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“怕打针宝宝”家长拒接广告 网友要求结娃娃亲--亲稳网络舆情监控室

“怕打针宝宝”家长拒接广告 网友要求结娃娃亲“陶太太”发到微博上的“怕打针宝宝照片 "Ceramic wife"To the micro bo"Afraid of an injection the baby"photos.“怕打针宝宝”家长拒接广告 网友要求结娃娃亲杭杭一家三口。 HangHang of three.“怕打针宝宝”家长拒接广告 网友要求结娃娃亲粉红的宝宝,安能辨我是雄雌? Pink baby,Ann can cause I am male female?“怕打针宝宝”家长拒接广告 网友要求结娃娃亲杭杭最终被放倒打针了。 HangHang was finally put the injections.


"Strange milo(uncle)away,Go away!Hemp hemp(mother),I do not give or take an injection..."recently,Micro bo net friend @ super ceramic wife in micro bo sun on a friend's home children are afraid of an injection hide in the corner of the picture:Fat doodle little bend the eyebrows,Hand caresses belly,Expression fear,The doctor could stop this photo is not only sprout turned many users,Also has caused the media's attention,Many newspapers are the reports.


But not many people know is,The baby's celebrity,Thanks to nanjing net friend @ super ceramic wife.


南京网友“陶太太”捧红了“怕打针宝宝” Nanjing net friend"Ceramic wife"Boomed the"Afraid of an injection the baby"


和宝宝父母是好朋友 And baby parents are good friends


This month 13,Your baby pictures first appeared in net friend @ super ceramic wife in micro bo.She said:"Our friend's baby,Afraid of an injection,Look at the lovely expression",Micro bo behind and with a HangHang hide in the corner of the show hilum as beasts.By last night,This article micro bo has forward more than 93000 times,Comments also reached more than 12000.This can be busy broken @ super ceramic wife,Everyday want to keep the micro bo and net friend exchange.


"Super ceramic @ Mrs."Tell yangzi evening news reporter,The little baby named HangHang."As early as in 200 when forward many times,I told HangHang's father said,Your son the fire,That now is really the fire."


"Super ceramic @ Mrs."Have a very special name:Golds years,She is in September this year just from liaoning marry to nanjing,In nanjing is engaged in the wedding service performance.


Speaking of HangHang,High woman couldn't help but told reporters:"I and HangHang parents are performing career done,HangHang father is professional host.We sa in liaoning is not without words/Very good friends.So I will have HangHang from birth to now photos."


Talk about HangHang sprout as hot,High lady says it was quite without intention of the lift."My phone is not have a lot of HangHang photos?One day(October 13)I am in the turn,Was he hide in the corner show hilum according to that piece of laugh,Without extra trouble forward to the Internet,I didn't know I would cause the attention of so many people.HangHang now 9 months old,That piece of rely on a wall standing photos,Is about seven months of as.Is HangHang mother sent me!"


被热情网友累着了 Be enthusiastic netizens tired

  高女士告诉扬子晚报记者,现在杭杭是火了,可是她却被“累”着了。一条微博引来9万多网友的转发,每天还要回答众多网友的提问。不过高女士说,回答网友的问题特别有意思,“虽然这么多网友的转发和评论,把我的微博弄得卡得要死,我还是尽量去回复他们的问题。 High lady told yangzi evening news reporter,Now the HangHang is fire,But she was"tired"the.A micro elaborates to more than 90000 users to forward,Every day many users to answer questions.But high woman says,Answer the problem of net friend particularly interesting,"Although so many netizens forwarding and comments,Put my micro bora get card to death,I still try to reply to their problems.尤其是有些要结娃娃亲的,笑得我肚子都疼。 Especially some to "the doll close,I should say, is classic pain.


"High lady also want to through the yangzi evening news tell net friends,Because review questions users much more special,So I can't reply all of the questions one by one,Please net friend understanding.

  扬子晚报记者 谢尧

Yangzi evening news reporter XieYao


扬子晚报连线宝宝爸爸 Yangzi evening news attachment baby father


被医生摆弄着“第一次站起来” 小男孩真的吓坏了 Is the doctor with"First stand up" The little boy really scared


"Afraid of an injection the baby"Detonation red after,The Internet a lot of problems come up:Then little children will walk?He can stand up for yourself?This photo is taken place hype ah?With a variety of problems,yesterday,Yangzi evening news reporter contacted in liaoning have the baby's father.


第一次站了几十秒,吓着了 The first station of the dozens of seconds,scared


"Every month I with his mother took the baby to the community maternity and child health centre,weigh/Quantity height,Hit inoculation,Kind of vaccine what of."HangHang father is the northeast person,A family of three lived happily in liaoning.Dad told reporters,This picture is the baby 7 months,To play inoculation in the camera to shot.


