisted dough-strips inspection report.


This is li gang a year many test results.In order to reduce in the cruller aluminum residue,Li gang on the 50 multiple test.September this year,Li gang to fry the Fried bread stick to chengdu food and drug inspection center detection,The results make him glad:Twisted dough-strips al content only 16 mg/kg,But the national food additives used in the standard of aluminium content setting for less than 100 mg/kg.


国标油条诞生记 Gb Fried bread stick was born to remember


50多次试验 50 multiple test


Two active cleared


Do not add alum -- -- -- add eggs -- add buckwheat powder/Corn flour/ShangYuanFen...


To switch to do not contain aluminum bulking agent --, adjusting the proportion of each raw material -- change the dough fermentation time...


Two active cleared


The first,Inspection twisted dough-strips aluminum residue for 43 mg/kg


The second,Cleared for residual aluminum twisted dough-strips 16 mg/kg


油条与铝含量 Fried bread stick and aluminum content


National level stipulates,Fried dough sticks, etc in wheat flour products aluminum residual amount should be less than or equal to 100 mg/kg.In the traditional process,Alum as a leavening agent often making Fried bread stick use.Because of alum containing aluminium potassium sulfate or aluminium ammonium sulfate,So our daily twisted dough-strips sampling inspection,The main detection in the cruller aluminum residue.The human body such as excess intake of aluminum,For brain nerve damage,In memory and intellectual decline.


贴着检验报告卖油条 两小时卖了280条 Stick the inspection report sells Fried bread stick two hours article sold 280


40 points 6 a.m.,Li gang and his wife opened the door.This humble street small paving,Morning sell twisted dough-strips breakfast,Noon and night sell surface,More than 10 square meters of the store,Only under the Ann four tables.The night before,Li gang will rub nearly 30 jins of dough,Enough to do more than 200 root Fried dough sticks."Basic everyday can sell more than 270 root."He to chengdu shangbao reporters.


7,The first batch of Fried dough sticks out of the pot,The crowd began to gather together in li gang before the shop,Twisted dough-strips a root a root to sell.Someone refers to dress the Fried dough sticks on the cart of"Gb twisted dough-strips"A few words ask:"Gb twisted dough-strips what mean?""Is accord with national food additives using standard Fried dough sticks."The busy li gang answer.


In the shop the wall,about"Gb twisted dough-strips"More detailed interpretation:Note posted on the wall chengdu food and drug testing center of the inspection report.This there are four pages of inspection report shows:Li gang Fried bread stick of aluminum content 16 mg/kg.But the national food additives used in the standard of aluminium content setting for less than 100 mg/kg.


Covered with red seal of the inspection report for li gang pull to the more business.before,Every day he can only sell 170 root Fried bread stick around,Since hit"Gb twisted dough-strips"Signs after,Every day he can sell almost 250 ~ 300 root Fried dough sticks."Others drive over to buy."Yesterday morning at 9 o 'clock,Li gang stop selling Fried dough sticks,Within two hours,He sold about 280 root Fried dough sticks,1 yuan per root.


试验 test


Li gang neighbor Mr Zhu said,"He will be with us pendulum are doing test.Every time the new add a raw material,He will shout we taste the free."Live in ChengHua street ms wu found to have a period of time,Li gang's twisted dough-strips taste are always changing,"Sometimes Fried old,Sometimes not enough crunchy,I asked him,He said also in test,Hasn't been decided."


50多次尝试 50 attempts to


他想降低油条铝含量 He wanted to reduce the Fried dough sticks of aluminium content


Business is hot back,Is li gang a 50 years many hard test.


Last October,,Li gang in the TV news saw,A lot of twisted dough-strips existence of aluminium content exceeds the situation,Long-term consumption of aluminium content exceeds the Fried dough sticks,May cause eaters intelligence and memory problems such as falling.Li gang to chengdu commercial daily newspaper reporters,He decided to think of a way to reduce in the cruller of aluminium content,"If can reduce the twisted dough-strips aluminium content,Will make me three times more good to sell."


