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七旬老人坐飞机突发心脏病 机组急救挽回生命--亲稳网络舆情监测室

七旬老人坐飞机突发心脏病 机组急救挽回生命地面急救人员在飞机降落后,进入舱门实施二次急救。(张莉萍供图) Emergency workers in the ground after the landing aircraft,Enter the port implementation secondary first aid.(ZhangLiPing for map)


"Really glad,Because of the crew caught four minutes of gold emergency time,That old man's life to save."On November 7,,When recalling the day before the first aid experience,Haikou meilan airport emergency center director/Hainan province, the Red Cross training teachers ZhangLiPing is still not a tidal surge of emotions.Because she is engaged in the work of 20 years,See too many for first aid or are not not sometimes unfortunately sudden death patients.


飞机落地前35分钟七旬老人突发心脏病休克 Aircraft landing 35 minutes before fernan lake had a heart attack shock


On November 6,,Hna HU7830 flights take off from taiyuan,With full passenger to warm haikou start.The plane stops on guilin again after take off,All smooth.In everybody from the destination of more and more close,Accident happened -- a sat cabin second half of the 72 - year - old old man had a heart attack!This is not the first time flight encountered this kind of situation,But before and several times is different,The old man to fall ill in eat carry-on drugs not ease,The worst result may appear at any time.


"At that time the planes landing and 35 minutes."HU7830 flights were ChengWuChang to time remember it clearly,This means that,She and the crew must first and immediately take emergency measures,And keep to the landing of the plane.


机组人员紧急抢救 争分夺秒赢宝贵时间 The crew of emergency rescue a little at a time win valuable time


Received aft steward report,Were immediately arrange cabin radio looking for the medical personnel to the captain and report the situation.meanwhile,From behind the engine room attendant take to the oxygen bomb to old people oxygen,This is a heart attack in the early, emergency after the winning"Magic weapon".


"I finished report in the past to see of the time,The old man's eyes were closed,Talk to him or pat him,The response has been weak,The whole people have unconsciousness."Were recalled,At that time but a minute?,The old man suddenly call don't wake up,Sat next to the family immediately overwhelmed panic in god."I hurriedly call them among the device,But useless."With the knowledge of first aid training for many years,Were aware of,This time should the old man set level in the heart pressure,Otherwise, long time no heartbeat,Brain cells could because of ischemia and necrosis of oxygen.


Were said,The old man sat is intermediate position,In order to the body heavy man smoothly transferred to the cabin on the ground,She turn to next to the two men together help passengers.The old man after put it flat,Were he knelt on the right side of the heart to do press."When I pressed the ten after,The old man began to restore some of the heartbeat,The mouth has a slight well well ah voice,I hurriedly and pressed the 30,This time old man breathing is clear up,Eyes also slightly opened."This is the life signs of transfer.Were once again give the old man made 30 heart pressure,For he after wearing an oxygen mask,And let a steward sit care.


Were such as the second report to captain the situation,Distance aircraft landing and 20 minutes.


飞机落地地面急救接应 老人度过生命险关 Aircraft landing ground first-aid scoop out the old man through XianGuan life


18 point and 55 minutes,Haikou meilan airport ground first-aid center director ZhangLiPing received from air command set the request signal,It is in the second time were finished shortly after the report.Five minutes later,ZhangLiPing and ground first-aid center staff is waiting at the gate.About 10 minutes,HU7830 landing flights.


ZhangLiPing remember,When they entered into port,See the old man was lying down in the cabin the aisle,Almost can't measure blood pressure,With only weak heart."Basic is shock state."ZhangLiPing said.


In order to continue to old man in situ first aid,The cabin crew to arrange the first half of the period of the passengers off the plane,Then call special vehicles after the connection of half a tank export transfer the rest of the passengers.And ZhangLiPing etc, and lasts for nearly thirty minutes of first aid,And the old man in stable condition before hospital by ambulance further treatment.


"If there is no the crew of first aid,The old man was very may exacerbate even influence the life."afterwards,ZhangLiPing told reporters after a heart attack repeatedly emphasized four minutes"Gold rescue time"."Miss the 4 minutes,Even if rescue came back,The patient also likely because brain cells length of time without oxygen and become a vegetable."


ZhangLiPing not regret to tell reporter,In his own engaged in civil aviation emergency work 20 years,Met too much because of the loss of precious rescue time and died of heart disease passenger."The October every year,To visit hainan and the winter migratory birds old man more up,The plane burst disease of heart head blood-vessel situation also increased accordingly,So first aid skills for the researchers to appear especially important."She said.


海南急救员普及不足1.5% 呼唤“社会大救援” Hainan first aider popularity call less than 1.5%"The big social rescue"


"The entire process all linked with one another,Really proved‘Time is life’The saying goes."When accepting a reporter to interview,ZhangLiPing hna to HU7830 flight crew in the emergency incident has given full expression of praise.


HU7830 flight ChengWuChang LiuYangShen have the same feeling.Since 1999 the hna since the job,This is her first aid experience during the flight meet the most serious a situation."Now that I think about it,Calm and fast reaction is really important,Of course the most fundamental or due to the strict life skills training."South China sea network were told reporters,The company every year to the crew first aid training,And only hold first aid training certificate to computer work,This is a hard and fast rules.


but,As a senior medical workers ZhangLiPing also reveal a lot of worries."The tip of the island province of hainan first aider penetration is less than 1.5%,Even the whole China, the penetration is also very low."


ZhangLiPing first is a doctor by profession,Last in estuaries meilan airport engaged in medical emergency work,She still has another identity is hainan Red Cross first aid training teachers.ZhangLiPing to south China sea network reporter said,In developed countries,First aider penetration at least 20%,Some countries also provides citizens once the age of 18 one full year of life have to accept first aid training,Not only know that call 120."A line post service for personnel,You service object to a disease,In the doctor ahead of time is gold,Must seize this precious time the first time first aid."ZhangLiPing said,Now the most urgent is to promote"The big social rescue"Emergency idea,To the whole people to participate in an aid,Give more to save life of hope.

  目前,被救的老人病情基本趋稳,截至记者发稿前,仍在重症监护室接受观察。(记者 史莎)

At present,The old man rescued condition basic stabilised,A reporter as before,Still in severe medicine accept observation.(Reporter ShiSha)