"My home darling so lazy,Let him standing he fell down,Let he sat he lay.""Is it because it is fat?""fat,When the doctor gave him weighing,There are 23 pounds? Baby,General child so much time,Also ShiWuLiuJin."Dad told reporters,The baby special love to eat,Each time one see what delicious,Eyes are wide much,Hands and feet shake to eat.No wonder in this picture,HangHang body face are the meat doodle,And the arm or YiJieJie.


so,Seven months baby can really stood up?Father smiled at the reduction of the specific circumstances


The doctor asked:"Baby will stand?""Won't."Mom and dad had to honest answer.


"Sit??""Also won't."


"That is‘station’For a while."The doctor smiled and said.


"The doctor that day the mood is very good,Just amuse the baby,The baby up and carry on the corner.Never stand baby as if no response to the same,Suddenly stood still,A surprised one afraid of,Eyebrow is curved became‘Twenty eight’,Show a face of innocent expression.I beside looking at fun,Quickly captured down."Dad told reporters,The baby got dozens of seconds,Eventually the nurse aunt"put",Then or by his most familiar posture"lay",Complete the needle.


As for the baby actually afraid give or take an injection,"Now he is not the consciousness?!"


妈妈的微博粉丝1万多人了 Mother's micro Po fans the more than 10000 people


In fact,This photo dad would have sent to the Internet,But no fire,Until the nanjing"Ceramic wife"Out again after,Didn't fire up.And now the fire is not dad,not"Ceramic wife",But the baby's mother"Michelin happy life".


"My name is HangHang,Because my mother conceived me in hangzhou,Hey hey,Someone call I Michelin.Others call me fat,Anyway, what I like."The reporter sees,with"Afraid of an injection the baby"The most closely related micro bo or"Michelin happy life".This has 12655 fans micro bo is HangHang mother open,Peacetime to often record some HangHang life intravenous drip.


"I want to go out,Heart don't know today will go to medical examination.""Mom my socks very smelly.""Mother I on TV.""Uncle aunt,Brother elder sister,Grandpa's grandmother oh grandpa's grandmother don't on micro Po?Anyway, I give you asked,Good morning."Yangzi evening news reporter saw,The micro bo in the HangHang meat doodle stoutish,Small body fat like Michelin tyres,Do all kinds of expressions are quite sprout,Quite lovely,Almost every one from many netizens forward.


爸爸婉拒做广告、上节目 Dad decline advertising/On the show


HangHang dad told reporters,Since HangHang after the fire,oneself"Mobile phone burst,SMS are maxed out!"These telephone,Have a long time not contact old classmate old friend,A call from relatives and friends ask how to return a responsibility,A television show about,A newspaper about the interview,Have any food company about speak of,Also sell books to please the baby and book had a group photo taken advertising.


For commercial behavior,They all declined."We will not pass your baby pictures for commercial purposes,Let people say,How can children to make money?"Dad told reporters,but,There are so many people pay attention to the baby very happy,Through this matter,Also more incentive to take photos for the baby.


"The baby after famous,Yourself know?""Ha ha,Who knows,He saw on TV the newspaper photo of yourself will giggle."

  扬子晚报记者 柳扬

Yangzi evening news reporter LiuYang


有此一说 There is the said


杭杭不是“怕打针”,他说的可能是: HangHang not"Afraid of an injection",He said that may be:


天哪,好可怕,妈妈快来保护我! dear,awful,Mother quickly to protect me!


Scientists have studied thousands of babies,Found in babies before learning to speak,They also do not have enough communication/Ability to smooth transfer information,But they can rely on facial expressions and body language to express some of their thoughts and wishes.so,HangHang this piece of"Afraid of an injection photos",Now that is not really afraid of an injection,He was"said"Is what??


Yangzi evening news reporter searching,Scientists at the HangHang similar"The baby stare big eyes,Outstretched hands suddenly hold a fist",This kind of action of translation is:wow,awful!oh,I will fall down!I feel pain......I'm afraid,I want to escape from this terrible environment!mother,Fast to protect me!And in view of HangHang is the first time was forced to stand,Its language is likely to be:dear,awful,I will fall down,Mother quickly to protect me!


The baby's body language you will"translation"??


Many parents and can't understand well the baby's this kind of special language,Below we will introduce two kinds of common.


The first kind of:The baby wrinkled her nose,His mouth purrs.


Baby's talk:mommy,I bother it!


The second:The baby clear eyes glittering light,Suddenly Angle affect,Smile flash now,meanwhile,Baby hands shaking,A pair of laid-back appearance.


Baby's talk:I'm full,Have drunk,Diaper is also very dry,Feel comfortable,No upset things.In addition to laugh and what can express my mood at the moment?