Li gang only the junior middle school second grade cultural level,But ZhaZhi twisted dough-strips experience make him understand,In the cruller aluminum most from alum.His first idea is,Do the twisted dough-strips in flour without alum.


however,Do not add flour after alum,To make a Fried dough sticks"Look a little,It is also eat rubber,Don't crunchy."


灵感闪现 Flash of inspiration


面粉中加入鸡蛋和汤圆粉 Add eggs and flour ShangYuanFen


After the first test failure,LiGangCeng into add do not add alum in the realm.


Last November day,Li gang was cooking in the kitchen,Eggs down after frying pan,Began to bubble expansion.His brain in a flash of an idea,Put the eggs added to flour,Will not let dough expansion up?In the afternoon,He began to the test,Put the eggs mix well then add dough,Before frying it made Fried dough sticks,"Have certain effect."


A preliminary after progress,Li gang trying to add more things,Buckwheat powder/Corn flour/ShangYuanFen...He also try to add a small amount of no aluminiferous bulking agent.


"Since last October,The 50 multiple test."Li gang told chengdu commercial daily reporter,he"test"Time is mainly three in the afternoon at four o 'clock,This time no small restaurant business,He often rub two jins of flour,Try to adjust the proportion of each raw material,Or change the dough fermentation time.after,Put the dough into the pot Fried Fried dough sticks,Effect good words,He would write down;Effect is poor,He will face fell.


检测 detection


Li gang's twisted dough-strips now aluminum residue was 16 mg/kg."I'm going to continue to improve,See if we can make the figure dropped to 10 mg."Li gang's logic is very simple:"Customers eat relieved,Taste or,Sure will come again,People will eat more."


The first cleared


Twisted dough-strips al content and mg/kg


Repeatedly after test,Li gang think,His ZhaZhi of twisted dough-strips has made certain progress,But aluminum content is overweight.He hopes to find a authority for detection.


Li gang find a friend,Expressed his will to the will of the twisted dough-strips cleared.Each other a promised down.August 8,,Li gang Fried a catty Fried bread stick to the friend,Entrust him will be twisted dough-strips cleared.The jin twisted cruller is then sent to the chengdu food and drug testing center,By the professional and technical personnel were detected.Detect cost 130 yuan,By li gang yourself out.


On August 17,,Test results came out.Chengdu food and drug testing center of the inspection report,Twisted dough-strips al residual amount for 43 mg/kg.Use of food additives and the national standard(GB2760-2011)In wheat flour and the residues of China aluminum products for provisions:Less than 100 mg/kg.43 mg/kg conform to the state standards.


however,Li gang but not so happy,He also wants to this value to reduce.


The second cleared


Aluminum content drop for 16 mg/kg


This time,His main improve flour fermentation process.Every change a,Will fry a Fried dough sticks,How to see the effect.At the same time adjustment and time and add water.In order to minimize the twisted dough-strips aluminium content,Although he used bulking agent does not contain aluminum,But he also to reduce the dosage.


"After many experiments,I feel the taste of twisted dough-strips has the obvious improvement."Li gang find last entrust friend,Hope the other party to help him cleared.August 21,Li gang second at one's own expense entrust friends will be sent to the twisted dough-strips chengdu food and drug testing center.On September 28,Inspection report,Results show that,Fried bread stick by China aluminum residue before the 43 mg/kg,Drop in order to 16 mg/kg.


检测中心 Test center


建议多送检 结果更准确 Suggestion inspection results more accurate


For li gang to fry of the twisted dough-strips a cleared,Yesterday afternoon,Chengdu commercial daily newspaper reporters came to chengdu food and drug testing center,A person in charge confirmed this,"After all active cleared their products or less."


The official said,Alum mainly including aluminium potassium sulfate or aluminium ammonium sulfate,As a leavening agent often use."Allows the use,Cannot excess".In daily to twisted dough-strips in the sampling inspection,The main detection products of aluminum residue,According to the national standard,Fried dough sticks, etc in wheat flour products aluminum residual amount should be less than or equal to 100 mg/kg."Li gang homemade Fried dough sticks,Two test results meet the national standard for use of food additives."The official said,But he suggested that li gang in continue to maintain at the same time,Best to test several times,"Inspection of the sample size,The results will be more accurate."(Chengdu shangbao)
