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调查称药店便宜药确需“蹲下”买 部分藏至柜台--亲稳网络舆情监控室


药店便宜药真得“蹲下”买? Pharmacy cheap medicine really"Squat down"buy?


记者暗访发现,价廉物美、性价比高的药一般都在药架下面,有的还被收到柜台里藏起来 Reporter found that investigations,Cheap and fine/Cost-effective medicine generally in the medicine under the plane,Some have also been received the counter hide


Many people reflect,Now go to the drugstore,Want to buy a cheap medicine is really not easy.recently,A micro bo on the Internet is heat transfer,Publisher says:"Friends with many years dealing with pharmaceutical companies,Listen to pharmaceutical factory in a master craftsman,Decisive sharing - went to a chemist's shop to buy medicine,Must squat down,Stand in the line of sight of the medicine is full of the high commission,Effect general;Cheap and fine/Cost-effective good medicine in the medicine under the plane."Is this really the case?Reporters yesterday visited the city several pharmacy,Found that net friend said the virtual.


记者暗访 便宜药“藏”在最下层 Reporter investigations cheap medicine"hidden"In the lower


In view of mei a second paradise pharmacy,Reporter to catch a cold for into the shop to buy medicine.A door,A male 导购员 reporters immediately will lead to cold medicine/Cough medicine sales counters.The reporter sees,Five layers of medicine shelf pendulum sold all kinds of cold medicine,More than 20 varieties of,And the top two level shelf pendulum is proprietary Chinese medicine,Many journalists have heard the name.


When 导购员 main disease that is"cough/pharyngalgia"when,He grabbed the first layer conspicuous place a not well-known brand "recommended to the reporter,"The effect is very good,Special suit you this kind of wind hot cough,Is proprietary Chinese medicine,Little side effects,Eat not doze off."The reporter sees,The drug price above written $22,In the similar medicine is more expensive."Do you have any cheaper?"Reporter intentionally ask."Prices are almost,You hand in the best curative effect."This 导购员 said.


then,Reporter squat body to,See the below a layer of medicine shelf put a few packing the simpler medicine,Many are bottled,if"Cold tablet"/"D C flos ionicerae and fructus forsythiae tablet", etc,Price of only a few dollars.With a bottle of"Cold tablet"For example,A bottle of 100 grain,2.5 block a bottle of,Provisions dose for three times a day,A three slices of,A bottle of is enough to more than 10 days of treatment,Very cheap.


市民反映 买药多听导购很少仔细挑 Citizens reflect buy medicine to listen more shopping guide carefully rarely pick


In view of mei another sea stars drugstore when investigations,Reporters calculated,In 20 minutes,A total of eight people into the shop to buy medicine,There are more than half,Always listen to miss promotions specialist recommended,Bought is put in the first layer medicine rack more expensive medicine.According to the reporter observed,A lot of citizens in after hearing introduced,Will quickly choose 导购员 recommended drugs,And won't go to the expense of find,More will not go to the bottom of the medicine rack to see.


"Our own not a doctor,To these all do not understand,Listen to promotions specialist pronouncing on,Believe her."A man surnamed huang lady told reporters,General went to a chemist's shop time are in a hurry,Carefully rarely pick,Sometimes face.he picked up in the top of the medicine is bought."The bottom of the layer,Really never noticed."


"now,Some even pharmacy squatted down all can't find cheap medicine,All received in the counter hid themselves."Citizens gunn old man about his first two days to a Asian big chemist's shop to buy throat tablet,Promotions specialist to recommend several drugs more than ten/Twenty dollars,"I think those are too expensive,You ask any HouBao golden,Miss sales it from the inside of the drawer take out this medicine,Only 5 yuan more than a box of."


业内人士 高价药摆黄金位置是“行规” The personage inside course of study to high medicine pendulum gold position is"Guild regulations"


For pharmacy of these"Latent rules",The reporter interviewed a pharmaceutical industry industry personnel,He said,This is all over the years old"Guild regulations"the,"Now almost all pharmacy are so,The higher the profit of the medicine pendulum more conspicuous,All is due to interest."


He introduces to the reporter,There are two kinds of cases:A is for pharmacy for high profits of medicine,Another kind is 导购员 have rebate medicine."Cold is also,Like contac this big brand of medicine,A box of sell 12 yuan,Pharmacy only earn three block,The small factory production of cold medicine,Price 30 piece,Pharmacy at least can earn $10,Profit vary considerably.For 导购员 speaking,Sell contac is no kickbacks,Sells the small factory medicine general can raise 10%."


As for drug put,Nature is the most easy to touch the eyes of consumers"Gold position"For maximum profit medicine,Then in turn decreasing,The farther down the cheaper.In addition,Some pharmacy and accept"TanTou fee"/"Hang flags fee"rules."For example,Consumers an enter a door to see some medicine heap,Placed in a conspicuous position,This is accepted‘TanTou fee’of;Sometimes the store hanging banners,For some medicine advertising,This is accepted‘Hang flags fee’.And these expenses,Finally in the medicine of the common people in check."


网友发声 Net friend voice

  @喜喜猴 虽说商家都是以赢利为目的,但药店不是一般的商店,所经营的药品不同于日用百货、五金家电等商品,药品是用来治病的特殊商品,对药店来说,经销有成本,允许有利润,但同时也有“治病救人”的社会责任。

@ xi xi monkey though merchants are for the purpose of profit,But the pharmacy is not the general store,The management of drug is different from daily provisions/Commodities such as hardware appliances,Drug is a special commodity used to heal,On drugstore for,Distribution cost,Allowed to have profit,But at the same time also have"Cure the sickness to save the"Social responsibility.

  @一哥01 解决药品经销中的问题,单靠药店自觉是不行的,还得靠监管部门严格管理。建议要对药品这种特殊商品实行特殊管理。

@ a brother 01 to solve the problems of drug distribution,Single by pharmacy consciousness is no good,Still have to rely on the supervision department strict management.It is suggested to the special commodity of drugs to carry out special control.

  @coco在飞行 在欧美发达国家,人们对药剂师的信赖甚至超过了医生。我们的药店也应该配备更专业的药剂师给病人提供服务,显然这是一个更专业的、高门槛的职业,而不能混同于一般的售货员。(记者 戴晓蓉)

Coco @ in flight in the European and American developed country,People to the chemist's trust even more than the doctor.Our pharmacy should also be equipped with more professional chemist give patients service,Obviously this is a more professional/High threshold career,But cannot confuse from general salesman.(Reporter DaiXiaoRong)
