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孕妇听相声大笑致宝宝提前出生 郭德纲微博送祝福--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室

  一阵大笑,差点把孩子笑出来!这可不是笑话,这事就发生在蚌埠女子马露莎的身上。 11月10日晚上,她在德云社巡演广州站的现场,因为郭德纲的相声太有趣,一阵大笑把肚里的宝宝笑得提前发动了。“一定是笑得太厉害,加快了产程。做梦没想到这天会生!”而郭德纲在得知有临产孕妇中途退场,也在微博送上祝福:愿吉庆平安!

A burst of laughter,Almost the children laugh!This is not a joke,This happened in bengbu woman MaLouSha body. On November 10th night,She was DeYunShe tour GuangZhouZhan site,Because of the GuoDeGang crosstalk is too interesting,A burst of laughter in the belly baby laughs launched in advance."Must be laughing too much,Sped up the labor.A dream didn't think this day will be born!"And GuoDeGang in learned that there are pregnant women in labor midway exits,Also in micro bo to bless:May peace auspicious!

  孕妇大笑致婴儿提前出生 Pregnant women laugh the baby born in advance

  “我特喜欢郭德纲的相声,有他的演出能看的一定去看。这次去,虽然爱人还不大愿意,但是我觉得没啥问题,听了心情也会好很多啊! ”马露莎告诉记者,她当时已经怀孕38周多了,但是离预产期还有一段时间,之前检查的时候医生也说,孩子出来还要几天,所以出门的时候自己还觉得挺利索,“就想着肯定不会生的,哪会那么巧呢! ”

"I especially like the GuoDeGang crosstalk,His performance can see a certain to see.This to,Although love is not willing to,But I think that do not have what problem,Listen to the mood will much better ah! "MaLouSha told reporters,She was already pregnant 38 weeks more,But from the expected date of childbirth and a period of time,Check before the doctor also said,Children will come out a few days,So when you go out you still feel pretty agile,"Just want to won't raw,Which meeting so coincidence?! "


Watching the performance of the first two hours,Everything is normal,From time to time MaLouSha also with lovers and friends comment,Follow the audience applauded,But just after 10 o 'clock,In the crosstalk, or xiangsheng,[Love legend]In the joke joke,A burst of laughter,MaLouSha is not found:Amniotic fluid is broken,Eva to come out!

  郭德纲微博送祝福 GuoDeGang micro bo send blessings

  “我悄悄告诉爱人,宝宝要出来了,他的反应比我大多了,所以当时周围有不少人都听见了,为了不影响别人继续看演出,爱人和朋友悄悄护着我出去。 ”

"I quietly tell lover,The baby will come out,His reaction much older than me,So at that time around many people have heard,In order not to influence others continue to see the performance,Lover and friend quietly guard me out. "


In MaLouSha seems,Is the GuoDeGang crosstalk let his stomach baby early excitement,Can't wait to see who is your own mother make into this,And the most let her happy is,Have the scene audience will be happened in micro blog released,GuoDeGang after the performance also know someone in his performance the baby things,He in micro blog wrote:According to the micro bo rumours,A pregnant woman in the exits,May peace auspicious!

  “收到祝福特别的开心,尤其是还有那么多网友给宝宝送了祝福! ”马露莎的爱人说,他觉得宝宝实在是太牛了,“一出生就得到那么高的关注! ”而微博上的评论也是相当欢乐,“哇哈哈……笑着出来的!多欢乐啊! ”“话说听老郭相声也是我胎教方式之一啊,未来孩子一定很乐观。 ”“该收那个孩子当徒弟。 ”

"Receive blessings very happy,Especially there are so many net friend give the baby gave blessing! "MaLouSha lover said,He felt that the baby is really that's amazing,"A born get so high attention! "And micro blog comment is also very happy,"Ha ha......Laughing out!Much joy ah! ""Words listen to LaoGuo crosstalk, or xiangsheng, is also my foetus education way ah,The future children must be very optimistic. ""The accept the child when disciple. "

  希望郭德纲给宝宝起名 Hope GuoDeGang name for the baby

  “我觉得自己挺幸运的,这次去看德云社巡演的票是抽奖抽中的,宝宝也在演出的时候发动,我们家跟相声有缘啊! ”电话那头,马露莎的语气很是轻快,虽然才经历过4个小时的艰难生产,不过说起郭德纲的相声还是一身劲。 “我原来还发微博说宝宝一定不要在演出现场出生,没想到啊,真是HOLD不住! ”

"I feel quite lucky,This time to see DeYunShe tour ticket is lucky draw in the smoke,The baby is in a performance engine,Our house with crosstalk, or xiangsheng, is predestined friends the ah! "Telephone the head,MaLouSha tone is very light,Although only experienced four hours of difficult production,But speaking of the crosstalk, or xiangsheng, is a GuoDeGang strength. "I was also FaWei bo said baby must not in the field was born,Didn't expect ah,Not really HOLD! "

  小宝宝是个女娃,长得很漂亮,马露莎说她第一眼见到宝宝时,宝宝就在笑。 “真的是听着相声出来的,爱笑,真喜庆! ”而夫妻俩现在正想着一件事,要是能让郭德纲给宝宝起个名字就更圆满了!(安徽商报 简雅洁)

The baby is a baby girl,Is pretty,MaLouSha said she first met when the baby,Baby laughed at. "Is really listen to the crosstalk out,Love to laugh,True festival! "And both the husband and wife is now thinking about one thing,If can let GuoDeGang to give the baby a name is more satisfactory!(Anhui business newspaper JianYaJie)
