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护士为11岁患儿捐献干细胞 称为病人吃亏是福--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室


嘉兴一护士为北京11岁血液病患儿捐献造血干细胞 Jiaxing a nurse for Beijing 11 years old children blood donation hematopoietic stem cells

  出身医生世家的她 Born of her family doctor

  身体力行诠释救死扶伤之道 Physically interpretation way of healing the wounded and rescuing the dying


Yesterday morning,In zhejiang province hospital of traditional Chinese medicine in onset ward,Jiaxing first hospital orthopedic nurse WangYi still will be a write full three page letter,To the Peking University affiliated hospital of medical personnel.


In the past four days,She insists on playing mobilization agent.yesterday,From her body extraction of 155 ml of hematopoietic stem cell suspension,Contributions to the far north affiliated hospital treat a with blood 11 years old boy.


In the send to hematopoietic stem cells at the same time,WangYi still also use way of letter writing sent to the spiritual inspiration,Hope this name unknown little brother can recover soon.


Just see WangYi when wheat,Also did not speak,She smile away.see,The girl was born in 1989,Character very cheerful.In the next deep in the chat,Reporter discovery,WangYi still not only cheerful,Also very caring.


In the interview,She more than once mentioned,One's own contribution is not,Hope that through their own behavior,Can make the society more and more people participate in to join the CDMP data bank to the matches.


WangYi still join CDMP data bank from 2010 the first hospital of jiaxing committee a initiative activity,After receipt of the initiative,She immediately register to attend.August,She received a notice of jiaxing city Red Cross,Says she and Beijing's a regeneration barrier anemia boy with early success,Asked if she is willing to donate,She agreed to a.


"I got their home to the blood,Just know her a month ago because cold caused myocarditis,Just take a month of sick leave,I'm worried about whether her body be able to stand,She says no problem."Jiaxing Red Cross staff NiuGongMei said,Considering the high even with a success,Need medical,If check-up unqualified words,Still can't contributions.but,WangYi still still adhere to give blood,With high.


In September,High match results came out,She and her little boy's blood perfectly.Didn't expect,Notice received physical examination,WangYi wheat and because a cold had a high fever,Put off a week later,She didn't go to medical.May each index passed the examination.


 生病刚恢复,她便捐献造血干细胞 Ill just restore,She was donated hematopoietic stem cells


"My grandpa grandmother and mother are the medical profession,And in the first hospital of jiaxing city,Since I has seen them for patient work day after night scene,Grandpa more than once and I said,For the patient suffer is happiness,You eat some kui,The patient better,For physicians is a good thing."WangYi still said,Home three generations of the working environment,Let her to disease, and the meaning of life feeling special deep,When heard each other only 11 years old boy,Heart is to the child is full of mercy,Although his body backing weak,But I still insist on gifts.


"We also once worried about her body,But we donated principle is not because the save a person but to sacrifice another man's life,So we must through the strict examination,In the last WangYi still passing a medical,Let us also relieved."NiuGongMei said.


For the sake of three generations of specialty,So when WangYi wheat and family to contributions of hematopoietic stem cells,Soon won the support of your family,In addition to the only one who wasn't working father, Mr. Wang,Not agree with her the choice.


"About a month ago,He incident stroke,Fortunately rescued in time,Half a month ago,The hospital,Dad can already speak,Is limbs activities are still not very agile."WangYi still said,When dad after discharge,Put the choice told dad.


In stroke before,WangYi still once granted, and dad about this thing,When Mr. Wang just heard daughter may go to gifts,No seriously.But really want to go to the donation,Mr. Wang although thumbs and couldn't move,Still very worried about it.


"Dad I such a daughter,And when I was weak,He has concern is also normal,But my mother and grandpa and grandma together help me to do his ideological work,He finally agreed."WangYi still said.


祖孙三代都从医,为病人吃亏就是福 Three generations are working,For the patient is a blessing


Because of fears that the daughter,On November 8th,WangYi wheat to provincial hospital of traditional Chinese medicine hospital time,Also doing physical therapy dad insist to hangzhou,When the doctor's mother accompanied together,In taking care of her husband's at the same time,Daughter came to cheer.


In the day before to hangzhou,WangYi still know you are going to play mobilization agent,As a medical staff,For mobilization agent will bring some physical discomfort is also very clear,So she early in the home wrote three page letter,This letter is specially written for far Beijing boy.


"Haven't seen the brother,The first thing you want to thank you for your parents,Experienced the,You must be strong,Health and mental health is the true health.Waiting for you after rehabilitation,You want the whole society to give love pass it on,Do a useful person in society..."WangYi still use emotional tone,In the letter expressed this name unknown little brother's encouragement and hope.

  “这么小的孩子就患上了这么难治的病,他的父母肯定很不容易,我希望自己的捐献能给这个家庭送去欢笑。”王翊澄说,她虽然体弱,但是捐献很顺利,她希望社会上能有更多的人,在看到自己的经历的同时,也能给社会上那些被病魔纠缠的人,送上一份自己力所能及的关爱,能够加入到中华骨髓库中去。(通讯员 于伟 周赟 记者 黄淼君 文/摄)

"Such a small child will develop so intractable disease,His parents must be very not easy,I hope I can contribute to the family sent to laugh."WangYi still said,Though she is weak,But donor very smoothly,She hopes the society to have more people,In view of own experience at the same time,Can also give the society the entanglement of disease,On a what we love,Added to the CDMP data bank.(Reporter YuWei ZhouYun reporter HuangMiao king wen/taken)
